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U.N. refers Saudi teen to Australia for refugee resettlement


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That's great the UN have stepped up but Australia !  Probably one of the worst countries for the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees. Hopefully she can be fast tracked and not spend years being processed. Good luck to her

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55 minutes ago, webfact said:

Saudi Arabia’s charge d’affaires in Bangkok said he wished her phone had been confiscated instead of her passport.

you can only control and abuse women in Saudi, your masculine inadequacies don't work elsewhere so go home away from the civilized world before I vomit

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Saudi Arabian teen refuses to meet her father

By The Nation



File photo : Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun//AFP


The 18-year-old who fled her family in Saudi Arabia is refusing to meet her father, Immigration police chief Pol Lt-General Surachate Hakparn said on Wednesday. 

The father, who flew in on Wednesday and is set to take the evening flight back to Riyadh, was scheduled to meet UN refugee agency (UNHCR) officials to give his side of the story. 


Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun’s problems caught worldwide attention after she fled her family during Kuwait visit and ended up being detained in Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport. She was apparently on her way to Australia, where she intended to seek asylum. 


The young woman is accusing her family of physical and psychological abuse.


It is still unclear why the woman was detained in Bangkok. Earlier reports claimed al-Qunun’s father had asked the Saudi Arabia Embassy in Bangkok to detain her, while another said that she had no ticket to Australia.


She later barricaded herself in the room she was being detained and tweeted asking for help, saying she would be killed if she were deported to Saudi Arabia. She also demanded to meet UNHCR officials. 


Her demands were met, when the authorities handed her over to UNHCR on Monday.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30361920

-- © Copyright The Nation 2019-1-9
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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Excellent. the UN has obviously decided that her story is genuine and that she should definitely be considered a genuine asylum seeker. All we need now is for Australia to accept (which I am sure they will), and her case will have a happy ending.

I feel for those girls and women still in Saudi suffering from their archaic laws and hope the day will come, when they too can find freedom to be human beings.

Unless there are other factors one cannot see why not, taking into consideration some of the trash they've allowed in over the past two deacades.

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Australia to consider taking in Saudi teen who fled family 'abuse'



FILE PHOTO - Saudi teen Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun is greeted by Thai immigration authorities at a hotel inside Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand January 7, 2019. Thailand Immigration Police via REUTERS


SYDNEY/BANGKOK (Reuters) - Australia said on Wednesday it would consider taking in a 18-year-old Saudi woman who fled to Thailand saying she feared her family, which she accused of abuse, would kill her.


Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun arrived in Bangkok on Saturday appealing for asylum. Australia said on Tuesday it would consider resettling her if the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) deemed her a refugee.


"The UNHCR has referred Ms Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun to Australia for consideration for refugee resettlement," Australia's Department of Homeland Security said in an email on Wednesday.


The department said it would consider the referral "in the usual way, as it does with all UNHCR referrals". It declined to comment further.


The UNHCR office in Thailand also declined to comment.


Qunun has refused to meet her father and brother who flew to Bangkok this week, Thai immigration chief Surachate Hakparn said.


"He wanted to make sure that his daughter was safe... he told me that he wanted to take her home," he said, adding that her father denied Qunun's allegation that her family was abusing her physically and emotionally.


Surachate added that Qunan's father would remain in Thailand, under the care of the Saudi Arabian embassy, until it is clear where Qunun will receive asylum.


Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne is due in Bangkok on Thursday for a visit arranged earlier, during which she will discuss the case of Bahrain footballer Hakeem AlAraibi, who has refugee status in Australia but is in jail in Thailand.


Qunun was initially denied entry to Thailand when she arrived on Saturday. She soon started posting messages on Twitter from the transit area of Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport saying she had "escaped Kuwait" and her life would be in danger if forced to return to Saudi Arabia.


Within hours, a campaign sprang up on Twitter, spread by a loose network of activists around the world, prompting the Thai government to reverse a decision to force the young woman onto a plane that would return her to her family.


Qunun's case has drawn global attention to Saudi Arabia's strict social rules, including a requirement that women have the permission of a male "guardian" to travel, which rights groups say can trap women and girls as prisoners of abusive families.


It comes at a time when Riyadh is facing unusually intense scrutiny from its Western allies over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October and over the humanitarian consequences of its war in Yemen.


Thai authorities arrested and charged AlAraibi, a Bahraini footballer who has a refugee status in Australia, late last year.


Bahrain made a request to have him extradited and he is in jail, waiting for a hearing to decide his case.


"AlAraibi was granted permanent residency by the Australian government in recognition of his status as a refugee," Payne said in a statement, saying that she would seek his safe return to Australia.


Rights group Amnesty International said Thai authorities should "show humanity" to AlAraibi the same way they had to Qunun.


"We welcome the leadership shown by the Thai authorities in Rahaf’s case," the group's Middle East director of campaigns, Samah Hadid, said in a statement.


"No person should be deported to a country where they are at risk of serious human rights violations ... the humanity shown to Rahaf must not be a one-off."

-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-1-9
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