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Brits to vote again? Brexit delay creates headache for Europe


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26 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

One wonders if this is not what the UK Gov't wanted all along? May and her cronies are Remainers in charge of an exit. They have done nothing but balls this up from the start.


The previous Gov't under Cameron was so arrogant it did not have a plan for exiting, which has seriously crippled the process. Junker is wetting himself laughing so hard.


A second referendum now would probably be to remain- not because its what people want but because the 'deal' is a complete cop-out and cluster**** which stuffs up the UK.


My big question is -will the Brit ex MEPS and Commissioners still continue to receive their bloated EU pensions- something that has not had much mention in the Press but I would think is extremely likely. Pigs still with their snouts in the EU trough.

Brexiteers are killing the referendum they won.


To use T. May is a remainer is weak. She campaigned very remotely , almost non - existent. Brexiteers  willing cheered and supported the speeches outlining her red lines . Actively engaged in procedure to bypass parliamentary scrutiny .

What did the people vote for ? 

When persons involved with the leave campaigns were queried on the inconsistencies between statements or actions during and after the referendum, the lack of a plan. Their response , it was not up to the campaign to devise a plan , that was the responsibility for the government at the time. The statements made during the referendum were only possibilities not a manifesto of what would happen. Again it would be the responsibility of the government.



The government have thus fulfilled the requirement of the referendum, a leaving date 29th March. It is hypocrisy for people to complain that their expectations  have not materialized when they failed to express them in the first place . 

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34 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Arch Brexiteers couldn’t deliver a plan, let alone a deal.

Hardly surprising as all the MPs want to remain and nobody else gets a say in the process.

I can't see the UK as ever leaving, doesn't matter what I or any other voters want, the MPs all want the UK to stay in (becoming a MEP is their retirement cash cow) but desperately don't want to be seen as personally causing us to stay in.

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26 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The Brexit madness has cost too much already.
The economic damage for the UK and the EU is enormous.
There are many studies that try to quantify the costs, but all of them only light up parts.
Additional cost of action for the 27 EU countries about 60 billion, damage to the 27 EU companies about 70 billion, loss of purchasing power of the euro currency well over 100 billion.
That should also put the EU on the UK bill.

Agree with all but the last sentence...

Had not the EU been so intransigent with Cameron, this Brexit farce could have been avoided.

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27 minutes ago, newatthis said:

And what about the 17,000,000 who will have to live in a forced marriage that they wanted out of? Do they count, at all?

Yes of course they count, but they were not told the truth about what leaving was actually going to mean to them. Now many of them understand and are not happy.Many millions of those who voted to leave have changed thier mind after seeing the carnage going on around them.


I have yet to meet someone who voted to remain change their mind.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Hardly surprising as all the MPs want to remain and nobody else gets a say in the process.

I can't see the UK as ever leaving, doesn't matter what I or any other voters want, the MPs all want the UK to stay in (becoming a MEP is their retirement cash cow) but desperately don't want to be seen as personally causing us to stay in.

Hardly surprising as all the MPs want to remain and nobody else gets a say in the process.’


Unless Rees-Mogg, Davis, Gove and Johnson are not MPs you are talking utter hogwash.


Worse still, you deliberately truncated my post to avoid revealing the blatantly false claim you wish the rest of us to swallow.


You’ll find advice on quoting other people’s post in the forum rules.




1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Of course, Brexit (which you were told was a crock) is a crock because of ‘Remain’.


No, Brexit is and always was a crock.


And to remind you, Rees-Mogg, Davis, Gove and Johnson promised a ‘Plan-B’ as an alternative to the deal Theresa May was making.


Where is this ‘Plan-B’?


Arch Brexiteers couldn’t deliver a plan, let alone a deal.



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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Worse still, you deliberately truncated my post to avoid revealing the blatantly false claim you wish the rest of us to swallow.

pointless nitpicking, if you feel I've deliberately misquoted you, report it to a moderator.

In the meantime, no need to worry about me quoting you again as I'm putting you on ignore.

Edited by BritManToo
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3 hours ago, mickymouse1 said:

Vote again? What for and why?

Those who opposed Brexit can just ask for ignoring the result and carry on as usual.

What a load of clowns representing the big top "toys"

Badly organised during 2016 EU referendum. Too many fake promises, no deals made at that time and the voters need to be educated over 2 years before they can vote properly. These must be the reasons for voting again. 

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4 hours ago, Mitker said:

As a continental European, I deeply regret the Brexit move.

However, after almost 2 years the mess seems now so total that I end up hoping for a clear solution at the scheduled deadline instead of dragging this non-sense any further and risking a kind of forced relationship to be maintained at any cost


Totally agree. The whole shambles has been created and made worse by selfish stupid arrogant British politicians who are trying to fudge the issues rather than really address them and make sure they get what they think is best for themselves. And if they do get an abortion of a 'deal" they'll just lie and say how great they are to achieve it.


The real choices are simple - leave with no deal; revoke Article 50 remain whilst organizing another referendum or General Election now the people can decide on facts rather than lies.


Please understand that the UK is a parliamentary democracy and referendum results are not, and never have been, legally binding on a government, despite what Brexiters and some politicians claim. 

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1 hour ago, newatthis said:

It doesn't worry me, one iota. I don't live there. But what I have read over the last 6+ months on this forum, one thing is clear: the Remainers don't give a rat's arse about the 17,000,000 people who voted to leave. As far as you're concerned, they don't count.

You had a referendum in 2016 and 13,000,000 million were too lazy or couldn't be bothered to vote. Now they are whinging and now they want another referendum. Maybe, if they had voted, things would have been different. But they didn't and it's too bad. Sorry BUT you can't change your past actions and you can't redeem yourself for your past actions. 

Why can't you accept the first one? Collectively, as a nation, why can't you take responsibility for the results of that referendum and fulfil it?


Read about the UK, it's constitution and parliamentary democracy processes.


You'll see that referendums are not part of this process and despite the lies of those who wish to claim otherwise, are not legally binding on a government. Parliament, the buffoon Tories in government and the very left current Labor in opposition led by a Brexiter, copped out by not having a debate and voting on the results of the advisory referendum. It suited their personal agendas and career aspirations. They have betrayed the British people and the British constitution which established a parliamentary democracy for very good and sound reasons. Sadly for centuries and generations those elected were honest and capable and their legacy betrayed by today's chancers.

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4 hours ago, Mitker said:

As a continental European, I deeply regret the Brexit move.

However, after almost 2 years the mess seems now so total that I end up hoping for a clear solution at the scheduled deadline instead of dragging this non-sense any further and risking a kind of forced relationship to be maintained at any cost

The EU Grand Project must be maintained at any cost, just ask people in Greece.

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Lovely photo of Farage & Junkers. Says it all about politics, integrity, morality ...


But of course these people were, by one means or another, voted for by The People to be the people they are.

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On 1/12/2019 at 3:10 AM, Grouse said:

At least there will be plenty of goodwill towards the UK! You know, the war and all that ....????


Remaining is obviously best for the U.K. But I'm now unsure it would be good for the EU. Would N+ be possible without EFTA? I don't want the U.K. to be a burden on them either.


Where can Europe put this deranged relative where we will be taken care of without being a continuous nuisance? Obviously incapable of taking care of ourselves.

that ww2 goodwill is wearing thin now


you are talking variants of Switzerland deal now


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