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Saudi teen who fled family welcomed as 'brave new Canadian' in Toronto


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2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Yeah, I forgot a Reality TV show is possible.  But she should not visit a Saudi Consulate especially the one in Istanbul.  

I think she  should and sit  outside with placards, the wests  gone way waaaaaaaaay  to  soft afraid  to offend anyone even Canada is too  soft, no backbone anymore.

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

So what, if your fleeing for your life (and i believe she is fleeing for her life) your not taking any risks. Canada is a great country nothing wrong with it at all. I too would prefer Australia for the weather.

I've not seen any proof where she was tortured and abused by her family in Saudi or Kuwait.

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3 hours ago, tifino said:


hope the Canadians don't eventually realise that they were simply just more 'convenient' to her, than the Aussies! That she wanted Australia, and Canada was a lesser choice...

Umm... err.... mmmm


i thought that everyone (who could read, at least) knew that she had nominated Australia as her number one pick.... ergo, (unless Canadians can’t read), the Canadians already knew she was originally intending to head for Australia.


But as to a lessor choice... well, as an Aussie, I can understand that sentiment, but to her, perhaps it was simply not a considered option, for whatever reason ( snow and ice perhaps), so it (Canada) could or should be considered as a viable alternative, vs a lessor choice.


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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

Yes, she will need to get a job and for that may need further training/education. And likely have to work part time while studying.

Hopefully one of Canada's universities will offer a scholarship.

IOM is assisting her resttlement so she'll have initial help with housing etc.

I would not assume that she will view working for a living as a burden or disadvantage.

But there will of course be adjustments, physical (climate) and cultural. As there is for any immigrant.

There is a long road ahead of her. Thankfully she will get to walk it, aluve.

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At 18 she can get work pretty easy I would imagine and her spirit is strong, many immigrants have stories of desperate escapes from repressive countries and many of these are very successful in the countries that accepted them. She will do well. 

Sorry this was to be a response to another post clicked the wrong place. 

Edited by Oziex1
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2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Why not? She can even eat bacon and deep fried pigs blood now.



I still believe the arabs and persians to have some of the more tasty foods on this planet, and so far the Irish kitchen is in best case survival food ????


2 hours ago, BestB said:

I do not think world needs another Arab spring , first one did not work out so well, I doubt second one would be any safer or better.

The Arab spring wirked out quite well. All the extremeist fighting everywhere else than in the west, and we are selling more weapons and tech than ever to every country involved. Bonus on a bonus! We even make money on charity we shipp in that direction. 

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3 hours ago, tifino said:


hope the Canadians don't eventually realise that they were simply just more 'convenient' to her, than the Aussies! That she wanted Australia, and Canada was a lesser choice...

Seems Canada was quicker to help in that case even if she already had documentation to travel to Australia.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

... This, combined with the recent state sanctioned murder of Khashoggi, leaves them in a place of near total isolation. ...

Dream on.


1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

... As it stands now, what has Saudi Arabia done for the world lately? ...

When, more than 80 years after the first commercial oil discoveries and continuous production, they STILL have the worlds largest, single, contiguous oil reserves, what do they need to do?


PS. Don't forget to plug your electric car in tonight.

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50 minutes ago, car720 said:

How long do you think it will take Saudi intelligence to locate her?  A quick trip in and out by an asset and she is history.

I think this is a very valid point. I would be more worried about her family coming after her though.

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Where exactly did I defend Canada?

Inference by reference to another post.


2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I never said they would get to her, but clearly their presence added to this girl’s justifiable fears. 

Like this.


Don't sweat it.

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1 hour ago, Lupatria said:

... On the downturn I fear this will worsen the situation of women in Saudi Arabia. 

I was just thinking that myself. I would reckon a whole world of woe has just kicked in for women in KSA regardless of their aspirations.

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The only fear now is that there are masses of muslims in Toronto and Montreal who still hold strong to their muslim beliefs...... In this case they are obligater th KILL somebody who 'quits their religion abd becomes an 'infidel' (in their eyes)..

I have actually read in the news of a couple of honor killings by their own families....

I hope this young girl, as strong as she is, can 'Stay Safe'.......

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