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Gillette tells men to stop being rapists and bullies.


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Gilette has decided that men are basically bad, but, the Metoo movement has recently created some men who are woke and acceptable. But that the rest of us need to change our ways and rid ourselves of our toxic masculinity. What's next. a bounty on testicles?


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Their shave cream sucks, their modern razors dont give you a good shave and their Double Edge Blades are crap.


When I got my Gillette Double Edge back in 1973, shaving was manly! I havent had to buy a Gillette product since then, and if Old Sharpy breaks, Ill just buy one off Ebay.


The world will spin very nicely without Gillette

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11 hours ago, faraday said:

I use the orange BIC razors, at 110 baht - 4 in a cassette ,they are excellent.


Gillette once was " the world's finest blade" but not now. 



Me too, they give a great shave and cheap. I would never have bought a Gillette product, but certainly won't after this ad.

Edited by Henryford
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I am waiting for Gilette to show they are fair with an ad for women behaving badly, and scolding them on their behaviour.

Like acting helpless when they want something and then demanding equal consideration when it suits them. Or denying custody to fathers or using sexuality to get a job and then crying harassment when the job doesn't work out, and so on...

Just need to change the title: We Believe: The Best Women Can Be | Gillette (Short Film)

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Yeah...boooo-hoooo....the company who does me razors, thinks it wouldz be a good idea if some men were less rapy!

Now I will burnz my razor next to my Nike's!


Do you REALLY have no bigger problems, than advertising for something that is actually a good thing...but still...advertising?




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I was always buying their products, this ended with this ad.


I don't need a multicorp telling me to behave. I have always behaved quite well.


Leftists idiots from gender studies degrees can kiss my ass. All the "bad boys" in the add are white, while the "good boys" aren't.


Someone should send the feminists and snowflakes who produce that crap to certain African countries, middle east... or hell even ghettos in the US and Europe.

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How ridiculous. A big corp - no doubt pressured by some hotshot marketing wonks - moralising to the rest of the world. We males have enough guilt-trips foisted upon us without some corporate manker trying to beat us down as well. Stuff em. Gillette is now off my Xmas card list.


PS: If this company wants to show its corporate responsibility, then let it contribute to orphanages or something - then it'll earn some Brownie points.

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