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UK in deadlock over Brexit 'Plan B' as May and Corbyn tussle


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Sovereign parliament is taking back control, as Brexiteers always wanted:




”At the moment, if parliament fails to act, the UK will leave the EU on 29 March. Cooper’s bill says that, if a deal has not been approved by 7 March, the government would be required to seek an extension of the Article 50 deadline. That would mean asking the EU to postpone the UK’s departure until the end of this year – and EU leaders have said they would agree to an extension if it were to hold another referendum. 


(...) Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest of the cohort of Conservative MPs who (...) are happy to vote everything down (...) would then have to choose between the prime minister’s deal and putting off Brexit for at least nine months.”

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On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 1:23 AM, Loiner said:

At the next GE it will be time for UKIP to rise again

Rise again to the magnificent heights of 2 MPs you mean?


One of whom lost his seat in 2015, the other in 2017.

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On 1/18/2019 at 3:48 PM, DPKANKAN said:

Exactly correct! It is the F..kw.t Corbyn's half baked attempt and only chance of power. Forget us UK citizens who's taxes pay for his undeserved salary!!!????????????

    Lets not forget ,  many of the previously known as the uneducated working class , UK citizens 

       are now on zero hour contracts, and pay no tax on their pittance wages .

       UK ,   working class tax payers ,, those were the days. I remember it well.

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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

So why are they so intent on giving it away to the EU? The Remainer MPs will be putting themselves out of work when the EU takes over the running of the UK. Lisbon Treaty 2022

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1 minute ago, Loiner said:

So why are they so intent on giving it away to the EU? The Remainer MPs will be putting themselves out of work when the EU takes over the running of the UK. Lisbon Treaty 2022

Given Parliament now, three hearty cheers for that...

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I still can not understand Corbyn's lunacy in trying to get a general election at this time of year, and then he is not exactly making any headway in the poles either.


There have been several new polls with voting intention figures since the weekend, though all so far have been conducted before the government’s defeat on their Brexit plan.

ComRes/Express (14th-15th) – CON 37%(nc), LAB 39%(nc), LDEM 8%(-1), UKIP 7%(+1)
YouGov/Times (13th-14th)- CON 39%(-2), LAB 34%(-1), LDEM 11%(nc), UKIP 6%(+2)
Kantar (10th-14th) – CON 35%(-3), LAB 38%(nc), LDEM 9%(nc), UKIP 6%(+2)


Any General Elections in the near future will almost certainly result in a hung Parliament, he is acting as if he is in the last chance salon...


Actually he is, looking at the Labour party and it's leaders, ever since Kier Hardie took the helm in 1906 there has been 26 party leaders, well 24 as Harriet Harman was interim leader twice and Ramsey MacDonald was party leader twice and became Labours first PM, of those only 7 became Prime Ministers, excluding Harriet and 3 other interim leaders and the incumbent Leader (JC), there are 12 leaders who nether became PM, and the average time as party leader was 3.3 years, he has been leader now for 3.4 years highly unlikely he will last another 3.4 years...


Edited by Basil B
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On 1/18/2019 at 2:50 AM, Srikcir said:

Which may have presented better clarity for UK's future.

325 British lawmakers said they had confidence in the government, while 306 said they did not.

The vote increased the possibility of a softer exit from the EU - Goldman Sachs


So say Mr Goldman Sachs and Mr Morgan Chase from inner London.

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On 1/18/2019 at 3:10 AM, David in the north said:

Do you honestly think countries will refuse to sell cars & food to the UK?
Corbyn is purely out to cause as much mischief as possible in his futile attempts to have a Marxist government in the UK, regardless of what damage it does to the country or it's people.



And ironically the remoaners are doing all they can to help him.

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On 1/18/2019 at 3:48 AM, tomacht8 said:

For some Brexiteers, leaving the EU is the same as when they have in their local pub

quarreled with the owner. Then they look for a new pub. Easy. That is their entire economic knowledge and business experience.


Can it be that the brexit is a bit more complicated? Considering that in over 40 years, 28 countries have made millions of treaties, laws, agreements, most of which are interconnected and interwoven.


May had agreed an exit plan with the EU and all 27 members had agreed.

I think that now also the EU has no desire for this UK parlament monkey circus anymore.






And the E.u plan is



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On 1/18/2019 at 10:27 AM, bomber said:

i said 2 years ago brexit would result in Corbyn,cheers brexiteers 


 I think you’ve got that the wrong way around.

 If a G.E does take place soon, then yes J.C could well be elected as the P.M. If so, I hope he sends you remoaners,a big thank you. As you’ll deserve it.

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On 1/18/2019 at 1:28 PM, dunroaming said:

Well I have never really considered that question but the obvious choice would be David Miliband.  Doubt he would be tempted to enter the arena though and it is more likely to be Emily Thornberry or Yvette Cooper who would step up along with Liz Kendall.  However given the mess that May has made they may prefer to look for a male leader.  Andy Burnham might be tempted back but as an outsider I would fancy Boris Johnson.


"Oh but he is a Tory" I hear you say.  Well today he is but let's not forget that the day before he fronted the leave campaign he was a passionate remainer.  If anyone can change horses mid race it is him and if he thought for a Nano second that that would get him into number 10 he would probably jump at it.


Well you didn't expect a serious response from me did you? ????

Yvette Coper and Liz Kendal have gone against the expressed wishes of their constituents, as have many Labour M.P’s So don’t automatically assume that they will be elected at any future G.E.

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On 1/18/2019 at 3:48 AM, tomacht8 said:

For some Brexiteers, leaving the EU is the same as when they have in their local pub

quarreled with the owner.

Probably quarreled with local pub because they wont let them come to watch Sky Sport and drink the booze they bought from the supermarket, they just do not understand why they should not.

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23 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 I think you’ve got that the wrong way around.

 If a G.E does take place soon, then yes J.C could well be elected as the P.M. If so, I hope he sends you remoaners,a big thank you. As you’ll deserve it.

i didnt vote,so iam not a remoaner,i would vote to do my best to keepr JC from taking power,but who am i to stop him,the leave baldy brigade will hand him power,wont affect me too much but i fear for the younger poorer people and the poor brits who will start sky diving,i await the fall of the EU as predicted by so many,as that is where i will be regardless,i hope the automotive workers on £13.00 p/h enjoy picking tatties for £8.00 p/h

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2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:
4 hours ago, Loiner said:

So why are they so intent on giving it away to the EU? The Remainer MPs will be putting themselves out of work when the EU takes over the running of the UK. Lisbon Treaty 2022

Too much conspiracy theory blogs read or just an issue of paranoia? 

Yes, the same sort of stinking bull excrement that convinced many to vote Leave. 

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13 hours ago, Loiner said:

So not dissimilar to the bull that Remainers have bought about the end of trade, hell in a hand cart, we can’t do it by ourselves defeatism?
How are you all so gullible and easily convinced?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

there has been bull on both sides,but the balance was 70% bull from the leave camp and 30% remain,how any leave voter who still thinks its in the interest of the nation to give more power to these MPs is beyond me,yes they havent delivered brexit so why trust them with the forth coming recession which is going to be ugly and hurt a LOT of people.

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29 minutes ago, bomber said:

there has been bull on both sides,but the balance was 70% bull from the leave camp and 30% remain,how any leave voter who still thinks its in the interest of the nation to give more power to these MPs is beyond me,yes they havent delivered brexit so why trust them with the forth coming recession which is going to be ugly and hurt a LOT of people.

We got the higher percentages of referendum votes, remain won the bull vote easily.

Edited by nauseus
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3 hours ago, Loiner said:


Yes the current batch on MPs are mostly a thoroughly untrustworthy bunch. But they are our bunch and we can get rid of them every so often. I reckon most of these lot will be out on their <deleted> come the next GE.
If they are allowed to sabotage the referendum result, they will be history anyway. The problem will be in getting rid of the EU Commissioners. It just won’t be possible and we will be stuck with them and the Lisbon Treaty forever.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Lisbon treaty will be a much better option than JCs Caracas/Gaza City treaty.

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