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Double cut! Teachers shear student's lovely long hair AND cut grades of her friend who filmed it


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The actions of so-called “educated adults” in this country. Spend time on completely stupid stuff, instead of teaching the kids something useful.


What a bunch of idiots! No wonder the educational system here sucks big time.

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16 minutes ago, cmsally said:

For a country (and school institution) so obsessed by face , why do they choose to single out and ridicule students in front of all their peers. That is the ultimate in the loss of face. It is pure and utter bullying to keep (students) in fear and in place. If they were really concerned with face as they claim then they would not choose to ridicule their students in a manner such as this.

It is purely an exercise in power and showing the others the extent to which they can exercise it. Until Thais can break out of this scenario, they will never move forward as a country.


NB It provides a stark footnote in contrast to the Saudi girl that just fled her family and country in order to escape from repression.

Making another lose face makes you feel more self important.

Mind you not unlike the vast majority of expats here and home who love trying on direct insults for their own entertainment but can't handle it.

eg I still have a full head of hair even at my advanced age and get the supposed to be funny comment 'get a haircut, you look like an aging hippy'

I usually reply on the lines of 'can you repeat that, I was distracted by your head shining in my eyes'

Quess who gets upset and it isn't me.

Edited by overherebc
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21 minutes ago, cmsally said:

It is pure and utter bullying to keep (students) in fear and in place.

Well, obviously the 'sweet talk' didnt work.




the cutting happened on January 10th and was done according to the school rules


These were published in the school handbook and everyone knew them since orientation day at the start of term.


She said that the girl concerned had been warned many times but had refused to have her hair cut.



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There is almost a tremendous collective fear of individuality here. Almost a belief that the "sameness" creates a Noah's Ark situation.

I don't think its ever been established that a society can exist just on its collective sameness.

Then of course there are the insidious levels of power where everyone should know their place. In my opinion these two things do not make a healthy society.


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When my wife was a girl she and her twin sister used to be hit with a cane on the hand for not dressing properly, every week. They wore flip-flops instead of the correct shoes. 


They couldn't afford shoes. 

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Uniforms and haircuts are trying to take away the rich kid advantage and have all the students look the same so only their academic accomplishments stand out.  It's embarrassing that you would be unaware of this. 

Possibly but my wife was unmoved by it as she’s a product of the system years back and explained its about not having fashion and vanity be the focus and distraction more than wealth. They surely make up for the lost vanity years after they’ve been unleashed from the schools.
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

She confirmed that the student who filmed the incident had had her grade points cut for causing the school to lose face

The teacher caused the school to lose face. Then the school lost face for punishing the girl who filmed it. But hey, TIT.

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1 hour ago, cwong said:

Rules is rules! If youngs cannot abide thAt! We will have a chaotic society! Millennials my ass

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Like all rules in Thailand are so well observed!

Like drunk driving, driving a motorcycle without helmet, not driving your truck down a road against the traffic...and...and...and!

But sure: when an insecure teacher wields the power to cute unruly girl's hair...that's when you observe the law!


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1 minute ago, DM07 said:


Like all rules in Thailand are so well observed!

Like drunk driving, driving a motorcycle without helmet, not driving your truck down a road against the traffic...and...and...and!

But sure: when an insecure teacher wields the power to cute unruly girl's hair...that's when you observe the law!


And laugh at the sad ignorance of the teacher!

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13 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Yeah...I have heard of those mystical beings as well!

From field of work, I speak to sales executives on a daily basis and some of my appointments start with "Please sapeak englit saloly"! and I have said nothing else than "Good morning and thank you for your time. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Mind you: I work in tourism, where "englit" should be generally understood as the chance of working with people from...well...Farangistan, is a common possibility!


I know a girl in Bangkok with a University Degree in English. Cute girl, although we never really manage to talk much, as she can not put together one understandable sentence in English. Google translate is a great invention.

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28 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

The funniest part is the girl filming got her grades lessened... I have never heard of such a thing before, that is the most insane aspect of all of this 

I am sure many Thais would find it logical. After all the school lost "Face" by the filming and sharing... not by acting completely stupid before that.

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3 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

So your village teacher represents all teachers in Thailand? There are good schools, with proper teachers here too.

I was making a point about teacher training in LOS, which is virtually none existent.  

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3 hours ago, DM07 said:

I was brought up in the 80's in Germany!

No school-uniforms anywhere!


Yeah, then with your superiour german education, you are surely able to make a list of countries where kids wear school uniforms and a list where they don't. To make it a bit more complicated: pick year 1985. Hint: Germany is an exception!

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What is wrong with having a rule that says hair longer than a certain length must be tied up in a bun or similar? That was always the rule in the UK armed forces and police etc and worked well there. 


But that would demand logical thinking, not taught in schools or teacher training colleges here!

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2 hours ago, robsamui said:

He told me that he simply couldn't believe that the students he interviewed were so ignorant (his words) of many of the basic processes and had huge gaps in their knowledge-base, and he reckoned that they were at about the same level of education that he would expect from an 18-year-old, fresh out of school, and just beginning a first-level degree course in Europe..

The same would have happened more or less everywhere outside of a few countries in Europe. Sure, some elite universities in the US would have high educated PhDs ... probably some in Australia, too. However the world copied more or less the failing US education system. Even Germany downgraded the university education from Diploma and Vordiplom to Master and Bachelor. The stupid idea was that a German Bachelor now is comparable in time and effort and grade with an american one.

I don't know which universities in Germany still have old school or mixed graduations ...


However this all pretty simple to tackle. If people go to a "grading school" and are there "X years" then why do you expect them to have an education on par with your own when you took nearly 2*X years to achieve the same "title"?

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3 minutes ago, Enki said:

Yeah, then with your superiour german education, you are surely able to make a list of countries where kids wear school uniforms and a list where they don't. To make it a bit more complicated: pick year 1985. Hint: Germany is an exception!

I grew up in Germany a little earlier. I would have hated having to wear a school uniform. Now many decades later, as parent, I do see the virtue. 

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