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Having met or married the Thai girl of your dreams, perhaps rescued her from the bar and provided her with life's luxuaries and covinced her to give up the flesh trade. How many of you are cheating on her?  

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The question is, what is the motive for concealing the truth?

If it is to protect the partner and oneself, I think it is perfectly alright.

But their might be other reasons, too, as Guesthouse suggested, don't kid yourself, denial might create psychological disturbances, no reason to feel guilty about where one met each other.

It is up to the couple to decide how open to be and to whom.


I am quite baffled by the fact that some people seem not to understand why people are in denial! Is it really THAT difficult to understand? Do we have to start explaining why people have to eat(because they are hungry) or drink(because they are thirsty) then?

Furthermore, why the xxxx do people bother where other couples met? Is this called nosy?

Anyway, back to topic!


Although all has been said, and yes the majority are in denial, have to add to Davethailand, although another pointless answer way off thread, as usual.

He states that the people answering to the Post need to get out more, laugh. This is a sad person that is on here everyday with little contribution to the Post. He always goes off the thread and insults the majority that do answer. When he is not on this Forum he must have a customer in his silly Bar.

Internet Bar Internet Bar Internet Bar, get a life. :o

who's abusing who chaaman?

when i have i abused you recently?

my post was regarding stupid people sending me pm's, why bother, i'm not losing sleep over it.

i don't scan the forum giving childish answers to the topics just because i was banned.

we are not the moderators, if they feel i should be banned then a daresay they will ban me.

davethailand, replying from his silly house as his silly bar does'nt open until 930pm.



back to topic.

i voted for never been unfaithful, because it's the truth.

i've been in pattaya for nearly 3 years and i've been with my wife for over 2 years and married for 6 months.

it's on a plate here 24hrs a day and i think thats why i'm not interested believe it or not.

i'm happy as it is i don't want to risk spoiling it.


it's on a plate here 24hrs a day and i think thats why i'm not interested believe it or not

Another Thai dish I have not tried yet.

Next time I am down your way I will give it a go, is it seasonal or a year round job?

I am quite baffled by the fact that some people seem not to understand why people are in denial! Is it really THAT difficult to understand? Do we have to start explaining why people have to eat(because they are hungry) or drink(because they are thirsty) then?

Furthermore, why the xxxx do people bother where other couples met? Is this called nosy?

Anyway, back to topic!

Sorry, I don't get it. Who are you responding to? People are in denial of what?


I dont think it's denial, Who wants to tell everyone that you met your wife in a bar

and she would F anyone for money ..before. I think it's common sense. What they dont know wont hurt you.


the question regarding one's wife and previous bar girl activity is rhetorical, surely...it is only for the falang and his wife to know and unlikely that either would broadcast the information.

I love it when dumbshits that you meet working somewhere leer and ask 'where did you meet yer thai wife, then (wink, wink)...' and then ponder when you say 'in church...there was a thai church across from the hotel where I was staying and she was in the buddhist choir...voice like an angel...'

chamman...try and get it through yer thick skull that a lot of us that married bgs don't care what they used to do for a living...what matters is that the union has been successful, ie. mutually beneficial


Simbo has hit the nail on the head.......

Its absolutley true what he says about most farangs in UK and Thailand who have married Thai girls have infact married bar girls, or lets just call them what they are 'hookers', infact a very good friend of mine worked for the British Embassy in bkk for 3 yrs, and told me everything. He told me that infact about 85% of all Thai girls that have married British men are infact hookers, or ex-hookers, hence the reason the Embassys are reluctant to give them visa's.

So all of these people here who are shouting that they have married straight girls infact have most probably married bar girls, and don't want there ego dented by admitting they have married a hooker. Also these people who boast of their wive's 'university degree, ex graduate' status. Well there are 1000's of university students in Thailand who get buy on their degree courses by 'free-lancing'. Free lancers are hookers too you know, just many people don't seem to realise that fact. My friend at the embassy also told me that the British Embassy and other Embassys regulary monitor this and other ex=pat web boards!!!


re: US and UK embassy file and the file reference therein: 'tutsiwarrior - dangerous American renegade and whoremonger'

recent activities; 'Taxicab driver in Afghanistan'

known associates; 'Mr Natural, also known as Fred in R Crumb comix'

Simbo has hit the nail on the head.......

Its absolutley true what he says about most farangs in UK and Thailand who have married Thai girls have infact married bar girls, or lets just call them what they are 'hookers', infact a very good friend of mine worked for the British Embassy in bkk for 3 yrs, and told me everything. He told me that infact about 85% of all Thai girls that have married British men are infact hookers, or ex-hookers, hence the reason the Embassys are reluctant to give them visa's.

So all of these people here who are shouting that they have married straight girls infact have most probably married bar girls, and don't want there ego dented by admitting they have married a hooker. Also these people who boast of their wive's 'university degree, ex graduate' status. Well there are 1000's of university students in Thailand who get buy on their degree courses by 'free-lancing'. Free lancers are hookers too you know, just many people don't seem to realise that fact. My friend at the embassy also told me that the British Embassy and other Embassys regulary monitor this and other ex=pat web boards!!!

What gives your friend in the embassy the qualifications to determine what someone does or did for a living. that is complete bo**ocks, maybe 85% were bg's but who are they to decide.

it makes me feel sick to know that the rude workers in the embassy that turn their noses up and speak badly to people that apply are from england, like myself. :o


They are doing it for your benefit.......

I asked my friend this at the time, and he said its for their benefit (the British guys benefit, not the girls) that they refuse visas for these girls, also the fact that most of them lie on their visa application forms, as they don't realise the Embassy have the powers to check any records they like. Also quite a few of these girls (hookers) have criminal records in Thailand, so are definatley not the type of people we want going to the UK. As my friend put it, most the hookers/ex-hookers or bar girls or freelancers in your eyes!!! Once most of them have obtained their British citizenship and passport, they just dissapear from their husbands, and bring their family members and in many cases their Thai husbands over. Also many of these girls run away from their husbands within a couple of months of arriving in the UK, but this tends to happen in the relationships where there is a 30 yr plus age gap between the two, and 9 times out of 10 the girl is found living with another guy. The embassy staff do a very hard job, that is largely unappreciated. And nearly every other applicant is a 'hooker', which really makes for an infuriating day. By the way hookers (bg's, freelancers, part time bg's, go-go girls) are not allowed Visas to go to the UK, and lying on the application nearly always gets found out, according to my friend.


:D WOW....i guess you're friend and his co'workers got some kind of telephatic abilities. Or do these girls come in the embassy and offer their services?, or does the go-go bars and the beer bars keep records of their hookers, sending it to the embassy.

It's a long time since i've heard so much crap come from the same guy.

Ofcourse, in a good country as england, where criminals don't exist, we have to refuse those trashy hores entrance, right?

Get a grip on you'rself man....spot a lie when you hear it....or do you just making this up to make a discussion, hehe....

Anyway, dont take you're gf to the u.k. embassy....they are telephatic, and will recognise a hooker before you get you're foot inside the door..... :o:D:D


It does appear that some rather unusual attributes are required to work at the British embassy, but telepathy isn't one of them, but perhaps what some 'radical elements' would call 'racist prejudice'. :o


mrhelper are you related to erco?

You do talk rubbish an aquaitance of mine got a 3 month visa for his gf last year,

he 60 she 25, so much for your age theory.


:o The Viking and Davethailand seem to be walking around with their heads in the sand like ostriches. Do they think the British embassy workers are stupid? They have been dealing with these people for a long long time and know all the scams. I know many men who fall for these girls and are totally blinded by love. one can see the end result before it takes off, a broken heart and an empty pocket. OK some do work, but would you put your money on a horse 80-1 against

This is another case of denial. None so blind as those who won't see.

:o The Viking and Davethailand seem to be walking around with their heads in the sand like ostriches. Do they think the British embassy workers are stupid? They have been dealing with these people for a long long time and know all the scams. I know many men who fall for these girls and are totally blinded by love. one can see the end result before it takes off, a broken heart and an empty pocket. OK some do work, but would you put your money on a horse 80-1 against

This is another case of denial. None so blind as those who won't see.

another expert i see.

i stated that maybe 85% were bg's, but what gives the people behind the counter the right to label them.

the first time i took my wife to the embassy i wanted a quick visa as i was travelling home the next week, when i was given an interview in 3 weeks i apologised and withdrew the application, the counter staff seemed very rude and impolite.

why? she had her business papers for her salon, her lease, details of her staff and her salon school training stuff.

i got very angry and told the staff how unproffessional they were.

the next time the embassy gave us the visa, no interview or nothing but there was still a funny atmosphere.

again why?

not all applications are scams.


Yes quite agree the Embassy have an expert eye and can tell the Hookers, as can most expats.

The age does come into it, do you think a pretty 20yr something wants a 60 year old git mauling her or even to be seen with her in public. Do you really think given the choice that an attractive Thai Girl wants a fat git for husband, its money wake up. They want a Thai guy the same age but will settle for something else provided they have the money.

Back to the lies a BG will come out with all sorts of answers, the worst a Cashier or Waitress (How many do you know) the best a hairdresser, this is usually for the 28yr old upwards as getting a bit old in the tooth for a BG so they get a stupid farrang to pay for a 6 week hairdressing course and they are then a fully qualified hairdresser (3/4 yrs in the UK).

Keep them out of the UK, there are too many Thai hookers now, lets have another variety.

Yes quite agree the Embassy have an expert eye and can tell the Hookers, as can most expats.

The age does come into it, do you think a pretty 20yr something wants a 60 year old git mauling her or even to be seen with her in public.  Do you really think given the choice that an attractive Thai Girl wants a fat git for husband, its money wake up.  They want a Thai guy the same age but will settle for something else provided they have the money.

Back to the lies a BG will come out with all sorts of answers, the worst a Cashier or Waitress (How many do you know) the best a hairdresser, this is usually for the 28yr old upwards as getting a bit old in the tooth for a BG so they get a stupid farrang to pay for a 6 week hairdressing course and they are then a fully qualified hairdresser (3/4 yrs in the UK).

Keep them out of the UK, there are too many Thai hookers now, lets have another variety.

i would agree with what you have stated chaaman, but i have the notion that you're trying to have a dig at me again :o

don't waste your time mate.


"this is usually for the 28yr old upwards as getting a bit old in the tooth for a BG so they get a stupid farrang to pay for a 6 week hairdressing course and they are then a fully qualified hairdresser"

How could you know??? Just happened to a friend of mine, except she is 29!!! :o

Keep them out of the UK, there are too many Thai hookers now, lets have another variety.

Be careful for what you wish for you just might get it.

When I worked in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe the prositutes there had stainless steel teeth and were bigger than me (and no I didn't).

There again theres no accounting for taste.

By the way hookers (bg's, freelancers, part time bg's, go-go girls) are not allowed Visas to go to the UK

I was about to call this statement a malicious lie, when I realised that it might just be true. The way it might be true is if the term 'hooker' here refers to current occupation, rather than most recent occupation. That would be consistent with what the UK Immigration Advisory Service were saying about five years ago:

1. Girlfriends don't get visas. (We know that's not true, but I believe most are indeed refused.)

2. Prostitutes may enter Britain as wives or fiancées if they have come off the game.

3. If they are still working as prostitutes, they can't come.

3. If they are still working as prostitutes, they can't come.

:o and who is walking into the embassy and tell them that they are working as a whore???

Is it ONLY 60 years old guy's with 20 years old gf's in the u.k. embassy??? :D

What if a 25 years old guy is coming with his gf?

They still see that she is working as a whore? Telephatic.... :D

:o and who is walking into the embassy and tell them that they are working as a whore???

Is it ONLY 60 years old guy's with 20 years old gf's in the u.k. embassy??? :D

What if a 25 years old guy is coming with his gf?

They still see that she is working as a whore?    Telephatic.... :D

I've been to the British embassy. So, this's what I saw.

Many of the girls didn't dress properly. It's like they were wearing the same outfit from last night. So, no need to say a word. The embassy staff knows. They deal with all kind of people daily. They just know.

Hehe.. and no, there are younger guys with their girlfriends too. Not only fat bald Dorset types. :D

So, it's not like the Embassy staff tars everyone with the same brush. It also depends on how the girl dresses and acts too. Like I always told a friend that his girlfriend has to wear appropriate outfit when she goes to the Embassy.

Just saw a posting somewhere a few days ago, a member said, if the girl is immature enough not to dress nicely, the application deserves to be turned down. :D

:o The Viking and Davethailand seem to be walking around with their heads in the sand like ostriches. Do they think the British embassy workers are stupid? They have been dealing with these people for a long long time and know all the scams. I know many men who fall for these girls and are totally blinded by love. one can see the end result before it takes off, a broken heart and an empty pocket. OK some do work, but would you put your money on a horse 80-1 against

This is another case of denial. None so blind as those who won't see.

May I ask, in the UK, when people want to get married, does the government go into checking if the man is too old for the girl to truly love him, or is some one marrying just for money, is this marriage going to last.......etc. and stop them from getting married if they didn't like it.

Does this happen?

ps Can a man marry a hooker in the UK?



Ok- conservative dress is required at any embassy if you want to be taken seriously. I explained things to my gf in this way...would u dress like you are going out to a disco when you are going to temple? She understood same same. :o


:o sigh...... :D

ok, so ....if you guy's are dumb enough to take you're gf's dressing up in short skirts and top's from playboy....hehe....well, they dont get the visa....

huh...wake up.....if you want you're beloved to get into you're country it cant be so hard to get her there...just get a nice show up at the embassy, and a ''true'' story about her time as a housewife.

Wish all you bar girl gf's good luck. :D

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