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Trump proposes wall-for-DACA in bid to end U.S. government shutdown


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1 minute ago, HuskerDo said:

Ok Chomper then spent your money on the legal fees they should be spending to enter the country legally. Then, when they get here you can invite them to live at your house and pay for their food and healthcare NOT the US Govt!

Look at the message he sends and then accuses others of hatred... cold devoid of humanity...

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

You don’t need to appease me Cryingdick.


You’ve proudly displayed your bitter and twisted lack of humanity.


I’ve called you out on it.


You regard acts of human compassion a crime. 


It’s not not me you need to appease.


Obstruction of justice is a federal crime.  I don't write the laws.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You keep repeating this.



Where is your evidence that the Republicans, who held the majority, needed an extra 60 Democrat votes?


In 2017 Republicans passed their $Trillion+ tax give away to the already wealthy with a 227–205 vote.


Not a single Democrat voted for the bill, while 13 Republicans voted against it.


So Trump gave away over a $Trillion with no Democrat votes and 13 Republicans voting against.


Time for you to back up your repeated claim.



Well Chomper I'd say it's time for you to introduce yourself to how the govt works. There is a House and a Senate. I'll leave you to continue your research with that simple thought.

Edited by HuskerDo
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On 1/20/2019 at 6:22 AM, Cryingdick said:

Pelosi must be making the DACA crowd somewhat nervous now. It's really too bad she is holding them hostage over the wall...

Pelosi said two days back, this was a no go so have no clue where you get that. Heh, Is that what Fox & Friends are using as their talking points? :biggrin:


New week, new talking points. Rams are in.

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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

How is leaving food and water ‘obstruction of justice’?


It might not be obstruction of justice but rather aiding those trying to cross the border illegally. Now, in all honesty, if I lived on the border and I saw any human suffering from thirst, hunger or anything else I'd try to help them. It's the human and right thing to do BUT these folks need to understand they can come to the US legally. I just don't think a lot of them know the process. I think if the US spent a tiny bit of the money Trump was asking for to educate the folks wanting to come to the US there would be less hardship.

Edited by HuskerDo
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You nailed it Kelsall. It's all about hate. Why don't the 80 and 90 year old politicians in the US find something better to do than try to hold on to power until their last breath? Thailand is cracking down on people staying in the country illegally. Why is it Trump is chastised for trying to clean up the US? Can anyone tell me what the issue is with ANY country trying to flush out all the folks that don't belong there? I see it as a huge plus for the country as a whole. Everyone should want that for whatever country they live in.
Now, I will say that Trump doesn't have the best approach at times but he's learning. He hasn't been in politics before unlike Congress and especially the Senate who have held onto their jobs there for far too long. Sometimes he says things via Twitter he shouldn't BUT he's trying to do a good job as president rather than the previous series of idiots that were just there for political and personal reasons and made the US worse-off for it.
Trump is learning? Why would he need to learn anything when he has declared himself an expert on everything?

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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7 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

It might not be obstruction of justice but rather aiding those trying to cross the border illegally. Now, in all honesty, if I lived on the border and I saw any human suffering from thirst, hunger or anything else I'd try to help them. It's the human and right thing to do BUT these folks need to understand they can come to the US legally. I just don't think a lot of them know the process. I think if the US spent a tiny bit of the money Trump was asking for to educate the folks wanting to come to the US there would be less hardship.

Thank you for demonstrating that while we might disagree on politics/policy we do agree on the basics of humanity.


Others need to think about that.

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36 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

It's not hatred Chomper, it's the law. If you aid people trying to enter the country illegally then you are at fault as well. Simple as that. 


If anyone is in danger of dying of hunger or thirst they put themselves in that position to begin with by trying to enter the country illegally.


What I find odd is that when you see all those caravans of people on TV who "supposedly" were marching across the desert for weeks with little food or water yet they certainly look in good shape and ALL THEIR CLOTHES ARE SPOTLESS. Go figure. ???? 

What law would that be?

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Ya know folks.... if you think about it, all the differences that are being posted are the exact reason Trump and the Congress can't make a deal. We and they are all cemented in our thoughts/desires/considerations/beliefs. If a simple msg board can't agree you'll see how hard it would be with the politicians whose egos and person vendettas are far beyond anything this msg board can conger up.


Everyone have a great day and remember we are all different and have a different way of thinking. Some think alike but many disagree with those thoughts. We are all right in our own minds about topics but it's only thru compromise that things are solved. Take care all!!   

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18 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

And of course what makes your criticism utterly absurd is that this is the World News Forum hosted by Thaivisa.com a website expressly designed for the expat community to ventilate their opinions. Despite which, I don't think non-expats should be excluded from the discussions.


Nobody said anyone should be excluded from discussions. You should take yourself down from that cross, you arent a victim. 

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6 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Nobody said anyone should be excluded from discussions. You should take yourself down from that cross, you arent a victim. 

So do you think it's hypocritical of expats to be criticizing elected American officials while living in Thailand?

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11 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Democrat votes. Did you really not know that 60 votes are needed and we only had a simple majority?


It's like you guys simply parrot Pelosi without ever checking anything. 

Um, so let me understand the logic of this.


Your only put up a vote when your position weakens? Really, is there someone who can't count on Donald's team?

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22 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

These Trump minions who worship Trump and all that he's about should look a little bit into the history of Trump the businessman.  The guy was truly a scoundrel.  But back then, it was only people who did business with him that got shafted.  Now, it's the US government and its citizens, not to mention the rest of the world. 


[He also reverted to lifelong patterns in business. People who worked with him during those years say they see multiple parallels between Mr. Trump the businessman and Mr. Trump the steward of the country’s longest government shutdown.

His lack of public empathy for unpaid federal workers echoes his treatment of some construction workers, contractors and lawyers whom he refused to pay for their work on his real estate projects. The plight of the farmers and small-business owners wilting without the financial support pledged by his administration harks back to the multiple lenders and investors who financed Mr. Trump’s business ventures only to come up shortchanged.]





That was my thought. He basically was good at not paying people when he was in the private sector. Now her is doing it to people who work for him in the public sector. He really doesn't give a toss.

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1 hour ago, samran said:

That was my thought. He basically was good at not paying people when he was in the private sector. Now her is doing it to people who work for him in the public sector. He really doesn't give a toss.

He paid many thousands of folks a very good wage. Sure there are folks that complain they weren't compensated well enough but that happens in nearly all companies. At least he HAD a business and the accompanying knowledge how to run it and a country. How many Presidents in the past 50 years ran a viable business before they became president? All they knew was politics. Bash Trump all you want but he's running the country like a business and trying to drain the swamp.


Trump isn't keeping the govt closed rather he's trying to open it. Pelosi is now against a wall when she was for it a few years ago only because of her hatred of Trump. Not good leadership.

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