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Corruption in Thailand likened to a disease: And it needs to be cured!


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It was claimed in Thai TV recently from one of the USA TV on a program about the distribution of wealth in Thailand where it was claimed that of the 70,000,000 Thai people 1% of the population owned 2/3rd of all the wealth in the country.  The other 69,300,000 owned 1/3rd of the wealth.  Nobody has yet said "That's not true" How can that be in any civilized country.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

You really believe this, your funny. There has been no real reduction of corruption. Even Yingluck her rice program ended with 33 billion baht in fake G2G trades. This was proven in court.


So please live on with the believe that the Shins were less corrupt and were ending the corruption. Meanwhile the realist will see that the Shins were as corrupt as any of them junta included. 

The "Shins" were too corrupt so Thailand had to have a coup.....and the result after 5 years????

Much much higher levels of corruption enabled by much much lower levels of oversight.

Only an absolute numpty could possibly believe the coup was because "Shin" corruption was out of hand.

The elected governments were an existential threat to the embedded elite corruption.

This is the only reason the last two coups occurred.

To repeat, the coups occurred so that the corrupt elites could continue being corrupt at the levels of corruptness they had always operated at.

Again and again your naivety shines through.

The "Shins" weren't ending corruption, the process of democracy was.

The current Junta's aim isn't to rid Thailand of the "Shins", it is to rid Thailand of democracy so that the elite can continue to line their pockets at the expense of the masses.


Junta supporters (fanboys) clearly have no idea what real corruption looks like as they've been to busy fantasizing about ridiculous junta propaganda, falsehoods and exaggerations because it aligns with their dubious morals and values.


What does real Thai corruption look like?

See below.




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19 hours ago, pornprong said:

The National Anti-Corruption Commission has likened corruption in Thailand to a disease. 




The National Anti-Corruption Commission did nothing about Prawit's watches. 




The National Anti-Corruption Commission is corrupt. 

I once went to an anti corruption meeting at the best hotel in khon Kaen.

The first time I had ever seen a jaguar, or range rover in the car park and first Rolls Royce I've ever seen in the city.

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Fine words ....but !

In practive we will see campaigns and slogans , the odd piece of low hanging fruit plucked and plenty of self serving announcements.

However in the cases of large scale corruption , involving important and influential figures , absolutely nothing will change.

Even when caught with their fingerds in the till , excuses will be made , misunderstandings explained , the only people prosecuted the accusers.

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2 minutes ago, pornprong said:

The "Shins" were too corrupt so Thailand had to have a coup.....and the result after 5 years????

Correct, they were very detrimental to the country with their nepotism, cronyism and abuse of power. Not to mention extra judicial killings, etc.


The result of the coup is much less corruption, especially in the police force and government. 

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6 minutes ago, David Walden said:

It was claimed in Thai TV recently from one of the USA TV on a program about the distribution of wealth in Thailand where it was claimed that of the 70,000,000 Thai people 1% of the population owned 2/3rd of all the wealth in the country.  The other 69,300,000 owned 1/3rd of the wealth.  Nobody has yet said "That's not true" How can that be in any civilised country?

With a little help from the Generals.

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2 minutes ago, pornprong said:

The "Shins" were too corrupt so Thailand had to have a coup.....and the result after 5 years????

Much much higher levels of corruption enabled by much much lower levels of oversight.

Only an absolute numpty could possibly believe the coup was because "Shin" corruption was out of hand.

The elected governments were an existential threat to the embedded elite corruption.

This is the only reason the last two coups occurred.

To repeat, the coups occurred so that the corrupt elites could continue being corrupt at the levels of corruptness they had always operated at.

Again and again your naivety shines through.

The "Shins" weren't ending corruption, the process of democracy was.

The current Junta's aim isn't to rid Thailand of the "Shins", it is to rid Thailand of democracy so that the elite can continue to line their pockets at the expense of the masses.


Junta supporters (fanboys) clearly have no idea what real corruption looks like as they've been to busy fantasizing about ridiculous junta propaganda, falsehoods and exaggerations because it aligns with their dubious morals and values.


What does real Thai corruption look like?

See below.




Where did i say the coup was to eliminate corruption. 


I only stated that the Shins were as corrupt as the army and all others who previously were in government and unless you come with data the say otherwise your talking out of your .... 


Democracy in Thailand has not ended corruption nothing has. Maybe if the people start voting for non corrupt politicians (when they ever appear) things might change. For now its just means other people stealing from the Thais.


So please prove one was less corrupt then the other (I can't so you certainly can't either). So for me they are all corrupt and none of them ever did anything to really end it.


I hope for the day you open your eyes and see that your hero's are as bad as any of them.


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I realise this may disappoint a few on here but for all its faults thailand is way ahead of the 'darling destinations' of the expat wantaways like cambodia, myanmar and vietnam, even mexico. 

Corruption is rife worldwide . Look at usa. The president and his family are raking it in and no one is moving a finger.

Easy ( even desirable ) for many in the expat community to gleefully point their finger at thai society and institutions but fact remains           ( corruption ) wherever they turn it is likely worse than what they experience ( or want to believe they are experiencing )


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1 hour ago, the guest said:

I can't think of any country that doesn't have corruption, so why focus on Thailand all the time?

Leaving aside the fact that not every country has corruption ingrained in its society from top to bottom. Are you aware that this is a Thai centric forum , when you read a cook book are you incensed that it is stuffed full of recipies ?

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3 minutes ago, PerkinsCuthbert said:

When you have a cultural system whereby payment has to be made for a lucrative government job, and the outlay is recouped and profit then made through the perpetration of similar corruption, it becomes very difficult to remove the cancer, short of wholesale, major surgery that may well kill the body politic in the process.

Much the same is happening in Australia and many Western Countries only bigger.  There is no such thing as a free lunch.  Australia has sold much of its government-owned utilities and received hansom upfront payments to be able to show what a great job they have they have done in balancing the budget and then get re-elected for another 1 or 2 more terms. Then it catches up with them, Yes selling off the family silver to balance the budget is great.  Of course afterward, these so-called loverly buyers have had to double the price of the commodities to get their investment back to pay a bigger dividend in the future.  Yes, and people think it was all just magic.  

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1 minute ago, Boombum said:

Only difference between Thai and U.K. is THAI is “”Overt” & Uk is” Covert” and for the MPs (Masonic Peadophilic Phsychopaths) in power. 

Nonsense , pay some attention to scale and stop the silly excuses.

Every year the corruption indexes show the relative degrees of corruption amongst nations , the UK and Thailand are not in the same league.

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Corruption starts at the bottom of the ladder & grows in proportion as you go up.

Often as we know you don't earn promotion here you buy it, so to buy you must accumulate money.

To say the only way to stop corruption is to report it is to say lets stop the very way we live !!!!

But the way Thailand lives is to buy your way up the ladder which leads to more riches, status & power.

Nothing is going to change here ever, because the richest of the rich are the most corrupt !!!

Every country has corruption but usually only a certain level is tolerated, here it's unchecked !


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20 hours ago, Mavideol said:

the neighboring countries are coming because they have the same problem and know that way of life, corruption is a well known disease in Asia (I know there are other countries as well)

In Asean except maybe Singapore , it is known as incentive tax. Lubricating the wheels of governance... woe betide anyone who go against the grain. If you are non compliant, you would never know who sabotaged you when problem comes calling. 

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15 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Nonsense , pay some attention to scale and stop the silly excuses.

Every year the corruption indexes show the relative degrees of corruption amongst nations , the UK and Thailand are not in the same league.

Maybe wrong indicators were used? Statistics are BS. Moulded to show whatever they want to impress.. 

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41 minutes ago, David Walden said:

It was claimed in Thai TV recently from one of the USA TV on a program about the distribution of wealth in Thailand where it was claimed that of the 70,000,000 Thai people 1% of the population owned 2/3rd of all the wealth in the country.  The other 69,300,000 owned 1/3rd of the wealth.  Nobody has yet said "That's not true" How can that be in any civilized country.

Ain’t that similar to the renowned capitalist America ? 

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48 minutes ago, David Walden said:

It was claimed in Thai TV recently from one of the USA TV on a program about the distribution of wealth in Thailand where it was claimed that of the 70,000,000 Thai people 1% of the population owned 2/3rd of all the wealth in the country.  The other 69,300,000 owned 1/3rd of the wealth.  Nobody has yet said "That's not true" How can that be in any civilized country.

Exactly the same in the western civilized countries.  Don't You read an and see the world press ?!?

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7 hours ago, pattayadgw said:


Get rid of "inactive posts" for those caught wrongdoing and prosecute / fine and/or put in jail

Get rid of ludicrous multi billion dollar projects and instead increase all public servants pay scales ie: teachers, police +++.

Once the pays have been increased to a reasonable level inform all public servants that if caught taking bribes or being involved in any form of corruption or illegal activity they will not only lose their jobs / pensions etc. but will be sent to the "big house" for an extended holiday 

This is the main point the Only way to stop corruption is have a proper wage you can live on.Liken to the West.

As mentioned above if you Do get a good wage and are still corrupt then you,re fired and going to court next week/month.

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You get an unelected Junta general who took power from an elected government and the new self elected PM promising to stamp out corruption and what happens? Corruption continues as usual.


If only once, Prayut decided to show a stand over the watch Prawit scandal, maybe and only maybe, the Thai people may have seen that action rather than only words are changing for the better.. But no, after 4 years, what has changed?? Absolutely nothing.. Corruption is as rampant as always.. But Prayut has full protection under his self administered section 44 against any future prosecution for any crime.. Why is he immune when previous PMs were always under scrutiny for the slightest indiscretion or controversy? 


And how much does PM Prayut or Prawit earn from the government purse? Any Western leader, be it Trump, May, Merkel, PMs from Australia, Canada, France etc annual earnings are all on public record and accessed on Google.. Except if they like it hidden from public prying.. Anyone's guess how many millions they make, not earn, per year.. 

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4 hours ago, longklong said:

 One of my friend's little dog was killed by his neighbour's big hound. He filed both a civil and criminal case. Had to attend court four times but his neighbour didn't appear even once. Every time his lawyer said that his client was travelling abroad. My friend could see each time that his neighbour was at home! He complained to the judge who said: "How do I know who is telling the truth." My friend wanted to say that it could be easily verified by asking for the fellow's passport and checking if there was any exit stamp. But when he saw the lawyer grinning broadly, my friend wisely decided to drop the case! 

There would noyt be any exit (or entry) stamps if he was a Thai national. There might be entry and exit stamps from some foreign counties ...

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19 hours ago, OneZero said:

Exactly....Patronage.  Patronage is at the heart & soul of Thai culture and the social political structure.  The powers that be are in no hurry to change. 

You have it in a nut shell. The powers that be on all sides feast on it. So the average citizen accepts it as the norm so it is never going to change. And that is why Thailand is a political chess pit stuck in the constant circle of junta and corrupt elected governments.


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