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Thailand Vs Malaysia


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And where is the part about Malaysia?

Maybe I'm wrong, but you sound like someone who made a very important decision (buying a house, applying for an Investor-visa,etc) without knowing much of the consequences.

Most of the problems you had could have been avoided with the right research, before making a commitment.

Thailand is not Mallorca, you knew that right?

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Hi all,

I am debating wether or not to settle in Malaysia under MMSH, or settle in Thailand.

I am curious to know if some of you have have lived in both places, or have debated the same thing, and what you believe would be the significant "pluses" and "negatives" of each place.


OK, you asked so here goes .....

I've been in Thai-Lie-Land for over a year and have come to the conclusion that this is an extremely bigoted, racist culture. Every time I'm called " Farang," I cringe as I know this is used in exactly the same way as a very rude word used in the West for dark skinned people. A seething hatred of " Farang" is rampant , in fact I believe it is taught in school.

As a woman I don't have two-faced " Bar-Girls" sucking up to me or shall I say, lubricating my way, so I really feel the sting of discrimination in every outing from my house. Sitting at a traffic light - " Farang!" Walking into a store, someone will comment, " Farang!"

But it is never said to your face.

Racism against lower income foreigners is actually legislated.

Burmese construction worker are not allowed to drive cars, own cell phones or be out after 8 PM.


Can you believe that? Someone needs to get the UN involved on this issue.

To say that Thai people are stupid is to do a diservice to stupid people all over the world. Along with the unbelievable two-facedness of these people, they suffer fromwhat I call No Concept of Future, NCF.

It's apparent everywhere. See the man unloading his truck on the street, no thought at all to the cars passing at 45 mph inches away from him. See the woman with her 3 year old clutching his 2 other siblings on a motorcycle...

I'm quite attractive, can still turn heads at age 45 with a minimal preparation and would sure like to meet a man near my own age but forget it, there are so many prostitutes here. I haven't had a date in a year now except with a Thai man who took me to a three hour "Whiskey circle". What fun!!

However, I notice that the foreign men here flocking here are no prize and are only coming here for the main commodity Thailand has to offer, which cheap, easy sex, so I guess it is no loss for me.

Still it would be nice to at least SEE some foreign men that I think are attractive. ( Well, OK there is one..)There are attractive Thai men but they all seem to be either 20 or 60 and will expect you to clean up after their whiskey circles.

It took me a while to get it that lying is the way here in Thai- Lie- Land , it's your responsibility to make sure people stay honest-if they get over on you, good for them-no one cares.

It seems to be especially OK, even admirable- to screw " Farang" over ....

There was a new internet service offered through an " Air Card" Like a cell phone for your computer. Having read rave reviews I went to a Tech. Mall to purchase it. Nope.. You must have a work permit even though I have a perfectly legitimate visa.

This was purely to discriminate against foreigners...

Inconsiderate doesn't begin to describe their so called "Manners."

It is 8 AM and I've been listening to the same Karaoke song since 6:30, emanating from a house 200 meters away at a volume so loud I cannot have a phone conversation within my own house. This goes on pretty much every day. When the rest of the neighborhood stirs I'll be listening to 3-4, maybe 5 different stereos.

I'm residing in Thai-Lie-land under an Investor visa which requires 3 million baht in a fixed bank account.

I went to the bank the Friday before just before Christmas to withdraw 6 million baht from a different account as after the 30% withholding fiasco, I'd decided that, at 2 weeks of age, Thai-Lie-Land's government was too immature and reactionary to trust with my money.

It took me 3 hours. I was there 2 hours after closing and only finally got an international draft because I refused to leave.

I had the proper forms alright but the portion asking about import, export funds I had marked N/A as I am not going to run any kind of business. The bank manager should have corrected it when I first deposited the funds. A young woman at the main Siam Commercial Bank in Phuket Town asked me very personal questions about my money such as did I have receipts for purchases and unbelievably, just where did

I, " Get the funds initially?" " Your amount of money, it's too much for a tourist .." she stated while on the phone with BOT( Bank of Thailand)

"Well, if you'd look at my passport, (although it really isn't any of your business, ) "you'll see I have a " B" business visa.

Well where's your work permit, then?" As if she's an immigration official.

But , In Thai-Lie-Land I guess she is.

However I don't have such a permit. I'm not allowed to work as far as I know.

But I really don't know anything as I wasn't told anything.

Am I supposed to register my address? Immigration, in their ridiculous militararistic uniforms, tell you nothing.

I fully expect my application for the yearly renewal to be withheld next September unless I repeat my performance with an expensive lawyer as I did with the "extension."

The initial investor's visa , 1200 Baht , was initially granted for 90 days. It took another 20,000 to get it extended for 9 months, a full year.

A woman at Phuket immigration actually recommended I get married to a Thai man. Oh yeah, and get murdered for my savings? No thanks.

All the businesses , lawyers, restaurants, etc. run by foreigners have as employees, grossly incompetent Thai women that are the owner's girlfriends. I had a high dollar lawyer's office-manager give me totally erroneous information which caused a house sale to collapse. The most expensive, nicest restaurants you have to chase down the server to get another drink... Oh, on and on and on...

You can forget about using the title Ms.

I got a driver's license and Mrs. was put on it and now I have to explain constantly I've never been married and cannot produce a marriage certificate or divorce papers.


Thai's are all about appearance. They may live in a tin shack but will have the latest model car and it will be shiny clean. Their clothing too is always neat in appearance and clean yet they'll eat 2 inches off the sidewalk and think nothing of sticking viral infected fingers way up into their nostrils. They routinely throw garbage from their cars and will burn plastic refuse in front of your home if the wind is blowing away from theirs. Having absolutely no regard for the environment, there are no laws requiring them to do otherwise.

Ugh, and then there's how horses are treated in Thailand . I took many many pics of the pony rental/torture stable where I rescued my horses from. Pictures that would make you sick and cry, but am afraid to send them to the paper as I may find myself on the business end of a shotgun. After I leave though...

So , unless you are a sexually unattractive man who can't find women ( or men, or children, or hamsters...) in your own country, I'd say, STAY AWAY from Thailand, it has very little to offer socially.

The people are beyond horrible.

On the plus side , it is beautiful and the food, fruits and vegetables are of excellent quality and cheap.

And so too my dear are you! A lovely little reminder of why many of us live and love in Thailand.

You have made the most rancid post I have ever seen on here and I hope you commit as much energy to leaving Thailand, as you put into your literary hissy fit. Sorry to hear that you find all mortals in Asia are beneath you!

God forbid that we should ever have to live in a land that you would deem suitable.

Things here, happen or they don't, its part of life and culture here. All you big talking Business folk can't hack real life. The Politically Correct brainwashing sessions that constituted your education back in the US are holding you back in real life. Thought you would just pop out here and make big bucks and have everybody toadying to you like they do back home did you?

Maybe your looks can turn heads, but your ugly, ill-informed, rash opinionated mouth would certainly turn them away again.

45 and still with lots (try "Culture Shock" first) to learn by the sounds of it. Didn't you do any research before you started upon living here? Do try and get a life before its too late.

Anyway, Thailand after 15 years and having a lovely family, fantastic food, friendship beyond all expectaions in life is still the way to go.

Malaysia is nice to visit, and may be the place to retire to in coming years. I'm sticking here though.

Good riddance to you when you leave, and please feel free to take any like minded fascists with you when you go.

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Hi all,

I am debating wether or not to settle in Malaysia under MMSH, or settle in Thailand.

I am curious to know if some of you have have lived in both places, or have debated the same thing, and what you believe would be the significant "pluses" and "negatives" of each place.


OK, you asked so here goes .....

I've been in Thai-Lie-Land for over a year and have come to the conclusion that this is an extremely bigoted, racist culture. Every time I'm called " Farang," I cringe as I know this is used in exactly the same way as a very rude word used in the West for dark skinned people. A seething hatred of " Farang" is rampant , in fact I believe it is taught in school.

As a woman I don't have two-faced " Bar-Girls" sucking up to me or shall I say, lubricating my way, so I really feel the sting of discrimination in every outing from my house. Sitting at a traffic light - " Farang!" Walking into a store, someone will comment, " Farang!"

But it is never said to your face.

Racism against lower income foreigners is actually legislated.

Burmese construction worker are not allowed to drive cars, own cell phones or be out after 8 PM.


Can you believe that? Someone needs to get the UN involved on this issue.

To say that Thai people are stupid is to do a diservice to stupid people all over the world. Along with the unbelievable two-facedness of these people, they suffer fromwhat I call No Concept of Future, NCF.

It's apparent everywhere. See the man unloading his truck on the street, no thought at all to the cars passing at 45 mph inches away from him. See the woman with her 3 year old clutching his 2 other siblings on a motorcycle...

I'm quite attractive, can still turn heads at age 45 with a minimal preparation and would sure like to meet a man near my own age but forget it, there are so many prostitutes here. I haven't had a date in a year now except with a Thai man who took me to a three hour "Whiskey circle". What fun!!

However, I notice that the foreign men here flocking here are no prize and are only coming here for the main commodity Thailand has to offer, which cheap, easy sex, so I guess it is no loss for me.

Still it would be nice to at least SEE some foreign men that I think are attractive. ( Well, OK there is one..)There are attractive Thai men but they all seem to be either 20 or 60 and will expect you to clean up after their whiskey circles.

It took me a while to get it that lying is the way here in Thai- Lie- Land , it's your responsibility to make sure people stay honest-if they get over on you, good for them-no one cares.

It seems to be especially OK, even admirable- to screw " Farang" over ....

There was a new internet service offered through an " Air Card" Like a cell phone for your computer. Having read rave reviews I went to a Tech. Mall to purchase it. Nope.. You must have a work permit even though I have a perfectly legitimate visa.

This was purely to discriminate against foreigners...

Inconsiderate doesn't begin to describe their so called "Manners."

It is 8 AM and I've been listening to the same Karaoke song since 6:30, emanating from a house 200 meters away at a volume so loud I cannot have a phone conversation within my own house. This goes on pretty much every day. When the rest of the neighborhood stirs I'll be listening to 3-4, maybe 5 different stereos.

I'm residing in Thai-Lie-land under an Investor visa which requires 3 million baht in a fixed bank account.

I went to the bank the Friday before just before Christmas to withdraw 6 million baht from a different account as after the 30% withholding fiasco, I'd decided that, at 2 weeks of age, Thai-Lie-Land's government was too immature and reactionary to trust with my money.

It took me 3 hours. I was there 2 hours after closing and only finally got an international draft because I refused to leave.

I had the proper forms alright but the portion asking about import, export funds I had marked N/A as I am not going to run any kind of business. The bank manager should have corrected it when I first deposited the funds. A young woman at the main Siam Commercial Bank in Phuket Town asked me very personal questions about my money such as did I have receipts for purchases and unbelievably, just where did

I, " Get the funds initially?" " Your amount of money, it's too much for a tourist .." she stated while on the phone with BOT( Bank of Thailand)

"Well, if you'd look at my passport, (although it really isn't any of your business, ) "you'll see I have a " B" business visa.

Well where's your work permit, then?" As if she's an immigration official.

But , In Thai-Lie-Land I guess she is.

However I don't have such a permit. I'm not allowed to work as far as I know.

But I really don't know anything as I wasn't told anything.

Am I supposed to register my address? Immigration, in their ridiculous militararistic uniforms, tell you nothing.

I fully expect my application for the yearly renewal to be withheld next September unless I repeat my performance with an expensive lawyer as I did with the "extension."

The initial investor's visa , 1200 Baht , was initially granted for 90 days. It took another 20,000 to get it extended for 9 months, a full year.

A woman at Phuket immigration actually recommended I get married to a Thai man. Oh yeah, and get murdered for my savings? No thanks.

All the businesses , lawyers, restaurants, etc. run by foreigners have as employees, grossly incompetent Thai women that are the owner's girlfriends. I had a high dollar lawyer's office-manager give me totally erroneous information which caused a house sale to collapse. The most expensive, nicest restaurants you have to chase down the server to get another drink... Oh, on and on and on...

You can forget about using the title Ms.

I got a driver's license and Mrs. was put on it and now I have to explain constantly I've never been married and cannot produce a marriage certificate or divorce papers.


Thai's are all about appearance. They may live in a tin shack but will have the latest model car and it will be shiny clean. Their clothing too is always neat in appearance and clean yet they'll eat 2 inches off the sidewalk and think nothing of sticking viral infected fingers way up into their nostrils. They routinely throw garbage from their cars and will burn plastic refuse in front of your home if the wind is blowing away from theirs. Having absolutely no regard for the environment, there are no laws requiring them to do otherwise.

Ugh, and then there's how horses are treated in Thailand . I took many many pics of the pony rental/torture stable where I rescued my horses from. Pictures that would make you sick and cry, but am afraid to send them to the paper as I may find myself on the business end of a shotgun. After I leave though...

So , unless you are a sexually unattractive man who can't find women ( or men, or children, or hamsters...) in your own country, I'd say, STAY AWAY from Thailand, it has very little to offer socially.

The people are beyond horrible.

On the plus side , it is beautiful and the food, fruits and vegetables are of excellent quality and cheap.

You are a muppet.. It's people like you that **** it up for the rest of us. Please leave ASAP preferably to Siberia or similar. May i ask why the **** you're here if you HATE it so much..?? :o

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One thing about the difference in English language newspapers, the ones in Malaysia never had any articles critical of the government, maybe it's changed the last few years but you used to be able to read the news about Malaysia in 2 minutes, just praise of government projects.

A far cry from The Bangkok Post and The Nation

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Thailand is for P Mongers, It is the Nation's commodity aside form its natural beauty which is fading fast. This forum asked for opinions on living in Thailand ...So I gave it.

To attack me personally is to show that you truly have no rebuttal to my argument.

So here's some more " Rancid" writing

BTW I'm not here to capitalize on poor Thais to slave at a business Simply too young for the retirement visa ..

The immigration laws are geared toward offering Thailand's number one commodity, pussy, in the form of wives. I cannot believe how many lovely, young Thai women settle for the most unattractive foreign duds, two- three times their age, just because they have money.

A visit to Pattaya, the capital of this legalized prostitution, is an exercise is nausea control as the entire beach is lined with grossly overweight, bright pink European men accompanied by the delicate 100 lb women that are servicing them that day. One cannot help but picture the scene that will play out later that night in the thousands of hotel rooms. Ugh.

The women are often quite poor , from rural areas and may not even have " Thai" citizenship even though they were born within the country's boundaries.

To compound their plight, employers in Thailand are allowed blatant discrimination and the better jobs advertised in national newspapers often have for " Male Only..." Unbelievable.

Thai-Liars giggle a lot and smile idiotically no matter what. I've read there are 50 or so distinct smiles. In a restaurant, the server brings you chicken instead of steak. If you are so rude as to confront them on the mistake, you get the "Cause I'm stupid " smile.

I don't have a work permit permit and am not allowed to work under the Investor Visa, as far as I know. (Like I need to earn a 3 dollars a day.) But, I really don't know anything as I wasn't told anything. Am I supposed to register my address? The discussion forums say to, but Immigration, in their ridiculous, Austin Powers parody, militaristic uniforms, tell you nothing.

As for Thailand being the model of democracy in Asia. Mmmm.

Well you cannot say anything derogatory about the King or his family. ( Often when I'm snidely called "Farang," I want to shout the fact that His Majesty, the King was born in Boston!!!)

So much for free speech. In fact a Swiss man is facing 75 years in prison for painting graffiti on a picture of His Majesty while on a drunken spree last month.

Officials and citizens wear bright yellow shirts to show their love and support of the Kingdom, particularly on Mondays, whole streets undulate in yellow. It reminds me of political war-mongers back home wrapped in the US flag.

Also, women beware! You cannot buy a vibrator, (though on a trip to the supposedly puritanical island nation of Singapore, I noticed that sex toy shoppes were everywhere, so I stocked up.)

Pornography is illegal and pornographic websites are blocked by the morality division of the Police Department. Not kidding folks.

Oh, and getting that Thai driver's license....A real lesson in Thai-Lie hospitality.

It took no less than 5 visits to the driver's license bureau. The first day I arrived around 10 AM.

"No, come back tomorrow by 9:30. "

Next day, "No, come back by 9 AM."

Thai-Liars LOVE to cause " Farang" inconvenience.

Be aware now, you cannot wear shorts or tank tops or you will supposedly be refused service, so each day I made sure to wear a knee length skirt and a blouse with sleeves.

Ok, 4th day. I get in on time and stand in a line for about 45 minutes and it is HOT, no AC, no fans not even a window open. I asked a young woman I'd hired to translate for me, (mandatory) "What is the sheet of paper everyone has?"

" Don't worry, you don't need it," she replied.

OK, I'm get to the front of line, finally. "Where's your application? " I'm asked. You must get an application before 9 AM.

Oh, I could have killed the translator. A stupid, stupid mistake? Nope, she gets yet another days work. See how it works?

So 5th day. The skirt is wrinkled and I have to go and do something dirty afterward, so I rebel. I wear long shorts that come down halfway to my knees. I stand in the same long line to summit the application, come very close to passing out from the heat and then in another line for 45 minutes for the physical tests and get to the written test which I pass only because the examining officer initially gave me the wrong book. If she hadn't, I would have missed about half of the questions.

I go to do the driving test for a motorcycle. The same examiner actually ridicules my shorts, in Thai, to all the others waiting, calling them "Hot Pants" while I'm on a motorcycle performing the test even though the Thai prostitutes-in-training/college-apprentice women are standing around their in micro-mini skirt uniforms they cannot even sit down in.

Such professionalism is THE hallmark of Thai-Lie-Land.

On the plus side , the scenery is incredibly beautiful. In Phuket, everything is green but in about 5 years or so this will no longer be true. Everyday, more and more mountains are sheared off with no regard for mudslides ( NCF, remember?)There are laws about building above certain heights, but are routinely ignored as corruption is Thailand's # 2 commodity.

Increasingly the ocean is not safe to swim in from bacterial contaminants as proper sewage treatment is non- existent in many highly populated resort areas. Tourists are not informed of this.

Please don't come here on vacation or contribute to Thailand in any way. It is not deserved.

Large portions of the 2005 Tsunami donations have simply disappeared.

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Here's some more, Wow this feels really good to get it out. And yes I'm leaving ASAP and I'm also posting my " Rancid Rant" all over the net. I only wish I'd been able to read my posts a year and a half ago. I didn't reallize all the raving was from the P Mongers here for easy sex...

Farang," ( A mispronunciation of the Portuguese term for foreigner, ferrenghi,) used in exactly the same way as " Nigger " is in the West for dark skinned people, (that were from Niger..). If you ask a ThaiLiar what the word means, they'll tell you, "Light Skin".

My last house, a place I thought would be my home for a long time- I had to leave with one weeks notice as the real owner was coming back and the ThaiLiar caretaker who'd leased to me had no right to do so. He sent a small gang of teenagers on scooters with toy (I think) guns to scare me out of any thoughts of suing.

I'm learning

Just an aside, I lived here when I was a child as my father was stationed in Bangkok so he could go pour napalm on villages in Viet-Nam and then be home for dinner!

He got a Silver Star in fact in 1970 for saving this sorry-assed country from the Vietamese " Commie Threat"

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Phuketti, you need help and some company seriously. Judging from your posts, I can totally see why it was so incredibly furustrating for you to not be able to get a vibrator here. :o

Anyway, I just wanna tell you that the term, "farang", is a not a racist term. It's just the way we call white skinned foreigners. There's no racist or bigoted undertone. Believe me. It's just like the way you call black people, black and Asian people, Asian. It's not racist. We, Thais, use "farang" instead of "white." That's all.

As for your other sources of frustration, I hope you'd understand one day that not all Thais are alike. There are still plenty other Thais who are decent, honest, considerate people. I'm sure you must have had encountered them and will see them more in the future.

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One last note, I do believe that Phuketti is suffering from a severe case of "Jim Hoodhid"...or Jid Hoodhim as some Thai kids (and I myself several years ago) like to say. :o She'd be a lot happier if she has someone by her side.... I feel sorry for her.

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So AusthaiEd

It's F****ed for you, too?

And people like me did it?

May I suggest "People like you.." who think that because cheap, easy sex is so abundant here,

let's just say the term is P-whipped- (Or spanked.. if you're or you one of types who prefer the other categories of sexual personage offered here?) that Thai-Lie-LAnd is some kind of Shag Gra La.(sic)

Of course you are entitled to your opinion

This is a Discussion forum

hey I know gang- someone please re read my rancid rant and pick one subject I've complained about and DISCUSSS it with me..

In fact anyone here care to rebut any of my statements that come from my very own personal experience being a single woman in Thai-Lie-Land?

CAN anyone???

Did you enjoy getting a driver's license? Do you not find Thai's lie a lot? HAve you found thay actully DO they have respect for the environment??

Without resorting to personal attacks ??? C'mom I dare you..Double dare...

( BTW, i thought personal attacks were not to be tolerated though I don't mind....It shows weakness and lack of reason, that's all.)

Oh I will retract one thing I posted previously. I've had 2 dates, not just one

I know.. Go on... attack my personality for this fact , ignore the plausible explanation that there are 18 prostitutes per square foot here..

There was that 54 yo English chap I went out with within a week of moving here. He thought he could slap my ass repeatedly and gouged the back of my neck in an effort to stick his tongue down my throat. Wonder where he got the idea this is OK within the first half an hour of a first date?

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When a black person walks into a store or is next to me at a light , I don't comment " Black Person "

I would consider it rude. Why is this OK in Thailand How is it not bigoty?

One thing that you have to understand is that Thailand, for the most part of our history, has been a pretty much homogenious country in terms of race. So a lot Thais still have not had much experience in interacting with people from other races. Trust me if a Japanese walks into a store, there a could be a comment like "Yeepoon" too, and it'd never mean to be a derogatory remark. I really just can't describe it. But there's no bigotry or racism associated with that kind of comment. Maybe, we, Thais, are still fascinated by the sights of foreigners. That's all. Don't ever take it a wrong way...unless you overhear a comment like "farang keenok" of course. That's another story.

And by the way, not all Thais would make a comment like that. It's like if you see something strange or different from the norm, you may or may not make a comment about it. Some do. Some don't. Generalization is definitely not a smart thing to do.

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THai Goon you're not paying attention:

I clearly stated ...

"though on a trip to the supposedly puritanical island nation of Singapore, I noticed that sex toy shoppes were everywhere, so I stocked up..." on vibrators.

Having free and easy orgasms is not my problem.

My problem is that it is illegal for me to even OWN a vibrator. Men have their toys, they're called " Thai Women"

See this is known as sexism and it is Thai-Lie-land's 3rd commodity

Tell you what Thai Goon, Please don't call me " Pale Skinned Foreigner" and I won't call you, " Slope-eyed Gook! "

Because the two terms are no different in spirit...


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THai Goon you're not paying attention:

I clearly stated ...

"though on a trip to the supposedly puritanical island nation of Singapore, I noticed that sex toy shoppes were everywhere, so I stocked up..." on vibrators.

Having free and easy orgasms is not my problem.

My problem is that it is illegal for me to even OWN a vibrator. Men have their toys, they're called " Thai Women"

See this is known as sexism and it is Thai-Lie-land's 3rd commodity

Tell you what Thai Goon, Please don't call me " Pale Skinned Foreigner" and I won't call you, " Slope-eyed Gook! "

Because the two terms are no different in spirit...


I'd say "Pale Skinned Foreigner" is quite different from "Slope-eyed Gook!". Gook is like the N word for Chinese.... One last comment I'll make is that the more I read your posts, the more I begin to understand why other people seem to treat you badly. Sometimes you need to look in the mirror too. That's all I'm gonna say.

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Phuketti is pretty much spot on with her comments.

A good response and well said.

Thailand is only good for one thing and one thing only. We can't mention what they are on this forum but just let me say that they're young, firm and from Isaan way.

I enjoyed this place when I was single but I was wearing "P" coloured glasses and/or beer goggles.

But after being in a steady relationship here for more than a year the real Thailand has reared it's ugly head. Basically it's what Phuketti said.

For anyone who's planning on moving/investing/working here I strongly advise you to read her response carefully.

I'm also out of here very soon.

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THai Goon you're not paying attention:

I clearly stated ...

"though on a trip to the supposedly puritanical island nation of Singapore, I noticed that sex toy shoppes were everywhere, so I stocked up..." on vibrators.

Having free and easy orgasms is not my problem.

My problem is that it is illegal for me to even OWN a vibrator. Men have their toys, they're called " Thai Women"

See this is known as sexism and it is Thai-Lie-land's 3rd commodity

Tell you what Thai Goon, Please don't call me " Pale Skinned Foreigner" and I won't call you, " Slope-eyed Gook! "

Because the two terms are no different in spirit...


Get it off your chest dear. Never mind, you will soon be back home where all the men are wimps and bow before your obvious superiority. Sure most of your "friends" and Colleagues" will piss themselves laughing that you had such a hard time. Sure they will be sorry to have you back, as I cannot imagine this obnoxious behaviour of yours started when you arrived in Thailand. It must have take years to get this way.

It never hurts for members here to see how far from femininity some women in the west have fallen. It says something about the moderation as well, that you have got away with this ranting.

Think you must finally be getting the message that you have the wrong credentials for Asia, so thats two thirds of the world on your bad side on a good day. What you also don't realise, is that your rantings will actually turn as many people onto the idea of Thailand as off it. Am sure you must be universally unpopular where you live and work. Perhaps people just let you get on with it!

When you are an old maid with no family, perhaps you will look back on life and wish you had had more fun and relaxed a bit. Tragic, yes. but for you, not us. You are blind to your own massive shortcomings in life.

Chill out a bit, theres time to have a life still.

If I had my life to live over:

I’d dare to make more mistakes next time.

I’d relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier

Than I have been this trip. I would take more chances.

I would take more trips. I would climb more

Mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat

More ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps

Have more actual troubles, but I’d have fewer

Imaginary ones.

You see, I’m one of those people who live

Sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after

Day. Oh, I’ve had my moments and if I had it

To do over again, I’d have more of them. In

Fact I’d try to have nothing else. Just moments,

One after another, instead of living so many years

Ahead of each day. I’ve been one of those persons

Who never goes anywhere without a

Thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat,

And a parachute. If I had to do it again, I would

Travel lighter than I have.

If I had my life to live over, I would start

Barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way

Later in the fall. I would go to more dances.

I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would

Pick more daisies.

The only person on your side here is DGOZ and he is a washed up sex tourist! Strange bedfellows indeed!

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In my view, there is no comparison, and I have lived in both places for more than two years each time. Infrastructure (and EVERYTHING ELSE) is a zillion times better than Thailand.

Things work:drainage, electricity, water. They drive well. It is well organised and advanced. For those of us who cannot master Thai, Malay is easier, but not a requirement, as most, if not all, Malays, speak excellent English. Invaluable when you need to communicate, ie to doctors, plumbers, teachers, electricians, in fact everyone.

We never once had a problem with being foreigners, and yes, most there are muslim. The ordinary kind, not the radical, lunatic fringe. I find their reserve and modesty (the women) a refreshing change to those of many Thai females, particularly in the Pattaya area. There are no dead, diseased or dying dogs in the street, a real plus for those who care about animals.

I am not sure if they (Malays) are just more intelligent than Thai's, or whether it is to do with inter-breeding with the Chinese (who seem to run most businesses), or perhaps the schooling is better there, given a higher priority maybe? There is much less demonstrable poverty than in Thailand.

Hope this helps.

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In my view, there is no comparison, and I have lived in both places for more than two years each time. Infrastructure (and EVERYTHING ELSE) is a zillion times better than Thailand.

Things work:drainage, electricity, water. They drive well. It is well organised and advanced. For those of us who cannot master Thai, Malay is easier, but not a requirement, as most, if not all, Malays, speak excellent English. Invaluable when you need to communicate, ie to doctors, plumbers, teachers, electricians, in fact everyone.

We never once had a problem with being foreigners, and yes, most there are muslim. The ordinary kind, not the radical, lunatic fringe. I find their reserve and modesty (the women) a refreshing change to those of many Thai females, particularly in the Pattaya area. There are no dead, diseased or dying dogs in the street, a real plus for those who care about animals.

I am not sure if they (Malays) are just more intelligent than Thai's, or whether it is to do with inter-breeding with the Chinese (who seem to run most businesses), or perhaps the schooling is better there, given a higher priority maybe?

For comparisons sake, after living in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, Malaysia is much more like Singapore than Thailand. A larger version really in my view.

Hope this helps.

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THai Goon you're not paying attention:

I clearly stated ...

"though on a trip to the supposedly puritanical island nation of Singapore, I noticed that sex toy shoppes were everywhere, so I stocked up..." on vibrators.

Having free and easy orgasms is not my problem.

My problem is that it is illegal for me to even OWN a vibrator. Men have their toys, they're called " Thai Women"

See this is known as sexism and it is Thai-Lie-land's 3rd commodity

Tell you what Thai Goon, Please don't call me " Pale Skinned Foreigner" and I won't call you, " Slope-eyed Gook! "

Because the two terms are no different in spirit...


Get it off your chest dear. Never mind, you will soon be back home where all the men are wimps and bow before your obvious superiority. Sure most of your "friends" and Colleagues" will piss themselves laughing that you had such a hard time. Sure they will be sorry to have you back, as I cannot imagine this obnoxious behaviour of yours started when you arrived in Thailand. It must have take years to get this way.

It never hurts for members here to see how far from femininity some women in the west have fallen. It says something about the moderation as well, that you have got away with this ranting.

Think you must finally be getting the message that you have the wrong credentials for Asia, so thats two thirds of the world on your bad side on a good day. What you also don't realise, is that your rantings will actually turn as many people onto the idea of Thailand as off it. Am sure you must be universally unpopular where you live and work. Perhaps people just let you get on with it!

When you are an old maid with no family, perhaps you will look back on life and wish you had had more fun and relaxed a bit. Tragic, yes. but for you, not us. You are blind to your own massive shortcomings in life.

Chill out a bit, theres time to have a life still.

If I had my life to live over:

I’d dare to make more mistakes next time.

I’d relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier

Than I have been this trip. I would take more chances.

I would take more trips. I would climb more

Mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat

More ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps

Have more actual troubles, but I’d have fewer

Imaginary ones.

You see, I’m one of those people who live

Sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after

Day. Oh, I’ve had my moments and if I had it

To do over again, I’d have more of them. In

Fact I’d try to have nothing else. Just moments,

One after another, instead of living so many years

Ahead of each day. I’ve been one of those persons

Who never goes anywhere without a

Thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat,

And a parachute. If I had to do it again, I would

Travel lighter than I have.

If I had my life to live over, I would start

Barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way

Later in the fall. I would go to more dances.

I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would

Pick more daisies.

The only person on your side here is DGOZ and he is a washed up sex tourist! Strange bedfellows indeed!

They also have something else in common; they base their opinions on sex tourist areas. Spend a year AWAY from the tourists area then report back.

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In my view, there is no comparison, and I have lived in both places for more than two years each time. Infrastructure (and EVERYTHING ELSE) is a zillion times better than Thailand.

Things work:drainage, electricity, water. They drive well. It is well organised and advanced. For those of us who cannot master Thai, Malay is easier, but not a requirement, as most, if not all, Malays, speak excellent English. Invaluable when you need to communicate, ie to doctors, plumbers, teachers, electricians, in fact everyone.

We never once had a problem with being foreigners, and yes, most there are muslim. The ordinary kind, not the radical, lunatic fringe. I find their reserve and modesty (the women) a refreshing change to those of many Thai females, particularly in the Pattaya area. There are no dead, diseased or dying dogs in the street, a real plus for those who care about animals.

I am not sure if they (Malays) are just more intelligent than Thai's, or whether it is to do with inter-breeding with the Chinese (who seem to run most businesses), or perhaps the schooling is better there, given a higher priority maybe?

For comparisons sake, after living in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, Malaysia is much more like Singapore than Thailand. A larger version really in my view.

Hope this helps.

Nice appraisal and back OT.

A bit of self analysis may now be helpful to you as I am sure you can see a picture emerging.

Myself, I lived in the UK and worked in Government, lived in a small quiet village on a farm that I hated as a prison from my youth. I find the chaos and free wheeling in thailand entirely to my liking.

Is this you?, or do you want more stability and a bit more order in your life? I have mates in KL and Singapore who prefer it there. I love visiting them, but we all have our own paths in life to follow.

I'm certainly not going to knock anybody that prefers one Asian country over another as I have found them all fascinating.

Take your time, rent and explore, theres a whole host of varied lifes to lead in Thailand, Malaysia and the rest of Asis. Above all enjoy and keep an open mind. And a broad mind!!!

Edited by Dupont
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Attitude is everything, especially in asia. Asians are particularly adept at reading faces and feeling aura. A positive person will do well here. And vice versa.

It appears some of us do not understand anything about the country they inhabit. If you understood the concept of face, then this would explain a lot of your unfortunate circumstances.

Please do not bring your baggage to a country that does not understand it. If you are gonna live in a country, you have to live as the locals do.

Prostitution is rampant everywhere. In fact, Japan has a larger prostitution environemnt than thailand does. If you look for it, or you live near it, then it will be in your face. If you don't frequent it or its surrounds, then it is a non-issue. I find people who gloat on about it are wallowing in it. Move away from it if it bothers you so much.

There is much more freedom in thailand than many other countries. what has been happening as of late is the gov't trying to make clearer the nature of thier status because it has been abused. as well, if you look at the investment picture in thialand, foreigners own a heck of a lot of the main toursit destinations. I think it is saying a lot of how understanding they actually are. If there has been a backlash, then it is because of the farangs who are in your face. I was there with my japanese girlfriend and I could not believe the rudeness of many expats who were checking out my girlfriend with no regard for me. I feel sorry for many of the expats with thai wives as they also have to go through this on a daily basis. Not every girl in thailand is a part of the nightlife - show some repsect and do not treat them as such. Respect others and others will respect you.

On a final note for the needy. Bali is a good destination as they have the kuta boys who are adept at servicing your needs. And if you need more, then jamaica is a good option.

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Please do not bring your baggage to a country that does not understand it. If you are gonna live in a country, you have to live as the locals do.

I've been reading this thread with interest and noted the heated discussion around Phuketti's comments on Thailand. I don't live in SE Asia but did spend 20 years with the US military where 9 of those years were living and traveling abroad. I hope that I can add my "two cents" to this discussion.

Even though Phuketti's comments seemed abrasive, I think she communicated her feelings about life in Thailand, which is what this topic is about. She's obviously very unhappy there. And I don't know if she'll be any happier in Malaysia since it's Muslim and it's doubtful that she'll receive much respect there due to her gender. I believe that's the case in most Asian and Muslim countries.

I've learned that when you visit or live in another country, it's vital to place your own values aside and try to accept the values of your new host country with a very open mind. We shouldn't judge other cultures based on our own values and when we go to a third world country, we need to recognize that impoverished people, corruption, inefficiency, and immorality are usually part of that lifestyle. Having said that though, I've seen that many countries, where there is an active prostitution trade, it's primarily located where the foreign tourist frequents. Many people have discovered that when you get off the beaten tourist path, life is different.

Any person who is considering a move to another country (becoming an ex-pat) should certainly do a lot of homework and have an open mind. If you don't find the local culture appealing, then keep looking.... it's their country and their culture... not for you to change according to your own morals and beliefs.

That's my two cents. Thanks. :o

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We shouldn't judge other cultures based on our own values and when we go to a third world country, we need to recognize that impoverished people, corruption, inefficiency, and immorality are usually part of that lifestyle. Having said that though, I've seen that many countries, where there is an active prostitution trade, it's primarily located where the foreign tourist frequents. Many people have discovered that when you get off the beaten tourist path, life is different.

Unless you know the language, the people and your way around...

You are oh so wrong about prostitution primarily located "where the foreign tourist frequents".

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Before the coup, here's how countries were ranked in terms of business friendly environment by World Bank:


"For ease of doing business, Thailand ranks 18th out of 175 countries in the world." Malaysia was 25th in the world.

"Thailand ranks fourth in the Asian region."


It looks like Thailand have a few games in hand over Malaysia aswell.

How many games are left does anybody know? I wouldn't mind seeing how this pans out.

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BTW your not that Phuket PartyGirl etc that writes for the Post are you ??

Just noticing so many similarities with times lines etc.

So based upon the silence.. I am right aren't I ??

I could have made bets on your initial audio blog thats this is how your opinion of Thailand would turn out.. Some people (especially single western women of middle age) are going to get many of the downsides and few of the upsides.

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Prostitution is rampant everywhere. In fact, Japan has a larger prostitution environemnt than thailand does.

While I agree with everything else you post.. surely your joking on this one..

Show me anywhere in Japan like Pattaya.. For sheer volume Thailand is IMO clearly a world leader..

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Prostitution is rampant everywhere. In fact, Japan has a larger prostitution environemnt than thailand does.

While I agree with everything else you post.. surely your joking on this one..

Show me anywhere in Japan like Pattaya.. For sheer volume Thailand is IMO clearly a world leader..

From what I understand, prostitution in Japan is rarely open to foreigners, but it's pretty common and all over the country. In contrast, a huge portion of Thailand's prostituition is openly catrered to foreign clientele. Perhaps that's why some perceive Thailand, not Japan, as the world leader.

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