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Criteria For Becoming A 'papa'


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I was playing table tennis with a slightly older German chap at a Jomtien hotel. He was perhaps early 60's while I am early 50's. The Thai boys we were playing against referred to him as Papa but I was (fortunately) spared this same title.

Since then I have been wondering ..... Is there a semi official age at which one becomes a "Papa"?

Or do you think it is more of a look or style thing that determines it?

Is it a term that has a faint hint of respect associated with it or is it just the same as 'old man' or even worse .... a polite alternative for wrinkly?

Do farang become Papa's at the same age as Thai's or do we hold our age better?

Just curious…. :o

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I am 62 and most of the kids around here call me lung Bill or uncle Bill except for a Thai friends 2 1/2 year old daughter who calls me dada.

A lot of the Thais call me pii Bill although they are not my wifes family and the school kids I pass every day now wave and shout sawadee or hello (but not much hello farang any more).

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Probably the German's age showed and you look like someone in your 40's :o ? Just a thought.

Thank you ..... very kind of you to offer such a comment :D

This is obviously THE explanation .... at least an explanation that I can happily sleep on.

Thanks again


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In a broad sense "papa" is a term of respect.

In a bar scene sense "papa" means that you no longer qualify as a " handsome man".

Just respest for elders rather than that you have reached a certain age.

Edited by COBBER
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