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Trump suggests Cohen hearing contributed to failure of North Korea summit


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5 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Yesterday I read an interesting article what might happen if Trump loses the next election, or if he is impeached. Will he go silently? Will his supporters accept that? According to that article there could be big trouble ahead if Trump loses. Because if their is one thing he absolutely hates is losing.

If he is impeached, IMO yuge trouble for any identifiable liberals. Trump supporters will not sit by quietly if they think THEY have been given the <deleted> by the Dems.

If he simply loses the election, I don't think much more than Obama got.

I certainly doubt there will be many if any U Tube clips of Trump supporters crying 5555555555555555555.

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5 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Here is the link.

I think that is a very good source for accurate information. But I am sure Trump supporters will put it in the "fringe site" category.




Do people actually believe that Trump will get the military to support him to remain in power?

His supporters MAY commit a bit of ultraviolence, if he is impeached, but to imagine that the police and military would connive in a coup is just barking, in my opinion.

Trump might be unhappy, but in reality there is nothing, IMO, that he can actually do about it, other than leave.

This is just a British newspaper doing a bit of stirring, as they are wont to do.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Jesse McLaren (@McJesse)

3/4/19, 9:02 AM

⁦‪To be fair questioning the lawyer who paid off the president’s pornstar mistress has never been done when he was IN the country either.


I think calling Trump's, well remunerated, one off pornstar poke a "mistress" cheapens the title. Kamala Harris must be outraged.

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43 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Thanks for that. I like Robert Reich the author. He's sincere and is generally truthful if a bit of a hand wringer and a little hyperbolic. He's pretty far to the left on the American political spectrum, but he is genuine which counts for a lot with me. I think he's overstating what may happen but I wouldn't be surprised if there are demonstrations similar to those that accompanied Trump's victory. Maybe the odd nutjob, but aren't there always? 

I also don't believe the worst case scenario will happen. But then again I also never thought Trump could possibly be elected POTUS.

I think the interesting thing is that some of the mentioned bad things might happen if Donald loses - and that is bad enough.

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20 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Kim has only just left Vietnam, Trump was merely a sideshow for Kim, the Vietnamese and Xie to have a chuckle over.

They're not the only ones chuckling. I bet his blood pressure skyrocketed when the words 'Trump' and 'Loser' appeared in the same headline (but that will be Fake Nooz of course!).


It was only going to be a short time before the lame excuses appeared.

Edited by Psimbo
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