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Thai sex bomb movie star goes from beauty to mangy skinhead - blames the high life

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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:

I was asked to interview a lady for a job, she was a friend of the owner. She was perfectly pleasant, overweight but you would not have looked at her twice if you walked past her in the street. When I asked her what experience she had she mentioned that she used to be an actress. When I asked her what in it turned out she was a sexy young lady in one of the most successful comedies on UK tv in the 70’s. She was never out of the tabloids in those days. Time is not the friend of young pretty girls. 


Go on Alex, tell us who?

Just now, Baerboxer said:


Go on Alex, tell us who?

It’s a true story, and that is precisely why I cannot do so. You can’t post someone’s name on a social media site. As I said the lady was perfectly pleasant and no longer in show business.




4 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

I think there is always a place as a bar girl or prostitute. 

Aren't they the same?

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4 hours ago, baansgr said:

Have to ask.... Where are the family in all this.... 

Living in the big house that she bought them, and driving in the benz that she bought them, and eating well every day from the money that she send them .

1 minute ago, 4MyEgo said:

Totally disagree with your comment.


I believe Thai women are in fact naturally beautiful, with no makeup, therefore your comment should be the other way around in my opinion, i.e. "Most Thai women look ugly with makeup, anyways, each to the own ????

I agree except for the lady this thread is centered around.

She looks a bit better with makeup.

3 hours ago, connda said:


young-brigitte-bardot.jpg.c0dee0dfd02190d652dcb5db75d0bbc4.jpg  images.jpeg.b8efbcf093ea0e343c76da192d8636db.jpeg
Lesson to be learned: Sexy doesn't last.  Once you understand that, no need to hold on to it.  However, attempt to hold on to it and it sears you for sure.

Ms. Manatsanan should consider ditching the drink.  Maybe time to become a machee as she has the haircut already.  I hope she discovers a path forward. 



Good point.  Yes, the lady in the OP has seriously deteriorated....but that's typical.  It seems the hotter you were in your youth, the further you crash as you age.  Check out Kathleen Turner of Body Heat fame.  She was a total hottie back in the day.  But not so much anymore.  Many other examples...and men as well.  Humans don't age well.





15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

What date is 'International Man's Day'?

'The other 364 days of the year' seems to be a common beta reply.

4 hours ago, Kim J said:

Probably still living the high life from all the cash they pimped from her when she was doing well for herself.

For your information, that was her mother in the green top trying to help her.  That's not easy for any parent when their child goes over to the wild side. 

  • Like 2

Time is the enemy, would also relate to Jenna Jamison of acting fame. The 'high life' took it's toll on her appearance a bit.


  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

while not this dramatic I have seen a young bar girl here in Hua Hin become almost unrecognizable (in a bad way) in just a few years.

Are you still married?

  • Haha 2

Remember Anna Nicole Smith?  She looked worse than this woman, and came back better than before.


A nice long rest at a health and beauty spa, vitamins, good things to eat, and a few other goodies, and she'd be as good as new.


The lesson is, never count a babe out, until the fat lady sings.


2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Speaking as a recovered Alcoholic .... I pray she finds the freedom from her obsessions that each and every one of us deserve. 

In my own case I needed all the help available to find the road to recovery... Thank God I came across a group of people who knew only too well how to find that road (fellow alcoholics who had been there and were able to show me the he way out). I too had many of the usual insults fired at me when I ended up in the gutter..  stuff like "Pull your socks up man"..... "Have you no self respect"...." Think of your children".

  Plenty of that s--t.....but not one of them could tell me ...how!

  This lady needs all the "support" she can get.  And please...let the "knockers" thank their lucky stars it is not them, or a member of their family who has been posessed by a horrible addiction.

You are so blessed to have been fortunate enough to have found such people to help you pull through.


Alcoholism is a disease, I miss my late brother dearly, he passed 11 years ago at a young age of 49, but at the same time feel comfort that he is at rest.


His death didn't go in vain as it saved a really good friend of mine heading down the same path, well that's the way I see it.


He never met my late brother, but did ask me one day when we used to get together with a group of lads for our weekly night out for a steak, drinks and games of pool. Do you think I have a drinking problem, he asked, unbeknown to me that he was a huge drinker, I said, what 3 schooners and your off, nope, I said, I don't think you have a drinking problem, his reply shocked me, he said; I have 3 schooners that you and the guys see, I don't drink more than that here because I don't want to get breath tested by the cops on the way home, but when I get home, I have about 3 more schooners and maybe a bottle of red or two, most times I pass out not knowing what happen. I was as the poms say, gobsmacked, suffice to say I told him I was surprised and said based on what you have told me, you need to get assistance or you will end up like my brother did and then went on to explain my late brothers horrible story, his jaw dropped, I didn't leave anything out, it took him about a minute for it to sink in, then I added, if you don't seek assistance and don't think you are ready for the change, your future is ready for you, i.e. it gets worse, to top that off, another really good mate sat down and joined us, he had cancer and was 44, I remember it clearly, he said I wish I had your problem and smiled at him, I caught the gleam in his eye, he passed a few months later.


My mate has been off the drink for at least 4-5 years now, was on some heavy drugs by some professor, but had to admit himself into some facility for a fortnight and it has transformed him.


As for the knockers, they will always be around, like little kids at school, never growing up, only knowing how to be negative, sort of like bullies, these days known as keyboard warriors.


I hope she gets up and pulls through her difficult ordeal, it doesn't matter where your from, where you have been, life is short and we all have to respect it and what it has to offer us, everything must be in moderation and when someone is down, either put out your hand or keep it shut and move on.


My girl friend of about 10 years ago had a sister who was a hands model, she travelled all over asia made the big bucks then down the sewer. She was killed by a motorbike going the wrong way, she was pushing her injured boy friend in a wheel barrow. Hit by the bike also no lights one of the handles from the wheel barroe driven into her body. Died a few days later booth her and the farange boy friend had aids and always lived for the next bottle. She had been a very attractive lady

  • Sad 1
22 minutes ago, Kim J said:

Yes. Those that plaster their faces white, in my mind just make themselves look ridiculous.

Mrs Kim is in her 40's, and whilst certainly not unattractive is now obviously far from being the prettiest female in Thailand, she seldom wears any make up, and when she does it is very little, and looks wise she still stands head and shoulders above most available 40 something Western women.

Everyone without exception changes / deteriorates looks wise with age, but many accelerate that process with their own lifestyle choices. I could possibly even include myself in that last sentence.



Well done, mine is approaching 38, has had 3 natural child births, 1st one was twins, doesn't look a day over 30 and still has that same petite figure when I met her 13 years ago, probably because she doesn't stop with the offsprings, and everything else she has to do to maintain her castle when she is not watching Thai soapies when the kids are at school ????


I must confess though, when we are out shopping, me pushing the trolley and of course paying the bill at check-out while enjoying the eye-candy here and there, she will slip in some small glass of cream into the trolly, thinking I didn't see it, with me saying, what is that, I am not paying for it because I can't eat it, with her reply being similar to the Italian salute, hand under her the chin, with fingers resting on her chin, then slowly throwing her hand in a forward motion with her saying, but if you want me to look pretty you have to <deleted>, abbreviated for shut the f up, we have lots of abbreviations so the kids don't pick up on our dialect, although it took the 4 year old a little while to lose the f word that she picked up from her tablet/Ipad ????


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46 minutes ago, HLover said:

I agree except for the lady this thread is centered around.

She looks a bit better with makeup.

I have to disagree, ever heard that saying, "beauty is only skin deep" 


Makeup only covers up the raw beauty of women, and the cosmetics world are making a killing.


While my almost 5 year old is addicted to playing with the little mirror and makeup brushes that some idiot bought her one birthday back, I am slowly weaning her off of it, because the wife don't wear makeup, and her two sisters don't wear make up, all naturally beautiful Euro-Asians, with her taking the prize.


I wish this girl a speedy recovery and hope she stays off the makeup, so to speak.




She is one in millions!

It is truly very sad what drugs and lack of any forward thinking will do to a person's life. Unless someone with a speacial talent who finds stardom has a switched on management team, going down hill can be very swift. I hope she finds her way ????


I still see a very beautiful woman.


You think your Soi 6 bargirl would look any different bald and without makeup?

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