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Video: "U-Turn of Death" where there is a fatality almost every day


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I didn't read page 2-7.  Yes drivers didn't look.   But these hyway designs are very stupid.   You turns from the fast lane into a fast lane is insane.   But they do  need population control don't they!  and I'm sure many hiso have invested in hospitals and funeral services and ambulance companies.  

Edited by Elkski
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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Truly awful driving by both bikes. Neither of them pays any attention whatsoever to the traffic. I'd say it isn't the U-Turn itself that is the cause of the problem, more like the complete idiocy of those using it.

With riding like this I'm surprised there is anyone over the age of 30 still riding a bike. I guess they believe they don't need common sense when they have amulets. Really, they believe its all down to luck - it's their fate. I've seen countless videos such as these. There are lots unlucky buggers out there.

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Nothing wrong with the U-Turn, just the motorbikes want to risk their lives. I respect the car drivers who risked their own lives to avoid these idiots. These kind of motorbike riders will lose their lives sooner or later with these kind of ridings.

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U turns like the ones in the videos are usually fine but not when people drive like this, usually they have a lane pushing a bit on the right side but I am 100% sure that some people think it is the "fast lane" and just hits people from behind


I used to live in Mueang Phetchaburi where they had this, which is not a round about - more like an 8 with a central wall but worked very well as it was.. it is mirrored on the other side.




also, you can move around by clicking around and see things like this:




where she thinks she is going, I have no idea

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I live in Nan province and am very familiar with this u-turn spot. It is basically opposite the Big C complex that is on the other side of the road from the camera. In the first video the MC rider is clearly trying to do a short-cut into Big-C instead of continuing about 600 meters to the correct u-turn. In the second video the MC rider has left Big-C and is cutting across the traffic to that u-turn instead of going no more than 300 meters to the next one. The traffic cones on the opposite side of the road were introduced about 8-10 months ago and are quite effective in getting cars exiting Big C to continue to the next u-turn location which is not inconvenient at all. There is a wide turning bay there and no parked cars like this one. In my opinion this u-turn spot should be closed. This would also allow the cones to be removed because there are a lot of incidents and accidents near the entrance of Big C with cars and MC not consistently using indicators to turn into Big C. Often folks coming out of Big C and turning left are getting t-boned by MCs and the odd car that use the 'coned' lane for thru traffic. Legally I think this is okay but in practical terms the way this is designed is confusing too many folks.

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7 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

“I'm aghast at the frequency which which motorcyclists pull into traffic without looking... I can't understand it, I can't imagine it... are they that vacant ?”

Not looking is their way of being first by putting the burden of accident avoidance on the other party. It’s worked for them 100% of the time in the past so they keep doing it, until it doesn’t work. If they made eye contact they would have to concede it was incumbent on them to yield and that’s not being first.

There is no 100% of the time, as I explain to my wife when I see these idiots on the road, I tell her that he/she doesn't understand that making it 97% times, or even 99% times, that means 3% or 1% of the time they will fail, if they are "LUCKY" they will not die. But like I tell her, eventually if they keep up the bad behavior, they will pay with their life or be seriously injured. I am sure they will blame it on "luck", "forgot to wear an amulet", maybe even "brake failure", but never will they think their bad driving skills had anything to do with it.....typical answer they give is "but I have done this so many times, never had an issue, why am I so unlucky?" ........Its like dealing with 10 yr old children, critical thinking, or even self-preservation are foreign principles to these people....welcome to the wonders of 3rd World thinkers!!! I just pray I don't become victim of of these nitwits, I've been hit 3 times now, all went in my favor (thank God for Dashcams!), but eventually .....my "luck" will run out ???? 

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

U-turns don't kill....  but it does offer the opportunity for idiots to kill themselves or others!

Change U-turns for roundabouts & they'll find a way to do it!

We have a roundabout here near the Impact Theater, every day I watch as cars barrel into it at full speed with cars already in the roundabout, motorcycles being the most dangerous, these people are nuts! They refuse to wait for the traffic to clear before entering the roundabout, thus creating a permanent traffic jam. I assume this is the same reason you see crowds crushed to death at soccer stadiums in Third World countries, the "Me First" generation of idiots are hard at work getting what they demand.

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Honestly I don't know how you guys put up with living there. Between traffic congestion, stifling pollution, and road fatalities...not to mention all the political and visa issues. I was thinking of retiring there, until I made my first visit. No way for me.

Good luck to you all tho.

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Here is the problem with roundabouts ....Thais don’t know how to use to use them....


In our muubaan, when I am in the round about, I will stop as 50% of drivers opposite come barreling through even though I am already in and making my right turn.....


pure ignorance on road rules...road structures can be there, but must be educated on the rules and then execute /follow the rules....

Edited by cardinalblue
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1 hour ago, ocddave said:

There is no 100% of the time, as I explain to my wife when I see these idiots on the road, I tell her that he/she doesn't understand that making it 97% times, or even 99% times, that means 3% or 1% of the time they will fail, if they are "LUCKY" they will not die. But like I tell her, eventually if they keep up the bad behavior, they will pay with their life or be seriously injured. I am sure they will blame it on "luck", "forgot to wear an amulet", maybe even "brake failure", but never will they think their bad driving skills had anything to do with it.....typical answer they give is "but I have done this so many times, never had an issue, why am I so unlucky?" ........Its like dealing with 10 yr old children, critical thinking, or even self-preservation are foreign principles to these people....welcome to the wonders of 3rd World thinkers!!! I just pray I don't become victim of of these nitwits, I've been hit 3 times now, all went in my favor (thank God for Dashcams!), but eventually .....my "luck" will run out ???? 

I am .. amazed... if she hears it all and ignoring you halfway for talking bad about kon thai or not disrupting you saying ' thai never wrong' the one of other.

No need for the amulet but the luck you have with a wife who doesn't generalize Thai as the untouchable. ????

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

But they had re-opened it after complaints that motorists would have to go too far out of their way to use alternative U-turns. 

Simple solution - jut drive against the flow of the traffic until you reach your turnoff!


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2 minutes ago, Prairieboy said:

Simple solution - jut drive against the flow of the traffic until you reach your turnoff!


Just paste a simple minded grin on your face and 'jut' drive wherever you want.

Seems to work.

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i live in cambodia and its even worse- you just don't hear about it as much and as the healthcare is terrible I'm sure most of the victims are dead or horribly crippled. for some reason when people merge from the right onto any street NEVER look at the oncoming traffic-just merge- kids with no helmets on in their laps and all. taking a left turn the just turn into oncoming traffic and keep driving the wrong way as long as they have to till an opening comes up. if you stop and wait at an intersection people don't know what your doing lol. i can only imagine being a doctor in south east asia-80% moto and car accidents I'm sure.

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Far kem. Natural selection at work. i feel for the vehicle drivers who were NOT at fault. Somchai in the first one stops, look back then drives the wrong way down the OUTSIDE lane of the oncoming traffic. Some people don't deserve to live. The police should not bow to local 'feelings' (ie laziness) and re-close the u-turn forthwith.

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22 hours ago, DrTuner said:

The drivers are straight out of a rice field with the fastest traffic being buffaloes. No license, no training, nada, just hop on a scooter and oh the feeling of invincibility.

Literally true I believe.  Small village road mentality.  No training or sense of a need for situational awareness.  Used to driving relatively slow and going in any direction and at any time they fell like it.

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22 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

IMHO - A properly designed roundabout would prevent most 'accidents' there.


Oh, and a campaign to educate motorists on how to negotiate one.

I have to admire your optimism, but the main flaw in your proposal is the second sentence. 

They installed a Roundabout,  sorry, free for all, at the crossroads on Soi 88 in Hua Hin......I guarantee you that you will never have witnessed such a cluster <deleted> as goes on there on a daily basis, and I am sad to say the Farangs are as bad as the locals. 

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

The motorcyclist just drove off as if nothing had happened. 


He is now helping the police with their inquiries. 

If the motorcyclist just drove off, how can he be helping police with their inquiries?

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It is not the junction wholly at fault, it is the ignorance, stupidity, call it what you will, of the drivers, and motorcycle riders. While the police closed the junction as a black spot, that is a quick and easy fix so they can go back to doing what they do best....nothing.

Why not try things like traffic calming measures, separating lanes with concrete barriers to prevent lane changes from the far left. Most of all, how about policing the junction more, and issuing, ( and collecting ) more fines, confiscate licenses......Sorry, I am getting a bit carried away I know, but I am sure you get my drift.....

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8 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

I have to admire your optimism, but the main flaw in your proposal is the second sentence. 

They installed a Roundabout,  sorry, free for all, at the crossroads on Soi 88 in Hua Hin......I guarantee you that you will never have witnessed such a cluster <deleted> as goes on there on a daily basis, and I am sad to say the Farangs are as bad as the locals. 

Haha. I am one of them that would be "as bad as the locals". There are quite a few roundabouts in my home country of Canada. I find them to be an accident waiting to happen, very confusing.

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

The police had shut it but the locals demanded it be reopened as they would have to go out of their way to turn. 

Classic Thainess


Edit: just watched the video. I see this almost daily (motorist turning from inside lane).


I dunno what goes on in their heads.


Then just driving on like they didn't do anything. Jeez.


Gotta love the culture here



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