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Korat: Dead man's account emptied - Bangkok Bank investigates


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well, if the account was not touched for years, the bank may have been regularly withdrawing
"Fees".  One bank I had in Florida I opened purely with a savings account, put money into it, and left it.  It was just an establishing state residency type of thing.  About 18 months later I looked at the account and it had less money than I started with?  The bank was charging account inactivity fees!  I read them the riot act of how during ww 2 many bad banks did that to people that had been killed or detained and could not access their accounts. 

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1 minute ago, notagain said:

This is a lie ! Thais would never do something like this, its never happened to me or anyone else before and I have had a bank account here since me and buddha drank coffee together, blah blah blah.

Ever happen to you then?

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26 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Ever happen to you then?

Nope but I only keep a very minimum account in any bank here, but I read the The nation newspaper and that other one we cant mention on here every morning and read many articles about thais having the same problem on many occasions. Maybe you should take off your blinders get out of the gated community and thai visa and learn a little about the real thai people and the problems they face from a system full of laws but no justice. 

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7 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I wonder if Banks in Thailand just wind up accounts that have been inactive if they have made an attempt to contact the account holder and had no reply?


Another reason that retirees are reluctant to keep 800,000 Baht in a Thai Bank account. 

It was a term deposit which usually automatically rolls over for another term and so on.


strange when family went to update it did not show any transactions 

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10 minutes ago, notagain said:

Some people are so blind and stupid to reality they have to lie to themselves that these things dont happen. But I guess it justifies their false beliefs in a corrupt system.

If blind and stupid is seeing reality instead of an imaginary world built of your own prejudices, give me the blindness and stupidity.

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2 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Those 800/400K accounts should, IMO, be in fixed accounts were no cards are issued. There's virtually no risk for any "pickings". I've never lost one baht during decades of 'banking' in Thailand.

okay great you haven't but as per the story someone else has and I suspect it goes on more than known...

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1 hour ago, AhFarangJa said:

My Son has a fixed term deposit account linked to an insurance that matures in a year or so. Last year we received a letter from the bank to go to the local branch and have the book "Updated". When I inquired about it I was very politely informed it was to stop the account being subject to the inactive account rule......confused the hell out of me, but I am grateful for their contacting us.

That was good of them - are you able to say which bank?

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10 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

well, if the account was not touched for years, the bank may have been regularly withdrawing
"Fees".  One bank I had in Florida I opened purely with a savings account, put money into it, and left it.  It was just an establishing state residency type of thing.  About 18 months later I looked at the account and it had less money than I started with?  The bank was charging account inactivity fees!  I read them the riot act of how during ww 2 many bad banks did that to people that had been killed or detained and could not access their accounts. 

No fees accumulate to such big sum...That is exactly what happened to my Central Java Mindiri bank account. At least 10 millions gone ..bank explanation "Fees and charges" but no proof to show me how much and when.

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4 hours ago, animalmagic said:

In 2017 the Fiscal Policy Office drafted legislation enabling the Govt to seize money from accounts that had been inactive for 10 years

And that would apply for the described  case.

The father died in 2008 and account had no activity (transfers) since then.


And remember: it was a Fixed Deposit, no card to skim, no ATM withdrawal etc.


And from the report of The Nation:


“But I can confirm that it’s not seizing people’s money as reported,” he said, adding account owners or their heirs would be able to reclaim the money at any time.

And now it would be interesting to be informed about the conclusion.

But as usual that will unlikely happen.


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