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Quality tourist? Westerner in Phuket filmed being abusive after urinating on taxi


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2 hours ago, BestB said:

How did they know he was French????????????? the only language he spoke was geberish with a French accent ????????????

maybe there his urine was wine!  JOKE!  

YEP, another quality moment in lovely Thailand.  And that's why I love it here so much, along with the Sinsot I pay to my Thai honey and immigration...cant forget the fantastic driving habits here...NEVER a dull moment, everyday is an adventure....got to love it! You cant make it up or buy this kind of entertainment anywhere...

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes Thais do it too your right about that, but that does not mean we need foreign idiots doing it. But seriously this problem happens a lot in the UK. Been watching some CCTV show and one of the things happening a lot is peeing wherever they want. I can remember this kind of behaviour too where I came from usually drunk people. Best thing is to just catch and punish maybe they will remember for next time.


Here we go again! Guess what, it happens anywhere that you get jerks.


I was amazed first time I went to Prague. 7.30 pm and people standing in bus queues drinking from big bottles of beer, men and women. When they needed to urinate they  did the same as this moron - go in between two parked vehicles - yep, men and women.


My office once was in the South of the Netherlands, and I used to drive to our  business in Brussels regularly. As soon as you crossed the Belgian border you'd see motorists stop and urinate on the grass verges. What was amazing was this was often on the slip roads into service stations! They were too lazy to drive into the parking lot and walk to the toilet!! That was a regular site, and often several motorists urinating on the grass verge - only saw men though!


I lived in India once. The statistic at the time was that  25% of the population of 1.6 billion people didn't have access to a toilet. No home with a bathroom. So they urinated and defecated where they could. No body went walking on the sidewalks, fields or beaches without taking great care!


It's an offense in the UK and you will get cautioned and possible prosecuted if a police or support officer catches you. Never saw anyone doing this in the USA but you might get shot!


To be fair there are times when people need to urgently relieve themselves, but not in the center of and urban area like this believed to by French idiot who from the video looked like he'd been on alcohol. which is a diuretic. There were toilets available close by but he was too: stupid, arrogant, drunk, ignorant - take your pick, to bother.


Find, fine, kick out.

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3 hours ago, BestB said:

How did they know he was French????????????? the only language he spoke was geberish with a French accent ????????????

Definitely caught some French swear words amongst the geberish ????

Edited by Mukdahanman
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and native thais are above "pissing" when nature calls? Surely this is yet another "exemption" that Thais (and not Frarangs) seemingly calls for no media nor any scrutiny when native Thais relieve themselves? Surely the powers that be need a quick diagram as to to priorities and biased affronts.  Pathetic is the word for today.

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes Thais do it too your right about that, but that does not mean we need foreign idiots doing it. But seriously this problem happens a lot in the UK. Been watching some CCTV show and one of the things happening a lot is peeing wherever they want. I can remember this kind of behaviour too where I came from usually drunk people. Best thing is to just catch and punish maybe they will remember for next time.

Yes Thais do it too but foreigners ( from developed countries ) other than Russians are supposed to set an example for others. You cannot expect respect if you do not earn it. Problem is the Thais would look at future foreigners with contempt based upon deplorable behaviors of some. 

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1 hour ago, brokenbone said:

ive seen dozens of thais pissing about outdoors here,

your pretended outrage is pathetic

Thais piss because there is no available public toilet .moreoer I have seen many pissing at bushes along the side of the road . This guy can just pop across to a toilet. He is just being a jerk and setting a bad precedence for a respectable foreigner. Pissing behind parked car at that. Showing no respect for other people’s property. If it is my car, I would kick his arse all the way across the road .

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LOL- are you kidding me? Are you suggesting that Thais set an example? I don't ignore Farang or Westerner's rude display in a foreign country, but please do not infer that Thais are angels and without scrutiny (even though we realize the reality of such). People who have a proper upbringing...minus the ones whose parents sell them are in no capacity to debate...And to those who sell their children, there is a place in hell for you.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

That's 1 nil for the westerner and 0 for the taxi driver's.


What's the big deal, I see the quality taxi drivers of Thailand urinating everywhere, no big deal when it's a Thai, oi !

They do it not in your face type. Taxi drivers have no options since they are driving long hours on the road. This frenchy was taking the piss between cars in full view . He can always pop into the toilet across the road where he came from . I guess he is just being a jerk waving his dong at Thailand. It is jerk like this that gives other foreigners a bad name. I wouldn’t wonder if the scale of foreigners on the Thai ‘respectable scale’ is getting lower and lower given the trashy whites that are landing onto Thailand. 

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1 minute ago, Ctkong said:
2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

That's 1 nil for the westerner and 0 for the taxi driver's.

What's the big deal, I see the quality taxi drivers of Thailand urinating everywhere, no big deal when it's a Thai, oi !

They do it not in your face type. Taxi drivers have no options since they are driving long hours on the road. This frenchy was taking the piss between cars in full view . He can always pop into the toilet across the road where he came from .{snipped}

You're right there. Last time I had to pay extra for that.


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While he is in a situation of fault, caught in the act,
  he has a very deplorable behavior,
unworthy of his French-speaking country, be it French, Swiss, Belgian, Luxembourgish or otherwise.
In addition to showing his fist, he makes an arm and a finger of honor.
Lamentable, despicable, ignoble individual.

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5 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

he is a tourist and in all likelihood have no idea where he can get a toilet within his time limit, unlike thais that know where to go, and know how to ask for hong naam.

also drop your pathetic threats keyboard warrior

LOL- obviously brokenbone you have no clue as to certain situations. Rather than focus on whether pissing is permissible and according to you possibly an offense, i would suggest you gain another life:)

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8 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

he is a tourist and in all likelihood have no idea where he can get a toilet within his time limit, unlike thais that know where to go, and know how to ask for hong naam.

also drop your pathetic threats keyboard warrior

Pathetic threats. Ha. He walked across the road where there are pubs and nightlife with TOILETS ! When I was overseas in other people’s country, I can always get a toilet when the need arise. It is all in their mental attitude and upbringing. 

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10 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

1. the French are reknowned for pissing in the street in their own country.

The cities are one big pissoire.

It has even been brought up at city council meetings what to do about the problem and the culture of pissing on every street corner.

2. pissing on, or against a vehicle in Thailand is a big No No.

99.5% of cars and trucks and most motorcycles have been blessed by a monk at the beginning of their lives.

Hence it is a blessed object.

A big no no.

Lucky the guy did'nt get a good kicking.

The French cities have "pissoirs" on many streets to avoid having to drop the schlong out in public

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