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Video: Popular British YouTuber in Thailand diagnosed with cancer but has no insurance


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As a European, he could have gotten health care here for 20K baht which would cover him for the first 500K baht, at which point Medivac back to your home country.  It only applies to countries with health care as standard, but for that price, and no need of a health check and no age limit, it seems a small price to pay.

Worked out well for me (well, considering) when I broke an arm and now full of Titanium.  Still have to pay for non admit bills yourself though (eg. walk in antibiotics, dental etc).


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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

If you are no longer resident in the UK, then you are not entitled to NHS healthcare. Now personally, as someone who has paid a load of tax in the UK, I don’t believe this is fair, however that is the law. You appear to still be registered with your GP, and use a UK address? So the state does not know you have residency in Thailand? Not my business, I don’t mind what you do. So you could return to the UK and as far as the NHS is concerned you are just like a normal resident citizen. But what you are doing is not strictly legal ... making you as much of a scammer as the ones you deride on here. If you told them where you stay you might get a shock. I’d advise against doing so.

It's not a scam, because, as you say I've paid my tax in the UK (and still do). Also paid far more than the maximum of NI contributions, which, allegedly entitles to free healthcare for life. For the same reason, I will be getting my annual rise to my state pension. It's the government that are scammers, not me, I'm just playing them at their own game.


"If you told them where you stay you might get a shock. I’d advise against doing so." 


Well that's the difference between me and some of the blithering idiots on this forum. Because of several pre existing conditions, it's impossible for me to get health insurance at any price. Therefore, in order for me to continue to live in Thailand, I have made some simple, cost free, arrangements, to enable me to return to the UK at any time and receive free treatment.


It's not scamming, it's called using your brain to get what you are entitled to.


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5 minutes ago, Spidey said:

It's not a scam, because, as you say I've paid my tax in the UK (and still do). Also paid far more than the maximum of NI contributions, which, allegedly entitles to free healthcare for life. For the same reason, I will be getting my annual rise to my state pension. It's the government that are scammers, not me, I'm just playing them at their own game.


"If you told them where you stay you might get a shock. I’d advise against doing so." 


Well that's the difference between me and some of the blithering idiots on this forum. Because of several pre existing conditions, it's impossible for me to get health insurance at any price. Therefore, in order for me to continue to live in Thailand, I have made some simple, cost free, arrangements, to enable me to return to the UK at any time and receive free treatment.


It's not scamming, it's called using your brain to get what you are entitled to.


I’m not criticising what you are doing. But strictly speaking, in purely legal terms, you are gaming the system. I wouldn’t tell a soul, best keep that to yourself. 


But it does not negate the original point that I made. If you are resident in Thailand there is no automatic right to return to the UK and receive free healthcare.



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The UK no longer has free health Care for all Brits.

As the post above says, you will be charged at  150% of cost if you are not resident in UK.

I still pay UK Income Tax on a Forces Pension but not being resident would have to pay at 150% if I was over there and I required any medical treatment.

The other day a guy resident in Thailand told me that in his local UK. NHS you are required to produce either Passport, National Health Number or name of your GP and the number he issues to you for treatment.

I will suggest this has come in since the incident where a lady returning home gave birth to twins while transiting a UK airport then departed without settling her £500,000 bill.

So instead of billing the airline for flying a heavily pregnant woman, free NHS has gone for all Brits.



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8 minutes ago, Too young to be old said:


If he has lived abroad for more three years, treatments is not free - but the NHS is useless and he might get it anyway.

Is there a time period, after which you would become eligible again ? What about guys that work overseas for 3-4 years in their 20s then return to live there for the next 50 years.

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1 hour ago, Teee said:

Not Thai bashing at all.

Thailand is a beautiful place (not bkk).

I was referring to so many posts from ex pats on here saying how expensive it is now. How they have no medical insurance as its expensive.

Now we have some prat who seems to live the life of chasing the 'good' life and telling the whole world how he is doing every day...who really cares...and then posts video of him in a hospital saying he has cancer and how much it costs. 

Then his 'mate' does a gofund for him so he can carry on with his 'treatment'.

The rules have tighten up re NHS and you have to be registered with a Dr in the UK. But if he came back just register with a dr and he will be treated.

Im sure at his age he has a record with paying NI contributions with a NHS number.

He goes on that he was waiting till he was 60 to get insurance.

What crap is that.

Been said many times here in the forums...Cant afford to live there dont live there.

Totally agree with this post. Previous post not so much....perhaps I didn't quite get the gist of it. 

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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Is there a time period, after which you would become eligible again ? What about guys that work overseas for 3-4 years in their 20s then return to live there for the next 50 years.

I believe it is six months, but I’m not 100% sure on that.

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10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

But strictly speaking, in purely legal terms, you are gaming the system. I wouldn’t tell a soul, best keep that to yourself. 

One of the reasons that I always use a VPN when connecting to this forum and religiously guard my anonymity.

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

The problem is that he has been outside of the UK and is no longer resident there. Kev would have to return and be settled for at least six months before that situation changed as far as the authorities are concerned. In six months his cancer could have spread. If he goes private in the UK he cannot transfer to the NHS later.


This point has been made several times, but it is not well understood.

I think the point about personal responsibility has been made a few times also but not been understood either.

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30 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

If you are no longer resident in the UK, then you are not entitled to NHS healthcare. Now personally, as someone who has paid a load of tax in the UK, I don’t believe this is fair, however that is the law. You appear to still be registered with your GP, and use a UK address? So the state does not know you have residency in Thailand? Not my business, I don’t mind what you do. So you could return to the UK and as far as the NHS is concerned you are just like a normal resident citizen. But what you are doing is not strictly legal ... making you as much of a scammer as the ones you deride on here. If you told them where you stay you might get a shock. I’d advise against doing so.

Take note...The Tax you pay in UK on your earnings does not pay for your healthcare.

National Insurance Contributions pay for NHS and your State Pension.

To enable a FULL State Pension you have to be contributing for xxx number of years.

Any years missed you can make a payment.

If you have made Contributions then you are entitled to NHS.

The rules slightly changed 2 years ago that you have to be registered with a Dr. As i have already said...Drs do not write to you asking you to confirm if you still want to stay registered with them.

Therefore even if someone has lived in another country for xx years they should still have a Dr.

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The answer for him is of course simple. Return home for treatment. Return to Thailand when you are better. The reason you need insurance coverage is heart-attack and stroke. Car/motorcycle accidents as well. 

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

Did you actually read my post? It was in response to what I consider to be a ridiculous statement by a poster who claims to be a former Policeman. 


For your information, Graham Briar did not survive the surgery, he died on the operating table. He was someone who lived in Thailand on very limited means, and built up a following on You Tube, the money he raised helped him and his wife out. He sought to raise funds for his surgery and recovery and was pilloried for it by, in my view, people who are borderline psychopaths. He might have been a “colourful character” but I don’t recall anyone providing evidence of any serious crimes ... murder, rape, bank robbery, etc. On here people who try to stay in Thailand on low funds are likened to child murderers ... yet they take nothing from the state, everything they spend is in Thailand.

Lived in Thailand on very limited means. 

Not exactly the hiso farang then. 

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1 hour ago, mikecha said:

Thats what you tube is all abut donations if u look why not pay a  dollar  wont kill ufor suchgood entertainement and info it not begging  foo

Good entertainment?  Seems you are easily entertained 

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It’s unfortunate and wish there were reasonable health insurance without all the clauses so a person could be taken care of in these situations.


If yiu decide to have or not have insurance it’s your decision and when you get seriously ill need to deal with the consequences for your decision.


I’m uninsurable at a cost that I could afford and if I get seriously ill

hope that whatever happens. Live or die that is peaceful. Can’t think oh someone will get you out of a jam. 


I had a quad bypass at 39 years old. Shortly after I got out the hospital received hand written from my father and he sent one

to all of his five children. Basically said he retired (55) and has limited funds and not to ask for any money. 


Fortunately he had insure from the company he worked for and had medical coverage for him and his spouse until it was his day 

on the other side. It’s understandable.


My father in law had cancer and was told by his US Dr. that Mexico

has cancer drugs that weren’t approved yet in US. Insurance wouldn’t cover so my wife and had a 76 Corvette excellent condition. Put it up for sale to the best cash offer. Sold it paid

his Dr. bills. Unfortunately his days came quicker than expected.


My wife and I would sleep in a conversion van we had 3 days a week just outside the hospital entrance. The locals got to know us and would sometimes being food .... very good hand made delicious.


Anyway hope the guy is ok and if he can’t find a solution maybe 

he’s a citizen of a country that has insurance at low or no cost. 

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53 minutes ago, Spidey said:

It's not a scam, because, as you say I've paid my tax in the UK (and still do). Also paid far more than the maximum of NI contributions, which, allegedly entitles to free healthcare for life. For the same reason, I will be getting my annual rise to my state pension. It's the government that are scammers, not me, I'm just playing them at their own game.


"If you told them where you stay you might get a shock. I’d advise against doing so." 


Well that's the difference between me and some of the blithering idiots on this forum. Because of several pre existing conditions, it's impossible for me to get health insurance at any price. Therefore, in order for me to continue to live in Thailand, I have made some simple, cost free, arrangements, to enable me to return to the UK at any time and receive free treatment.


It's not scamming, it's called using your brain to get what you are entitled to.


What are these arrangements? 

Do tell


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