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Theresa May wins 'legally binding' Brexit assurances from EU ahead of crucial votes


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I found no clear info on these threads so I ask here,


as far as I understand may-deal was voted over by MPs last night

the no-deal vote was shifted to today

why the shift? to amuse the PM?


since no-deal was shifted I assume may-deal was voted down, what was the result, the numbers?

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2 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

I found no clear info on these threads so I ask here,


as far as I understand may-deal was voted over by MPs last night

the no-deal vote was shifted to today

why the shift? to amuse the PM?


since no-deal was shifted I assume may-deal was voted down, what was the result, the numbers?

Huh? Have you been traveling one day into future maybe? 

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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes lets wait and see what the Remainer has done. Will it be good enough to get her crappy deal through!


If it is and the UK leave the EU on tghen29th March then there will be a lot of TV posters crying in their breakfasts.????


Either way for me the UK and the EU friendship has hit rock bottom and will be difficult to repair. I know of friends who won't buy anything from the EU countries now. Wine from Chile instead of France and Germany. They are not anti European countries, just anti EU. Seeing the way the EU have demonised, insulted and ridiculed the people of the UK, will not be forgotten for a long time.


Either way TM should go.


People have forgotten this, especially the the bbc and remainers:


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9 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

very helpful answer to users seeking straight information



The May deal is being voted on today, after (apparently) the eu agreed to change the agreement re. the backstop.


We're all waiting to hear precisely how the agreement has been changed - in my case, for a good laugh!

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19 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

I found no clear info on these threads so I ask here,


as far as I understand may-deal was voted over by MPs last night

the no-deal vote was shifted to today

why the shift? to amuse the PM?


since no-deal was shifted I assume may-deal was voted down, what was the result, the numbers?

They vote later today. She is widely expected to lose.

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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Either way for me the UK and the EU friendship has hit rock bottom and will be difficult to repair. I know of friends who won't buy anything from the EU countries now. Wine from Chile instead of France and Germany. They are not anti European countries, just anti EU. Seeing the way the EU have demonised, insulted and ridiculed the people of the UK, will not be forgotten for a long time.

that's a new one, now it's the EU that insulted and ridiculed the people from the UK and I thought it was TM.... always easy to say ...""" it's not me it's them"""

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22 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The May deal is being voted on today, after (apparently) the eu agreed to change the agreement re. the backstop.


We're all waiting to hear precisely how the agreement has been changed - in my case, for a good laugh!

right, ta dd,


guess the changes have a shine of cosmetics on them



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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Have you not been keeping up old chap with the last 2.5 years.


Besides the special place in hell quote for brexiteers.


British people must be punished for Brexit.


Tusk and Juncker have ridiculed those who voted for leave. 

Do your research.


same matter but different opinions, all a matter of interpretation, for me and for a lot of other people TM has been playing the UK people for the past 2.5 years but you don't have to agree, just keep it for yourself

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14 minutes ago, Justin Side said:

What a sad bunch of friends you have.

Thanks for reminding me why I no longer live there.

How does your geographic location change anything & how do you know where LG & friends are, inc nationalities of the latter?

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4 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

same matter but different opinions, all a matter of interpretation, for me and for a lot of other people TM has been playing the UK people for the past 2.5 years but you don't have to agree, just keep it for yourself

"for me and for a lot of other people TM has been playing the UK people for the past 2.5 years"


Agree entirely.

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1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:

I found no clear info on these threads so I ask here,


as far as I understand may-deal was voted over by MPs last night

the no-deal vote was shifted to today

why the shift? to amuse the PM?


since no-deal was shifted I assume may-deal was voted down, what was the result, the numbers?

I told you the vote was today already. If you don't believe me then I won't bother trying anymore.

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16 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

same matter but different opinions, all a matter of interpretation, for me and for a lot of other people TM has been playing the UK people for the past 2.5 years but you don't have to agree, just keep it for yourself

No I don't agree and I do not try and 'spin something' when I clearly say something is not true.


This place hell, Tusk was on about, you don't think it was a nightclub do you.



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5 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

If this doesn't get over the line, watch "no deal" get kicked out, an extension to Article 50, followed by a referendum ... followed by no Brexit at all.


Squeaky bum time for Brexit zealots.



I was thinking more that the remainers have lost every last hope that the UK will not leave on March 29th. It has been decisively quite on here from the remain gang. I guess some will be selling their nuclear bunkers and selling of their two years supply of plasters and paracetamol.

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6 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Without wanting to derail this discussion.


But you entered a trading block, essentially no different to NAFTA.


Wouldn't it have better to have all this discussion before you ratified the Maastricht Treaty, which was a commitment to political union?

Wasn't it Thatcher that signed that? That would have been the time you should have had your referendum  

Thought that was Major? I could be wrong in my old age.

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19 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I told you the vote was today already. If you don't believe me then I won't bother trying anymore.

Melvin is a 'decent' poster, although biased towards the remain 'camp'.


No need to alienate the few 'decent' remain posters.


Most of us miss the odd few pages, as we can't be bothered - and I suspect this is why the poster missed your earlier reply.

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