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Theresa May wins 'legally binding' Brexit assurances from EU ahead of crucial votes


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By this evening it will be unravelling to reveal a meaningless bit of mumbo-jumbo when MP's get to read the context of the deal and find it has more holes than a Swiss Cheese.


Another two week delay while May get clarification?

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5 hours ago, Loiner said:

Who knows at this stage if the changes are legally binding or not. The AG opinion will be politically motivated, so suspect. How long will it take him to produce the report this time? He obviously didn’t want to with the last one. Will someone in his department give a clear analysis again, or be swayed to fit their agenda?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

ERG Lawyers will be going through it with a fine tooth comb so should have an independent view as to whether it is legally binding or not.

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7 minutes ago, Henryford said:

I think Treason May missed a trick yesterday. She could have had a photo opportunity waving her new "deal" on the steps of the airplane home.


better keep the deal in the bag,

if the deal knew it was going to the UK for scrutiny, it might puke


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EU funding for Turkey low: minister

Despite Ripert’s statement that the EU’s total pre-accession financial aid to Turkey reached nearly 6 billion euros between 2002 and 2013, 



Turkey - financial assistance under IPA II

EU allocations for IPA 2014-2020: €4,453.9 million (not including the allocation for Cross-border Cooperation)


The European Court of Auditors slammed the European Commission’s management of pre-accession assistance to Turkey



Who knows once the UK has left the EU maybe they will give the UK 11 Billion euros so that we don't rejoin the EU

Edited by vinny41
added txt
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9 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes lets wait and see what the Remainer has done. Will it be good enough to get her crappy deal through!


If it is and the UK leave the EU on tghen29th March then there will be a lot of TV posters crying in their breakfasts.????


Either way for me the UK and the EU friendship has hit rock bottom and will be difficult to repair. I know of friends who won't buy anything from the EU countries now. Wine from Chile instead of France and Germany. They are not anti European countries, just anti EU. Seeing the way the EU have demonised, insulted and ridiculed the people of the UK, will not be forgotten for a long time.


Either way TM should go.


Everyone is pouring over the "tweaking" that the EU has done with May's deal.  It seems that little has changed except making the backstop position a bit clearer.  We will wait to see if that is enough to swing the vote.  But really I think there is a lot going on behind closed doors and no doubt secret deals being made to try to push her deal through.


Ireland has given it the thumbs up and Juncker has said there won't be any more concessions from them and that Britain should now accept May's deal. The pound has surged against the Euro in anticipation of the deal going ahead.  But It certainly works better for the EU than for Britain. Will the Brexit MP's capitulate and vote for it?


Yesterday I was convinced that parliament would reject it but today I am not so sure (again!)

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8 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Great, hope that ends the whole circus and the UK leaves the EU for good and we can all move on. 


From an European perspective, that’s my first priority, and ideally I’d like it to happen under a deal. Even better would be if the deal was ratified not only by parliament but also by the people, of course. But a referendum would very likely mean that the UK would remain in the EU and that would be my biggest nightmare given how deeply divided, dysfunctional and full of clowns the UK is at the moment, unfortunately. The UK has always been half in and half out, and was never fully committed to the European idea, unfortunately. 


Of course, I understand that’s not what the people of the UK want. For them the best would be to remain. However, our doors will stay open and we will welcome back the UK as a fully committed member once it got rid of all the Brexit cancer. Trying to find something positive in Brexit in  light of businesses leaving and politicians making a fool of themselves, the people will now be able to experience and learn firsthand what happens when you listen to the lies and false promises of some manipulating extremists. 

Of course, I understand that’s not what the people of the UK want. For them the best would be to remain.


That's what comes of having a "European perspective".  You clearly don't understand the British people or what they actually want.

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9 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes lets wait and see what the Remainer has done. Will it be good enough to get her crappy deal through!

In another topic  @nauseus called May's deal 'crap' and when I asked him "So enlighten me; what specifics in her plan do you disagree with, and with what would you replace them?" he made a pathetic excuse for dodging the question.


Will you now answer it?

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41 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Thanks most of those are correct. Forget the red bus, as I can't believe people would still harp on about what a politician said on the side of a red bus.:cheesy:

A smear: You are over sensitive. As many on here have said like me. we are not against the people of the EU or The European countries. It is the corrupt EU entity.


You have a choice of 27 countries to go and live, so why are you constantly moaning. Denmark is on offer apparently.


I’m neither over sensitive nor was I moaning (even less so constantly). Yes, I’m calling you out for your shix. I’m doing the same with Trump fans and other far-right idiots. And why should I choose one of the 27 EU countries over the lovely sun and ladies of Asia? 

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25 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Of course, I understand that’s not what the people of the UK want. For them the best would be to remain.


That's what comes of having a "European perspective".  You clearly don't understand the British people or what they actually want.

I don't think a lot of British people know what they want but as sure as eggs is eggs they ain't going to get it with this Brexit.

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Okfokay..try to work out the corruption in eg..Romania or why unemployment is do high in Spain???

I’m neither over sensitive nor was I moaning (even less so constantly). Yes, I’m calling you out for your shix. I’m doing the same with Trump fans and other far-right idiots. And why should I choose one of the 27 EU countries over the lovely sun and ladies of Asia? 

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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5 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I’m neither over sensitive nor was I moaning (even less so constantly). Yes, I’m calling you out for your shix. I’m doing the same with Trump fans and other far-right idiots. And why should I choose one of the 27 EU countries over the lovely sun and ladies of Asia? 

I suggest you read all your posts. I managed 10 minutes before I stopped as I felt depressed. Summing up from those posts, I have to say all you do is moan. In fact I was thinking that you are a 'wind up merchant' but no,  you are somoene who just likes to complain, without any conviction.


You are going on about the EU and how bad it is in the UK. Why not move to one of the wonderful 27 Countries. Apparently moaning is totally accepted as part of culture in some of those countries. You would love it.

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30 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I will be interesting to see if we are not in thee SM, the ECJ and eventually out of the CU. I am also waiting to see about the fisheries policy.


If and I mean if it gets through then no matter what remainers say. That will be the end of the UK in the EU. No second referendum. No rejoining. Gone.


No doubt someone will come up with a new term such as a squirty brexit or a flat brexit.


If it doesn't get through and article 50 is extended then that is the end of the Conservatives politically. IMHO before I get the professors on here asking for a verified article from a prestigious journal, to back up my opinion.????

We don’t need a prestigious article LG, we have your own words.


If..blah.. blah.. blah then that (no matter what Remainers say) will be end of the UK in the EU.


If it doesn’t get through. blah.. blah .. blah

[mental gymnastics engaged] that’ll be the end of the  Conservative  Party.


I do understand contemplating the demise of Brexit is difficult, but that was a pretty extreme mental swerve even for a Brexiteer,




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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

We don’t need a prestigious article LG, we have your own words.


If..blah.. blah.. blah then that (no matter what Remainers say) will be end of the UK in the EU.


If it doesn’t get through. blah.. blah .. blah

[mental gymnastics engaged] that’ll be the end of the  Conservative  Party.


I do understand contemplating the demise of Brexit is difficult, but that was a pretty extreme mental swerve even for a Brexiteer,




I almost forgot Chomps. I thought we were on a message board and forum were people can share ideas and opinions.

They are my opinions. If I am making a claim I will send you a list of Harvard referenced links.


The demise of Brexit. Maybe it is maybe it is not. Lets see before making sweeping statements.

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2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I almost forgot Chomps. I thought we were on a message board and forum were people can share ideas and opinions.

They are my opinions. If I am making a claim I will send you a list of Harvard referenced links.


The demise of Brexit. Maybe it is maybe it is not. Lets see before making sweeping statements.



And I’ve posted my opinion on your ‘mental swerve’.


Chill, you’ll get half your answer later today.


And so too will I.



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