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British lawmakers defy May to reject no-deal Brexit, to vote on three-month delay


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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Oh dear the remainiac club are out in force today.


For those who are physically challenged with their eyes and ears and have their heads in the sand. I have to say I can't believe you are still banging on about this. Most sensible people have moved on..






This is what Jezza said after the result. seems to have changed his mind again.



Like I said, law clearly told you and everyone what to expect and not to expect from the referendum: that it is non-binding advisory only. I cannot find anything in the links you posted negating that fact. 

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12 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You think our MPs should revoke art 50?

MP,s can not revoke Article 50, that is up to government (can only be revoked by a minister of the Crown), whether MP's can instruct the government is something I do not know how or even if the can???

Edited by Basil B
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19 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Much like May at the last GE!  Why on earth did they come out with a few policies that would so obviously alienate a number of voters?

Just speculating, but maybe they wanted to lose in order to dump the inevitable Brexit sh!tshow on somebody else?

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7 hours ago, webfact said:


If Britain does seek a delay, it will require the agreement of all the bloc's other 27 members.


The EU would prefer only a short extension, ending before EU-wide parliamentary elections due May 24-26, although it is not clear that this would be long enough to solve the impasse in London. The new European Parliament convenes on July 2.

Can see another issue, if we were to have an extension then I assume we would still have the right to revoke article 50, imagine if we revoked article 50 in May, to late to run European Elections and our seat allocation would have been reallocated.


Where they get this 3 months from I do not know, but the EU27 will want to see a road map, and if as I suspect TM will say for more negotiations and representing her deal yet again they are going to laugh at her.


Even if they go for a rethink, I do not see us being able to able to come up with anything acceptable and given it has it has taken nearly 3 years to get to this point I thing they are going to tell us to either revoke Article 50 (and start again if you have the stomach for it) or Jump of Beachy Head.


Edited by Basil B
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47 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Perhaps they should have told the electorate, rather than claiming in their leaflet that their vote would be acted upon?

Like I said, the law told the electorate. And I’m sure everyone  understands that leaflets don’t change laws. 


47 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


"only advisory" only came up after remain lost the referendum vote.....

No, the law said so from the very beginning on. 

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3 hours ago, Jonah Tenner said:

Norway has a second class membership, all the obligations without any influence. It would have been better for Norway to have no deal at all.

Seems to suit them rather well!

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

Unfortunately no she isn't.

I have no idea where this is going but I recon these'll be selling out between Sunderland & Westminster in the next fortnight despite Farage stating as recently as yesterday that the demo will be peaceful.


At the first opportunity, Farage will be sent down for bringing the country into disrepute. Ill mannered lout.

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

It is a parliamentary democracy. 

Then i hope that a same democratic vote should become in E.U. parliament to refuse any further delay or extension ...and so cut this Gordian knot and finalize so the Brexit as clock ticks further anyway and art 50 get concluded so on 29 March 2019

The U.K. joke has had enough patience from E.U. by by and good riddance ...:thumbsup:


(and let  pray  & hope U.K.   NOT use the E.C.J. verdict for revoke art. 50 as last resort ...:sick:..)

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I do (but obviously it's only my opinion) she is desperately searching for a BRINO that will prevent an exodus of voters towards Farage's new party.


I never had any time for UKIP previously, but will vote for his new party at the next GE - unless they come out with something obviously awful.


Much like May at the last GE!  Why on earth did they come out with a few policies that would so obviously alienate a number of voters?



Farage is the epitome of awfulness. Vulgar little man.

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For what it's worth, here is my opinion.


Parliament needs to keep control now.


I prefer Remain but could live with a compromise. I'm sure many parliamentarians are the same.


This will take time so we either  need a 1 year extension or revoke A50 for a year.


Options need to be tested.


I favour staying in the CU.


I also favour remaining in the SM.


I would negotiate terms on free movement. Free movement for graduates may be?


I would bar Muslims (being a bigot).


I would opt out of CAP


So, some type of soft Brexit would be ideal.


I understand the city already got a deal? I don't know the details.


May needs to be kicked out now. She's so last year. Spreadsheet would be good.


I don't want another election. A hung parliament is useful and I wouldn't want to risk Corbyn

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2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I will and have already thanked him for finally getting a referendum for the people on remaining or leaving the UK. We are truly thankful to him.


I am looking forward to the day we call him Sir Nigel who has served the UK admirably and the interests of the UK people in the EU parliament. The only one who challenges the EU elite and questions, their questionable actions. A true patriot.


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9 minutes ago, Grouse said:

For what it's worth, here is my opinion.


Parliament needs to keep control now.


I prefer Remain but could live with a compromise. I'm sure many parliamentarians are the same.


This will take time so we either  need a 1 year extension or revoke A50 for a year.


Options need to be tested.


I favour staying in the CU.


I also favour remaining in the SM.


I would negotiate terms on free movement. Free movement for graduates may be?


I would bar Muslims (being a bigot).


I would opt out of CAP


So, some type of soft Brexit would be ideal.


I understand the city already got a deal? I don't know the details.


May needs to be kicked out now. She's so last year. Spreadsheet would be good.


I don't want another election. A hung parliament is useful and I wouldn't want to risk Corbyn

So basically you want to stay in the EU. No Brexit at all or like many others call it a soft brexit. I would call it a non existence Brexit.


Agree May needs to go. A brexiteer at the helm. Corbyn IMHO is insignificxant.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

At the first opportunity, Farage will be sent down for bringing the country into disrepute. Ill mannered lout.

He's more likely to be carried shoulder high into Parliament square while that lot nervously twitch behind the curtains desperately hoping there's a white flag somewhere within the Parliamentary estate.

Edited by evadgib
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9 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I will and have already thanked him for finally getting a referendum for the people on remaining or leaving the UK. We are truly thankful to him.


I am looking forward to the day we call him Sir Nigel who has served the UK admirably and the interests of the UK people in the EU parliament. The only one who challenges the EU elite and questions, their questionable actions. A true patriot.



I am surprised that you, of all people, should be confused by this.


Farage is discourteous almost continuously.


I don't agree with his opinions but respect his absolute right to hold them and express them strongly.


However, his discourtesy is an embarrassment to the UK.


Do you not consider that courtly behaviour is a requirement in the House? Why should the European Parliament be any different?


As I say, the man is a discourteous, Ill mannered lout; he deserves to be horse whipped.

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15 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I will and have already thanked him for finally getting a referendum for the people on remaining or leaving the UK. We are truly thankful to him.


I am looking forward to the day we call him Sir Nigel who has served the UK admirably and the interests of the UK people in the EU parliament. The only one who challenges the EU elite and questions, their questionable actions. A true patriot.

I entirely agree although I doubt if he'd accept the honour.

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:



I am surprised that you, of all people, should be confused by this.


Farage is discourteous almost continuously.


I don't agree with his opinions but respect his absolute right to hold them and express them strongly.


However, his discourtesy is an embarrassment to the UK.


Do you not consider that courtly behaviour is a requirement in the House? Why should the European Parliament be any different?


As I say, the man is a discourteous, Ill mannered lout; he deserves to be horse whipped.

Yet the 'Place in Hell' etc was ok in return, & what about the Mogg?

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So basically you want to stay in the EU. No Brexit at all or like many others call it a soft brexit. I would call it a non existence Brexit.


Agree May needs to go. A brexiteer at the helm. Corbyn IMHO is insignificxant.

I don't give a damn what you call it.


I am just stating that I am prepared to compromise and I think a majority in parliament and the country are like minded.


All this I want I want extreme Brexit is for the birds. Did you not listen to Spreadsheet?


Away with the extreme views. It will not happen that way

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Horse whipped..yip..every one of the imo lowlife scum who defied the will of the people in the house of fun..aka house of commons should get 40 lashes

I am surprised that you, of all people, should be confused by this.
Farage is discourteous almost continuously.
I don't agree with his opinions but respect his absolute right to hold them and express them strongly.
However, his discourtesy is an embarrassment to the UK.
Do you not consider that courtly behaviour is a requirement in the House? Why should the European Parliament be any different?
As I say, the man is a discourteous, Ill mannered lout; he deserves to be horse whipped.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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