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Carnage continues on Thai roads: 3,175 reported dead at the scene since the start of 2019


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Daily News'  focus in the latest report was on motorcycles that are said to make up 70% of fatalities. 


The way people on bikes drive around Pattaya I'm surprised the percentage isn't higher. And it's not just Thais either, many farangs seem to regard it as a challenge to be able to drive as recklessly and stupidly as the Thai boys do. Crazy what you see here every single day.

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1 hour ago, Youlike said:

In that case they should hire foreign experts to train the Thai police....how many people have to die first? Soon the rest of the world will watch these video's and think the Thai must be lacking braincells.

get the LAPD over here pronto in a joint training exercise.   many LAPD officers are fluent in Thai.  half the GD traffic lights don't work here. i will never drive here.  giving a car to a Thai is like giving a loaded gun to a  child.

Edited by malibukid
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1 hour ago, Youlike said:

They can use simulators to let ALL THAI re-do a driving exam....There's no way they can cheat a simulator....


Then they do the same for the police, let them work on simulators for some weeks to learn what is allowed and what not.


Thailand will soon be the joke of the world if this continues.

i really doubt the Thai government would pop for drivers ED programs here like we have in the States.  it's all about your Karma here. 

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2 hours ago, Bobobirdiebuddy said:

It can't be fixed.  All it takes is a drive anywhere in Thailand and you'll see the most idiotic driving time after time.  It won't change no matter what the government says, no matter what they show on TV.


It CAN be fixed, they have to hit drivers where it hurts, in the pocket. When idiotic driving costs them big money that’s when things will change

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51 minutes ago, farcanell said:


The number of deaths resulting from the accident, but occurring after the ambulance doors have closed, are not added to the figures that are confusing you.


the annual total giving 24,000 deaths a year, is authored by an international observer, at years end, when all the endings are done


the lower number is governmental deception, to keep the real truth from the public, so they don’t drive scared.

You're repeating a myth.


The government numbers do include people that died later, but this report is only about dead at the scene.

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1 hour ago, Youlike said:

They can use simulators to let ALL THAI re-do a driving exam....There's no way they can cheat a simulator....


Then they do the same for the police, let them work on simulators for some weeks to learn what is allowed and what not.


Thailand will soon be the joke of the world if this continues.

Soon ? They have been for a long time already.

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17 minutes ago, malibukid said:

get the LAPD over here pronto in a joint training exercise.   many LAPD officers are fluent in Thai.  half the GD traffic lights don't work here. i will never drive here.  giving a car to a Thai is like giving a loaded gun to a  child.

What a bit like these guys :giggle:



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2 hours ago, Youlike said:

In that case they should hire foreign experts to train the Thai police....how many people have to die first? Soon the rest of the world will watch these video's and think the Thai must be lacking braincells.

Not a chance. No Thai would loose face asking a farang for help

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I witness Every Day the Complete Lack of Road Positioning , Etiquette , Common Sense , No Signalling , after dark No Lights , Disregard for Traffic Lights , No Road Tax , No Insurence , Under age motorcycle drivers Also very Elderly Bike and Motorcycle Drivers , No Protective Apparel    Ect ect ect 

Edited by UglyBug
Missed out something ;-)
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3 hours ago, Bobobirdiebuddy said:

It can't be fixed.  All it takes is a drive anywhere in Thailand and you'll see the most idiotic driving time after time.  It won't change no matter what the government says, no matter what they show on TV.


maybe get some good driving instructors from the uk and start a real driving exam ??? ban all driving licences from before?? fine for cell phone in the car 5000 bht

drunk driving 6 months sobering up in prison? or better make them WORK !!!

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1 hour ago, UglyBug said:

I witness Every Day the Complete Lack of Road Positioning , Etiquette , Common Sense , No Signalling , after dark No Lights , Disregard for Traffic Lights , No Road Tax , No Insurence , Under age motorcycle drivers Also very Elderly Bike and Motorcycle Drivers , No Protective Apparel    Ect ect ect 

I spy with my little eye .. vehicles with zero maintenance performed in the last 20 years.

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Education, confiscation, driving ban, 6 months inside, shameing, more police presence( which is self funding), it all works, all these clips are available for the world to see and wonder. 

Try and picture this as i tell it,

 comeing up to a T juction with me on the main road traffic starts to slow with people entering the main road and people turning left, 3 cars in front of me, a Tuk Tuk passes me into the oncomeing traffic passing the 3 cars in front of me but as cars approach  him he passes them on there nearside so he is over on the verge and passes through the junction causing mayhem, 50 mtrs on he stops at a food bar, only third world countries allow that.

Edited by Almer
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Outrageous figures but, sadly, true. Add to this the number of fatalities 'as a result of' these accidents and the figures are terrifying. Yet we have another Songkhran coming along next month and what will those figures be like ?? 500, 600, maybe more - despite the length of this Holiday being much longer than The Seven Deadly Days so inadequately portrayed by our honourable leaders. These folk will never learn if it costs them time, effort and especially .....money !! Sad, very sad.

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Have to say that although the standard of teaching and subsequent poor driving habits / skills from Thais you see on the roads here  many many farang have gone "native" with their driving habits. I have friends that I see breaking the rules of the road through impatience and taking unnecessary risks to save 10 seconds or less. My comment is always if you want to do it, don't do it while I'm in the car and if you wouldn't do it at home why would you do it here? Just an observation.

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5 hours ago, petermik said:

The government has far more important issues to deal with than road safety...high end watch collections and submarine purchases are just a couple of examples......:whistling:

Subs.  Thailand?


Plenty of subs floating around in pattaya bay...

Maybe they are going to use them to check the log (turd) outflows  . 

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The carnage continues

No license = no insurance

Driving test in a car park with cones

Parents allowing youngsters to drive.


Get serious about driving - start in schools with a proficiency test.

Make the actual driving test more comprehensive.


Mandatory resit of test after 5 years.

Not only could they reduce the death toll and improve driving standards but make income from it.

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2 hours ago, Pilotman said:
4 hours ago, Youlike said:

In that case they should hire foreign experts to train the Thai police....how many people have to die first? Soon the rest of the world will watch these video's and think the Thai must be lacking braincells.

haha like that is ever going to happen.  They are far too arrogant to think that westerners can help.  Same for education, civil engineering, aviation, shipping, you name it, they think they know best. 

They can also ask other Asians to help, there are very developed Asian nations who drive far better than the Thai.

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