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Should I Be Concerned for My Life


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Thanks for your thoughts.


Yes I had thought exactly the same...ie: Speak to HR and then ask them to engage a security contractor to advise our company on correct course of action and potentially inform this employee that my concerns have been made known.


I can look after myself and have no fear whatsoever of this person per se.....what I AM worried about is hired thugs or even hired hit men.


Either way it is a shame that we may well end up living in the same area whatever happens. This guy is not going home because of the divorce he now is going through.

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In Thailand it is easy to make a person go away... be it foreigner or Thai. That is why it is imperative to show a good smiley face to your adversaries and friends regardless of your feelings inside. 

You never know when they would strike . A loaded sachet of white powder on your person, or in your car can bring great distress. A crooked cop can also lead to your misfortune. In your case , the reason the guy was trying to get you fired was not explained.

is it because only one of you two can stay behind doing same or similar job description ? If so, then we can see the guy’s point of view of hating you. 

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Maybe a look at the (personal) statistic is helpful.

I guess about everybody who arrives in Thailand will hear sometime soon how cheap it is to hire a hitman (imagined or not, I don't know). And most of us will have visited one or the other place with people who seem to do not only legal business. That means lots of people have, at least in theory, access to a hitman.

But how often does something happen?

We hear from time to time from the flyers-club but that seems to be often connected to love affairs. Did anybody ever hear from a business person that anybody in the company was harmed because they fired someone?

I never heard a story like that, and I am here since a long time.

So possible, but it seems very unlikely.

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I would email the guy's embassy in Thailand and make as many paper trails as you can....  but do it in a private way.  Private message the embassy on Facebook, email, maybe even a phone call if possible.  Avoid all conversation with him.  if you must, act dumb.  never give him even one reason to get upset.  he wants you to get mad, don't.  and, if possible, make stuff up.... tell him you have some bad luck back home.  maybe family member very sick, you lost money, something...anything so he will think you are also down on your luck.  something so that he thinks you are not enjoying your life.  

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5 minutes ago, puukao said:

I would email the guy's embassy in Thailand and make as many paper trails as you can....  but do it in a private way.  Private message the embassy on Facebook, email, maybe even a phone call if possible.  Avoid all conversation with him.  if you must, act dumb.  never give him even one reason to get upset.  he wants you to get mad, don't.  and, if possible, make stuff up.... tell him you have some bad luck back home.  maybe family member very sick, you lost money, something...anything so he will think you are also down on your luck.  something so that he thinks you are not enjoying your life.  

What's the logic behind this suggestion?

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6 minutes ago, puukao said:

this guy is losing his job, and money, and maybe ability to stay in Thailand.  he's mad.  i'm sure he thinks the OP is "winning" and took away all his future money.  If the OP makes it seem like he's not "winning," then maybe he won't want to get rid of him.  Easier to hate some guy acting like life is great, than a guy who is also down on his luck.  


i think it makes sense.  


oh, i'm super mad at you.  you tell me you just found out you have cancer or your mom died or your lost your house.  oh.....now, maybe not as mad.  

Ok, makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. At least for me it was not obvious.

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1 hour ago, Ctkong said:

In Thailand it is easy to make a person go away... be it foreigner or Thai. That is why it is imperative to show a good smiley face to your adversaries and friends regardless of your feelings inside. 

You never know when they would strike . A loaded sachet of white powder on your person, or in your car can bring great distress. A crooked cop can also lead to your misfortune. In your case , the reason the guy was trying to get you fired was not explained.

is it because only one of you two can stay behind doing same or similar job description ? If so, then we can see the guy’s point of view of hating you. 

Yes essentially his perception was that it was either me or him...in reality that was not the case but nevertheless that is how he saw it.

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45 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Clear your head, man up and do your job. Lay low and watch your back. Say nothing to anyone and let his destiny play out. Going to HR or talking to him or coworkers is only going to blow up in your face.
I mean this in the nicest way. He could have no physical plans but your inference of being fearful that he will hurt you could set him off.


Yeah very good points and I had thought this also.

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5 minutes ago, akirasan said:

What's he done to make you worried you'll get killed? 



It seems that he has accessed HR and the poster hasn't.


It's not exactly a Buster Scruggs event..



Edited by Odysseus123
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33 minutes ago, puukao said:

I would email the guy's embassy in Thailand and make as many paper trails as you can....  but do it in a private way.  Private message the embassy on Facebook, email, maybe even a phone call if possible.  Avoid all conversation with him.  if you must, act dumb.  never give him even one reason to get upset.  he wants you to get mad, don't.  and, if possible, make stuff up.... tell him you have some bad luck back home.  maybe family member very sick, you lost money, something...anything so he will think you are also down on your luck.  something so that he thinks you are not enjoying your life.  

Good advice and thank you....initial discussion with HR was to avoid contact as much as possible...

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2 minutes ago, bowerboy said:

.I can’t give too many more details than that.

Sounds like all mysterious and suchlike....hey, like dude, is there any sneaky office sex involved? Groping by the water cooler? Panting steamy fondlings in the janitors closet? Long lingering glances at sales meetings, cute little double entendres when passing by in the halls, snatched moments of passions in the briefest fluttering of fingers together? Ball gags? Masks? Gummi jumpsuits?

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27 minutes ago, puukao said:

this guy is losing his job, and money, and maybe ability to stay in Thailand.  he's mad.  i'm sure he thinks the OP is "winning" and took away all his future money.  If the OP makes it seem like he's not "winning," then maybe he won't want to get rid of him.  Easier to hate some guy acting like life is great, than a guy who is also down on his luck.  


i think it makes sense.  


oh, i'm super mad at you.  you tell me you just found out you have cancer or your mom died or your lost your house.  oh.....now, maybe not as mad.  

Thanks and yes agreed...actually the words you have used are uncanny...he actually framed it that exact way in one of his many letters to HR.


They are completely exasperated by this guy too...you can’t write to HR about someone “winning”....


He does see it exactly the way you described...I am guessing his girlfriend might too...this is what worries me.

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For the local 'Chico' mafia types - targeting a foreigner would be a big deal, and I personally feel it's very unlikely anyone would take on a job to threaten you.


But I understand how you must be feeling, and I also agree that a US company would take this very seriously.  Don't over-react as you risk sounding like a problem for your company, but just calmly report your assessment of a potential risk.  


Also, if you have friends with contacts at a reasonably senior level in the Police (your company head of Security or Government relations manager for example) then get them to have a quiet word. (but be aware of Defamation Laws, so emphasis on 'quiet' word).


The more of the right people who know of your concerns, the less chance he will do anything stupid.

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1 minute ago, Kinnock said:

For the local 'Chico' mafia types - targeting a foreigner would be a big deal, and I personally feel it's very unlikely anyone would take on a job to threaten you.


But I understand how you must be feeling, and I also agree that a US company would take this very seriously.  Don't over-react as you risk sounding like a problem for your company, but just calmly report your assessment of a potential risk.  


Also, if you have friends with contacts at a reasonably senior level in the Police (your company head of Security or Government relations manager for example) then get them to have a quiet word. (but be aware of Defamation Laws, so emphasis on 'quiet' word).


The more of the right people who know of your concerns, the less chance he will do anything stupid.



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2 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

For the local 'Chico' mafia types - targeting a foreigner would be a big deal, and I personally feel it's very unlikely anyone would take on a job to threaten you.


But I understand how you must be feeling, and I also agree that a US company would take this very seriously.  Don't over-react as you risk sounding like a problem for your company, but just calmly report your assessment of a potential risk.  


Also, if you have friends with contacts at a reasonably senior level in the Police (your company head of Security or Government relations manager for example) then get them to have a quiet word. (but be aware of Defamation Laws, so emphasis on 'quiet' word).


The more of the right people who know of your concerns, the less chance he will do anything stupid.


Excellent advice....thank you.

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