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Under pressure, Britain's May scrambles to win support for Brexit deal


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39 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

If MPs believed these polls, then why are the vast majority of MPs still not keen on another referendum?


Bearing in mind they support remain, you would have thought that they'd be jumping at the chance for another referendum!  And yet, for some reason they're not.....  It seems obvious (to me) that they're not as convinced as yourself by these polls.....


They've probably learned their lesson from the pre-referendum polls ????.  So now they need to learn that when they deliberately ignore a democratic referendum, they lose any little respect they previously held with the electorate.

Do you believe them?

 Can you provide any "credible" polls that consistently say's otherwise? 

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Would that be the same polls that has remain winning all the way through to the referendum, in 2016. I don't believe polls as they have historically been shown, to be false.

brexiteers never believe anything they don't like. they call it fearmongering

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6 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

This proves only that the politicians in the majority are remainers, not the British Populace.  MPs are defying their constituents and voting against Brexit.  It is time to hold an election and see how many of these turn-coats would survive!

What you say would make sense if the poll had been taken among politicians. It wasn't. The polls - and there were a lot of them -  were of ordinary voters. You appear to have a special group in mind when you talk of the British Populace (With a capital P), I presume these are the Brexit voters that you want to claim represent everybody.

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11 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

This proves only that the politicians in the majority are remainers, not the British Populace.  MPs are defying their constituents and voting against Brexit.  It is time to hold an election and see how many of these turn-coats would survive!


Why do you think Leave voters should be represented over the 2/3 of the populace who did not vote Leave?

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6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Why do you think Leave voters should be represented over the 2/3 of the populace who did not vote Leave?

It was the highest turn out ever for a vote.


Perhaps you should start thinking about why so many people don't bother to vote?

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2 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Roll on the 29th..then she and the rest of the backstabbers will get a taste of the truth from normal people who voted to LEAVE.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


So if you get your wish, and we hit the 29th with no deal agreed, no extension requested and agreed to, and therefore, in accordance with EU law appertaining to Article 50, we leave with no deal.


Who do you think is going to sort the gigantic mess that will be created?

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Would that be the same polls that has remain winning all the way through to the referendum, in 2016. I don't believe polls as they have historically been shown, to be false.

Well, maybe we need another referendum to check then?

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7 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

For the moment it is amusing for many European to see what is happening with the U.K..


But this can of course change rapidly and maybe soon the U. K. with laugh with us members of the E. U.. 


But in the meantime....


Being 70+ I find it personally amazing that the U. K. is going that low. 


I had a different remembrance of this country. 


Well Times they are A-changin. 

It seems the U.K. takes an extension as granted already ..., and the E.U. willing for extension is depending on "extension for WHATH reason " as they need a solid reason  example ...new referendum , ...General election …, or just signing the deal they agreed with T.M. as PM of the U.K.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

You do know that babies were excluded from voting, don't you? Why don't you just mention the electorate that voted, rather than people that were not eligable or could not be bothered to vote, if I didn't know better I would say you are trying to manipulate the figures.????


Approximately, 1/3 voted Leave, 1/3 voted Remain and 1/3 chose not to vote.  In a Leave supporters mind that means half of the people wanted to leave, but in a rational persons mind that means 1/3 of the people did.

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

It was the highest turn out ever for a vote.


Perhaps you should start thinking about why so many people don't bother to vote?


Where do you get your drivel and do you ever consider checking whether or not it is drivel before posting?


The referendum saw a turnout of 72%, nowhere near the highest ever, in fact, every single general election between 1922 and 1997 had a higher turnout.  It wasn't even the highest turnout for a referendum, that would be the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 at 84.5%.



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3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Approximately, 1/3 voted Leave, 1/3 voted Remain and 1/3 chose not to vote.  In a Leave supporters mind that means half of the people wanted to leave, but in a rational persons mind that means 1/3 of the people did.

I think more people will understand you better, if you say 52% voted out, 48% voted remain, by including babies, young children and teenagers in your appraisal does nothing but confuse, although it does give it a favourable spin biased to the remain voters.

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

I think more people will understand you better, if you say 52% voted out, 48% voted remain, by including babies, young children and teenagers in your appraisal does nothing but confuse, although it does give it a favourable spin biased to the remain voters.


Is that what you thought I meant?  Nope, I am not including those unable to vote, just the approximately 1/3 who chose to abstain. Leave supporters seem to imagine they don't exist and they can just ignore them from the stats and pretend that 52% of the people voted Leave when it was actually about 35%.

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3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Is that what you thought I meant?  Nope, I am not including those unable to vote, just the approximately 1/3 who chose to abstain. Leave supporters seem to imagine they don't exist and they can just ignore them from the stats and pretend that 52% of the people voted Leave when it was actually about 35%.

What purpose does it serve including people that didn't vote, if we concentrate on the people that did vote, it would gives a truer reflection on the result.

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7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Have you woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Yes I would like her to go as I know many others would.  It would seem the HOC don't agree with her and it is now for a 3rd time she is trying to peddle her deal. 


Kicking the can down the road is definitely what she is doing.

You are just worried that a brexiteer would be PM.


Consensus, is that a term remainers use to try and stop a referendum result, because it looks like that to me.

Of course May needs to go and should have thrown the towel in a long time ago once it was obvious that a positive Brexit just wasn't possible.  But nobody wants this premiership until after Brexit has happened.


Now May has said that she will not give parliament another vote on her deal this week unless she knows she will win.  She is desperate and the Brexiteers who are blocking the vote are getting desperate too!  A long delay would scupper Brexit and they know it.  I am sure behind closed doors May is offering the DUP lot's of bribes to win them over.  Will the Brexiteer MP's fold?  Will we end up with May's BRINO?


To the Brexiteers on TV, as things stand now, which way would you vote?  May's deal or no Brexit?



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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Would that be the same polls that has remain winning all the way through to the referendum, in 2016. I don't believe polls as they have historically been shown, to be false.

nothing wrong with my pole

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34 minutes ago, vogie said:

What purpose does it serve including people that didn't vote, if we concentrate on the people that did vote, it would gives a truer reflection on the result.


But we were not talking about reflections on the result, we were talking about MP's respecting their constituents.

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3 hours ago, robertson468 said:

This proves only that the politicians in the majority are remainers, not the British Populace.  MPs are defying their constituents and voting against Brexit.  It is time to hold an election and see how many of these turn-coats would survive!

Do you want bright, intelligent, informed MPs or do you want idiot savants? Think about that. Most MPs by far are anti Brexit. The one who are pro Brexit have ulterior motives. .

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11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Do you want bright, intelligent, informed MPs or do you want idiot savants? Think about that. Most MPs by far are anti Brexit. The one who are pro Brexit have ulterior motives. .

Most people want MPs who will honour the parties manifesto, whether Labour or Tory. They have deceived their electorate by telling them they will work to leave the EU, and after they took their seats in Parliament they also voted to trigger art 50, deal or no deal. Most MPs have since reneged on that pledge. I can only hope that their constituents will trigger their MPs P45.

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4 hours ago, robertson468 said:

This proves only that the politicians in the majority are remainers, not the British Populace.  MPs are defying their constituents and voting against Brexit.  It is time to hold an election and see how many of these turn-coats would survive!

I think a general election would be a good idea and quicker to put in place than a second referendum which I think would be a red rag to a bull for most Brexiteers.  I don't think it is a good idea either.


Then the MP's can do a straw poll of their constituents and stick to what the people want from them. That would get round the second referendum debate and put the MP's on the spot.  It's about a fairer chance than we would ever get. 


Won't happen though because MP's are more interested in party politics than what is best for the people. Democracy?  Fat chance.

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