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On 3/20/2019 at 5:13 AM, kenk24 said:

being pushed? Or willingly enchanted? 

If they embrace your concept, that should make for interesting reading about the next Pattaya balcony diver from the local media.


"Bert Bingley (name from police report) was alleged to be in poor health but had just bought a new life insurance policy. However, a fight with his Thai wife of 40 years over her recent breast augmentation surgery leads police to suspect that he may have been willingly enchanted over the railings of his 16th floor condo balcony."

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On 3/20/2019 at 8:13 PM, mokwit said:

Over time they learn how to pick your locks - which is not surprising considering that is their sole focus.

Again, use your brain. Have no locks to pick.  A good friend has lived in Bangkok for many years. He rents a fully furnished condo, has the numbers of several taxi drivers,  and has his monthly funds sent to his Thai bank account. His only valuable possessions are his laptop, his cell phone, his clothes and a couple of bottles of McCallum's he enjoys each month.  He pays all his bills, including his women from his monthly stipend. He does not use a card or checks; he goes to the bank and takes out the money he needs--just a few days at a time. If his femme de jour would totally rip him off, the most she could get would only be those few things and whatever change he had in his pockets.     

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On 3/20/2019 at 1:02 AM, CanadaSam said:

The trick is, make sure it is not in their benefit to "off" you, before a certain date! 


please give us some pointers about selecting proper "off date"

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2 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I think maybe 2k sin sod for an hour or two are acceptable. But obviously it depends on the quality of the sinning.

i gave it up when it became more than 1k .   thankfully my testosterone level was supportive of that decision

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3 minutes ago, Tomahawk21 said:

good post OP im afraid a lot of what you say is very true but will only fall on def ears as most men are very weak when it comes to pussy.


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19 minutes ago, Tomahawk21 said:

good post OP im afraid a lot of what you say is very true but will only fall on def ears as most men are very weak when it comes to pussy.

It's all about control. You control your money but if She controls you your Toast!

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25 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

I have a beautiful wife......my age, I am 66 and she is 60.

How wonderful. I wouldn't take a woman of my age even if she would be a multimillionaire.

Just thinking about waking up near an old woman every morning is shocking.

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On 3/21/2019 at 4:51 AM, bwpage3 said:
On 3/20/2019 at 8:37 PM, Nsp64 said:

Why would anyone get involved with a girl that expected them to support her family?

 if you can't support your wife's family you can probably not support yourself and that is how you ended up in Thailand in the first place.

I’m on the fence both Not Give/Give I think it depends on the individual situation. I’ve supported the family since .. just after

Moving to the village.


People measuring for windows and door for

front of house. Knowing Mama and Papa have little to no money.

Who is paying for it (they have 3 daughters and 1 son all 25 and 

above) Papa turned to me and said you....


we bought some land and after a year built a house. Went to see my mother @ 83 at the time. Came back from US into BKK late arrival catch early morning flight home.


Looking at FB which is not big in my world. It’s in Thai and I asked a person sitting next to me at the cafe, I didn’t tell him anything about my life other than born in US. He said Asking her boyfriend come drink at her house.... actually our house... my house her land. 


The think that that was really bothersome is everyone in the whole

family including Aunts,Uncles all knew she was cheating on the side. So 3 months life’s great happy enjoying life gearing down 

in hopes to retire and take it easy. The next 3 years and going 

Multiple boyfriends. They know to stay off the property. 


It wasn’t easy on the mind for sure but i weathered the storm.

With a few dents in the wallet. i plan on staying in this house until that day comes.


I still support the family I think that they figured I was ok, Maybe

not but it doesn’t cost. Oldest sister and husband 5,000 baht month take care of 12 cows birthing everything everyday. I provided 

a house nothing fancy and paid elect. 5,000 baht middle sister cleans house throughly everyday she has a scedul for Windows and such and things that are done daily 4-5 hours 7 days a week, 5,000 Mama she does odds and ends cleans but not good at it. Try’s helping if she thinks I need help, she doesn’t speak English, Papa

nothing. Well except if he wants 200 he washes the cars moto , mow lawn, they all seem to appreciate it, paid once a month except middle sister 1/2 2 times a month she’s not good at managing money. 


Late in the game I grew at least a small pair and no tricky things 

from them. They now I’m not stupid and or putting up with it

anymore. I was foolish for a long time but took over the helm.

if not it’s a long swim across the pond, 


And there really great people out there good productive relationships, Do not judge all the same. Funny in US Mexico

wou d take customers to go go bars and always if ever once 

and done. Then got here on business and dumbness set in .


I hope everyone no matter your situation at least make it

happy and enjoyable 






















































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On 3/21/2019 at 4:51 AM, bwpage3 said:

if you can't support your wife's family you can probably not support yourself and that is how you ended up in Thailand in the first place.


These kinds of comments always come from people with limited income.


When I married my wife, I became part of her family the same as she became part of my family.


My mother spoils my wife to pieces because she can and wants to.


I take care of my wife's family whenever they need it.


Family is family; unless you are a real nutter.

Actually, my point is . Why do people get cornered into paying for their wife's family against their will and better judgement. 

Probably the same guys who can't scrape up enough for the visa bank deposit. 


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10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

How wonderful. I wouldn't take a woman of my age even if she would be a multimillionaire.

Just thinking about waking up near an old woman every morning is shocking.

i think you have a fair point but love goes a lot deeper than looks, maybe try thinking how your young other half feels waking up with you every morning.

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10 hours ago, Captain 776 said:

I was VERY FORTUNATE before even visiting Thailand for the first time, I got invaluable info on Do’s, Dont’s, and NEVER do’s and now after living here almost 14 yrs I can look back and be very thankful.

I have a beautiful wife......my age, I am 66 and she is 60.

I have never been asked to buy any farm animals.

Never been asked to visit her village.

Never been asked to help a family member.

Never been asked for anything ......actually.

We have been married for 11 years and sinsod never entered the equation.


But like the O P said I know many including a close friend that has been raped for every BHAT he had. Now he has been out of work for 9 months and the little douchebag just told him.....if he wants to keep her, he must give her 50,000 BHAT a month.

He is 59 she is 32.  I told him countless times STOP supporting ger damn family~!! Who is going to help you when u retire? Certainly not her damn family, now he is cryin in his beer saying he should have listened.....Duh?.?


He took her off Soi 6 in Pattaya.

When he found out 2 yrs ago she ripped him for 900,000 BHAT.......did he learn?

Nope, not a god damned thing. DUMBASS.


If you relationship involves a girl 30 or 40 more years younger than you, you are already a loser.

If your relationship requires a monthly stipend to her family, you deserve everything you get.


I know another uninformed idiot from a South Carolina that came here knowing NOTHING about how it works here, was on fast forward to marry a girl less than 1/2 his age and now after providing 35,000 a month for her and the required 15,000 a month for her Mom n Dad in Pai has decided he doesn’t want to send money anymore.


Probably all of us know at least one that came in with his ATM card out and his pants down and all he has left is pants down, pockets empty.

They are all big boys and if they really thought that young girl loved being with an old broken down old man.........then they are now paying the tax for their stupidity.

No sympathy for any of them...NONE~!!!

He took her off Soi 6 in Pattaya.

When he found out 2 yrs ago she ripped him for 900,000 BHAT.......did he learn?


what did he expect ? if you swim in a sewer you will only find turds. 

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