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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

You are stating that Ferage walked away !!!!!!!!!

He is now currently in Brussels , speaking , giving speeches to the E.U leaders , telling them to reject not to extend any negotiations and kick us out of the E.U

<deleted> walked away from all responsibility when he was leader of UKIP to be a lapdog to trump. 

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5 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Walked away? No. He won. Against all odds he delivered a victory in the referendum (a referendum that PM Cameron promised would be honored). He thought the authorities could not be so dishonest and crass to cancel what the voters decided, so his work was done. Now we see the remainers trying to upend democracy he is back on the scene. Nothing cowardly about it from Farage's end.

Many of these...






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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Stop posting such nonsense , Ferage is a member of the European Parliament and he has been in Brussels taking part in discussions with the E.U , as leader of the Brexit Party .


review your political history. Farage walked away in 2016 to join the other conman, trump. BTW his name is spelt Farage

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Rather odd that White people who want to remain unified with their White European Brothers , make the allegation that those who dont want to be unified with White Europeans are, ahem........................... racist .

   You want to remain chained to your White European homeland and I prefer to branch out and to be aligned with non white Countries..................and you call me a racist .

   You need to go back to the drawing board and stay there a while and think things through 

you realize that is a totally racist response?

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6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

LOL, a "twitter reaction "!!!!!

You are citing a twitter reaction as news !!!!!!!

I shall go and post something on twitter , copy and paste it onto to here to prove what I posted was true !!!!!!!! 

Did you read the opinion article by The Independent, a highly respected UK national newspaper. 

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2 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

Agin, which party is he in now, then?

Sure, as of 03/2019. As of 22 March Farage said "It is at the moment a virtual party," Mr Farage said. "It is a website. We haven't even launched... 


The guy walked away from all responsibility in 2016. Exactly what has he achieved for the benefit of the UK since 2016?

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, Ferage stated in that article that he had been campaigning for 17 years to get a referendum and now hes achieved that he "wants to get his life back" and he cannot achieve anymore , which is fair enough .

   It was someones tweet that called him a coward , it wasnt the Independent that stated that , they just reported the tweet 

Again the guy's name is spelt "Farage". Anyone who walks away, makes no positive input into talks, just prattles away undermining the EU, whilst receiving a salary from the EU and you think the guy deserves respect? However, no more going around and around - end.

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3 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Again the guy's name is spelt "Farage". Anyone who walks away, makes no positive input into talks, just prattles away undermining the EU, whilst receiving a salary from the EU and you think the guy deserves respect? However, no more going around and around - end.

He has been in Brussels taking part in discussions and debates with E.U leaders  and he also formed another Political party .

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

How did he walk away? 


He is a Euro MP. Not a member of the UK parliament.


He worked for 17 years to bring Brexit to the UK and he succeeded. The current governments job was, and still is, to deliver Brexit to the people of the UK in line with what David Cameron stated that the government would do.


BTW what have you achieved for the benefit of the UK since 2016?



I fundamentally disagree that Brexit is a positive for the UK. 


Achieved for the UK? bugger all, but I do enjoy my UK pension

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its quite simple .

Voters wanted to leave the E.U 

Completely leave , have the same relationship with the E.U. that the USA has with the E.U

Unless we are given the chance to reverse Brexit the UK will be completely leaving the EU. But if we leave without a deal our relationship with the EU will be nothing like that between them and the USA.


The USA has several trade agreements with the EU going back many years. 


The USA and EU were in the process of negotiating a comprehensive agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, when Trump came to power and temporarily stopped negotiations. They were resumed last year.


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8 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Most people I know that voted in the 2016 referendum listen to both the remain and leave side before casting their votes

Cameron, Boris Gove Osborne and Clegg all made it crystal clear multiple times that voting leave would mean

Leave the EU, Leave the single market, leave the custom union , Leave the ECJ 


May's deal means we will:-

Leave the single market

Leave the customs union

Leave the freedom of movement directive (EEA nationals currently living in the UK and British nationals currently living in the other EEA states will retain their current rights.)

Leave the common agricultural policy

Leave the common fisheries policy

Leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ.


So you must be a supporter of May's deal as it gives you everything you want.




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He has one of the worst attendance records of any MEP; all the while collecting his salary and using the FoM directive, which he was against, to employ his German wife in the UK and claim expenses to cover her salary.
When we leave he will receive a nice lump sum compensation payment for losing his job plus a handsome pension when he reaches 63. Paid for not by the EU but by the British taxpayer. He could turn this down, but has stated on numerous occasions that he wont.
A truly nasty piece of work.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, sanemax said:

a 76 page manifesto at 7.30 in the morning .

Give me a break will ya

As if Im going to read a 76 vpafge manifesto !!!!!!!!


Not the first time you can't be bothered to read a document and inform yourself!


Maybe you should try it some time so you can make an informed judgement for yourself instead of merely repeating the slogans of others like a mindless sheeple.

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