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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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1 minute ago, Loiner said:

The difference is that the majority of the people didn’t vote for the poll tax, but they did to Leave the EU. In the case of Theresa May, she is not listening to the majority, but has been pandering to her Remain minority and the EU.

Total tripe.   The majority of people voted for her the Tory government ( remember what a general election is ? ). At that time a restriction as to whom could vote in subsequent elections was part and parcel of the conservative manifesto at that time.  If you don't understand the facts then don't comment.

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2 hours ago, Eagle60 said:

Democracy spoke and the vote was to leave. I am not bothered either way to be honest. Like many of you I am sure, simply bored of it all. No problem with marching, if you feel annoyed by the result of a democratic vote. That is your right. But if you believe in democracy you have to accept its results. Protest by all means, but an adult accepts what comes at them in life and accepts, when things perhaps, do not go their way. They find a way to deal with it and move on. Imagine if every time people voted on something it could be over turned because a number of people were upset. If we follow that very dangerous course, next time it might be your opinion overturned, or your vote rubbished. Its childish politics and undermines democracy. What a mess it would be if they did that every time a vote was given.

The mess is not the Leavers or Remainers fault, but the politicians, certain media manipulation and perhaps large power players with self interest. The politicians are paid to do a professional job of managing the country. A small number of people who through bitterness, ego, self-interest, power plays and an inept ability, have caused chaos. They have let down all the people of the UK, both Remainers and Leavers. But they love via the media to twist it to being the fault of Brexit, or the fault of certain people. Rubbish. The transition could have been a lot smoother. But a small group of people have created chaos and it certainly was not the result of them caring, or genuinely representing their constituents, or the people of the UK.

Watching from a far, they remind me of spoiled kids, with little sense of reality. Is anyone surprised that society is in a poor state with all the out of control crime in London, NHS at breaking point, a declining police force and continued interference in foreign countries, unnecessarily spending billions of tax payer’s money.  Watch them on TV, they are all so pompous and self-righteous. It seems they have long forgotten who they work for and who pays them a salary. I feel sorry for all the people of the UK, both Leavers and Remainers. Imagine if you behaved like them in your job. I doubt we would have a job for long.



Thank you you for that post. It encapsulates every aspect of the shambles that we now see daily in British politics.

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57 minutes ago, billd766 said:



The Corn Laws were tariffs and other trade restrictions on imported food and grain ("corn") enforced in Great Britain between 1815 and 1846. The word "corn" in the English spoken in Nineteenth Century Britain denotes all cereal grains, such as wheat and barley. They were designed to keep grain prices high to favour domestic producers, and represented British mercantilism.[1] The Corn Laws imposed steep import duties, making it too expensive to import grain from abroad, even when food supplies were short.


They were in place for 31 years before being repealed.


So it took 31 yrs to repeal the Corn law, yet Nigel Garvie considers it O.K to repeal the European withdrawal act after just 2 yrs, even before the law has been implemented. Remainers logic at its best.




Edited by nontabury
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11 hours ago, nontabury said:
On 3/27/2019 at 9:35 PM, 7by7 said:

As i have already said, the main reason why we need another vote is because Parliament simply can't, or wont, decide.


As Parliament wont decide, let the people do so.

There’s me thinking the people did decide in 2016, in a Democratic vote

Decided to leave; but how and what would our relationship be with the EU afterwards?


Even Rees-Mogg has now admitted that it was a huge mistake that nobody even thought about the answers to those questions at the time! 


Parliament wont or can't decide on those answers, so put the options to the people and let us decide.


That's democracy.

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3 hours ago, evadgib said:

....& unlike you I'm not on the 0654hrs Woking to Waterloo every day ????


Very witty; not.


Very accurate; not.


The standard of your put downs is getting very poor; you really must try harder.

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8 minutes ago, nontabury said:


So it took 31 yrs to repeal the Corn law, yet Nigel Garvie considers it O.K to repeal the European withdrawal act after just 2 yrs, even before the law has been implemented. Remainers logic at its best.




Sorry, no pink unicorns for you. Not happening.

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37 minutes ago, nontabury said:


So it took 31 yrs to repeal the Corn law, yet Nigel Garvie considers it O.K to repeal the European withdrawal act after just 2 yrs, even before the law has been implemented. Remainers logic at its best.




 May's deal gives us all that, plus no customs union, no common agricultural policy and no common fisheries policy; so you and your source must support it as it gives you more than you are demanding!


Except May's deal doesn't give us no ECHR.


This is because the European Convention on Human Rights, and it's court, is nothing to do with the EU. The UK was a founding signatory in 1950!


Brexiteers really should check their facts!

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Total tripe.   The majority of people voted for her the Tory government ( remember what a general election is ? ). At that time a restriction as to whom could vote in subsequent elections was part and parcel of the conservative manifesto at that time.  If you don't understand the facts then don't comment.

The 1987 manifesto wasn’t a single issue in a referendum. The Community Charge wasn’t even a major part of it, or why the Tories won the GE. That’s the difference to the Leave win. If you don’t like the facts then don’t try to twist them.
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52 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Decided to leave; but how and what would our relationship be with the EU afterwards?


Even Rees-Mogg has now admitted that it was a huge mistake that nobody even thought about the answers to those questions at the time! 


Parliament wont or can't decide on those answers, so put the options to the people and let us decide.


That's democracy.


Because you say something, does not automatically mean it’s true,perhaps you can prove that Rees-Mogg actually admitted it was a huge mistake.



This is Democracy 



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12 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Because you say something, does not automatically mean it’s true,perhaps you can prove that Rees-Mogg actually admitted it was a huge mistake.



This is Democracy 



Not what Moggy said at all. He said, "I realise that I can't have the impossible dream, so I'll vote for the nearly impossible dream."


You must remember that he's Boris Johnson and Michael Gove's stalking horse. As you are soon to find out. He will depose May, leaving the way for Johnson or Gove to become PM.

Edited by Spidey
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1 hour ago, nontabury said:


So it took 31 yrs to repeal the Corn law, yet Nigel Garvie considers it O.K to repeal the European withdrawal act after just 2 yrs, even before the law has been implemented. Remainers logic at its best.




Actually I simply pointed out that I believed that parliament was within it's rights to repeal a law if and when it wanted to. I didn't express an opinion about whether I thought it was a good thing or not.  

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26 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Because you say something, does not automatically mean it’s true,perhaps you can prove that Rees-Mogg actually admitted it was a huge mistake.

 I heard him say on the radio the other day that campaigning for Brexit without a clear plan of how to achieve it was a huge mistake. 


I'm about to leave for work, but will source that quote later.


Your fake screen shot from the petitions website is rather ironic considering the number of Brexiteers who claim the nearly 6 million real signatures on the cancel Article 50 petition are fake!

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

The standard of your put downs is getting very poor; you really must try harder.

Landing you doesn't require any effort.


Back to today:

The full interview might have been better if Piers Morgan was there.


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40 minutes ago, Loiner said:

The 1987 manifesto wasn’t a single issue in a referendum. The Community Charge wasn’t even a major part of it, or why the Tories won the GE. That’s the difference to the Leave win. If you don’t like the facts then don’t try to twist them.

Not twisting anything, just stating fact which you appear to disapprove off when called out about. Similar in way to the reason in 2016 where the large majority were mislead by a small minority by misrepresenting the truth and impact of an EU departure. Gullible to the point of stupidity really.

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Landing you doesn't require any effort.


Back to today:

The full interview might have been better if Piers Morgan was there.


So, 3 different answers from 3 Brexiteers. There's no hope for us.

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Not twisting anything, just stating fact which you appear to disapprove off when called out about. Similar in way to the reason in 2016 where the large majority were mislead by a small minority by misrepresenting the truth and impact of an EU departure. Gullible to the point of stupidity really.

You are wrong, trying to invent facts that do not exist, is what I disapprove of. There was nothing similar at all between the poll tax riots and Theresa May’s ignoring the referendum Leave majority.
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58 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Traitorous Theresa went to Germany and came back with the worst deal in history. She and Angela Merkel concocted the surrender document which has been kicked out twice already. Third time unlucky coming up.
All her fault. Can anyone show us what was the deal being worked on by David Davis? Sure it would have been better.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Any deal was a deal based on what the EU were prepared to offer. We had no bargaining chips. Whoever went to Brussels would have come back with a pretty much identical deal. Smart people, like myself, predicted this outcome, even before the referendum, let alone in the late stages of the game.


Hand on heart, if, before the referendum, I thought that we could have a clean break from the EU, without too much financial hardship and ultimately beneficial to jobs and the economy (all of which was promised by the leave campaign), I would certainly have voted to leave. However, it was a complete fantasy, a pink unicorn, the EU were never going to let us leave on such terms.


I genuinely feel sorry for Brexiteers, their dreams shattered and only left with a bitter taste in their mouths.

You now only have one remedy. Swallow your stubborn pride and vote remain at the next referendum, if you get the chance.

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1 minute ago, Forethat said:

We had plenty of chips. Why do you think the EU officials are so keen to keep us in? The entire existence of the EU is at stake. How's that for chips? Not to mention the £39 billion + fishing rights etc etc


Money talks.


May played that card by constantly threatening the no deal Brexit. As Britain had far more to lose than the EU, they called her bluff. You can only play that card once.

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And another thing: how many of the EU-countries have prepared for a No Deal Brexit or a Brexit that effectively exits UK from the Single Market?

Considering the trade balance it should be in the interest of several countries to prepare this and continue trade with UK even after an exit from the Single Market. But they haven't. None of them. I wonder why? It's almost as if they have known all the time we aren't leaving...


Strange that.

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