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Mueller report finds no evidence that Trump campaign colluded with Russia - U.S. Justice Department


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1 hour ago, ShortTimed said:


What you describe has a name.

Fishing expedition.

Its not the way the US court system is allowed to function. To perform illegal searches in the hopes of finding something else.

Besides, the IRS has its own investigative branch when they see evidence of tax evasion.


Not so, investigations by way of the Rule of Law. In any case I've long thought that a President repeatedly attacking the FBI and DoJ seeking to remove themselves from the Rule Of Law demonstrates a system with deep flaws

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Not so, investigations by way of the Rule of Law. In any case I've long thought that a President repeatedly attacking the FBI and DoJ seeking to remove themselves from the Rule Of Law demonstrates a system with deep flaws

I am not supporting Trumps’s constant attacks on the FBI.
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6 minutes ago, JimmyTheMook said:

You couldn't write a better script for reality TV ! 

Hey, don't knock it - kept the sheeple occupied the last couple of years, usual smoke and mirrors while the real intrigue happens behind closed doors! :wink:

The illusion of politics - love the way people fall for it.........????

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45 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, until YOU have read the report and YOU are satisfied that its all legit and there was no Russian involvement in the election ,  I will still have my doubts .

  Until you have thoroughly  studied the report and given it the green light , I still have my suspicions .

   You should be given a copy of the report immediately , so this whole episode can be tidied up once and for all 

Appart from I didn’t say ‘show me the report’.


I said publish the report, show the public/congress the report.


The report remains a secret.


Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

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4 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


Is this called the “denial” stage or are you just one of those chronic optimists who makes lemonade when all he got was lemons?


Not knocking being an optimist, its a good way to approach life.

With trump being emasculated in Congress, the only thing left of his presidency is the entertainment factor.... and damn it’s funny.... sideshow don.... he just needs clown shoes and Matt groenig from “the Simpsons” fame, could bring a lawsuit for plagiarism ????????????

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Regarding costs, it is always relative - especially in DC. People are arguing over an hour or so of the Pentagon's war money.
Someone was calling into question the number of only $32million/hr in an article on the military. I commented about the math:
"From the article... $5.6 Trillion over (divided by) 18 years at 365.25 days/yr with 24 hrs /day = $35.49 Million/hr = $9,859/second for all of those 18 years... though it isn't "exactly' 18 years.
Then to the compounding issue of Pentagon accounting 1f62e.png?_nc_eui2=AeGUiudOMCzOdOTT00zML???? (Rumsfeld had reported the need to audit the military for a $2.3Trillion just before 9/11 and the massive scale up in expenditures that started.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1536135.stm )
Much of the Pentagon's annual budget line is not being called "war".
Maybe they should just call it wasted resources, flying practice and training, etc."


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This video is painful, infuriating, yet enjoyable and sometimes unintentionally comical and definitely worth a look -  as serial fabricator Luke Harding of "The Guardian", a prime example of a RussiaGate promoting "journalist", falls apart when being politely asked (much more patiently than I could ever have been) for proof.

It's a great example of the nonsensical conspiracy theories of the last 2 years and how large parts of the public supported the hoax - his book "Collusion" was a NY Times bestseller.


" 'Collusion' Author Can’t Say Where Collusion Is!"  w/ Aaron Maté



EDIT - I mistakenly posted a link to the (excellent) Jimmy Dore show, and in the 1st 10 minutes he discusses excerpts from Aaron Mate's interview with Luke Harding.

Dore's comments and reactions to the bs are very amusing and it's worth watching the 1st 10 minutes.

Note that this was made in January 2018.


Here is the actual interview Mate did with Harding, which I also recommend - just to hear Harding talk about smiley face emoticons relate to conspiracy is alone worth the price of admission:


" Where's the 'Collusion'?"






Edited by JimmyJ
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35 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

Trump has NOT been vindicated.He is so DUMB he coudn't even read his own AG sumation. The clock is still ticking on many other election and criminal charges.Trump Slung SH-T at Mulleur claiming he was put in by the Democrates to come up with the answers the D's wanted. Again the lying insane President owes MULLER a full blown apology. Muller took no political sides and came up with a comprehensive balanced report. Why was TRUMP so worried? where there is smoke there is fire. The whole family are corrupt Son, Daughter like Father. Forgetting about the Russian investigation and the interference with the judical system. Trump is MORALLY unfit to be POTUS. He is a Liar,Cheat,Conman,Bankrupt (STILL THOUSANDS OF HARDWORKERS WAITINg FOR TRUMP TO PAY THEM THE MONEY HE OWES) ABIGOT,RACIST And not last or least an ADULTEROR, Not once but many times to all his wives.TRUMP is MORALLY bankrupt like most of his  past and current business. 

All this talk of racism, bigotry, lying, and being morally bankrupt reminds me of the old dictum:   In the house of a hanged man one never mentions the word rope. 

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1 hour ago, JimmyJ said:

Two years of ridiculous conspiracy theories from one of the top grifters who got rich by promoting Neo-McCarthyism and doing everything possible to push the USA and Russia into a nuclear confrontation - over lies.




And it occurred largely because they had to come up with an excuse for why Empress Pantsuit lost to a game show conman.

You can nearly see the Russian hand grasping the joystick game controller she's holding up. 

Wouldn't it be ironic if hijacking the American MSM was all part of Dr. Evil's diabolical plot.  Played them like a 1980s Pac Man game, just like Trump played the Fox News crowd? 

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