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Big Joke: Promises easier, faster and more "watertight" Immigration rules


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Lets just do like they do in America, walk in and demand free healthcare, education, food, etc. its working there and it can work here. For details on putting it together, contact Nancy or Chuckles the Clown

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It has been stated many times that the only official and reliable source of information is the Ministry of Immigration. No one, unless specifically identified, represents the government. This is evident on all media releases. It is also stated that anyone with questions is invited to visit the immigration office and discuss the file. Each file is unique and can only be commented upon after close review. 

Do not expect a reliable  statement  using unreliable information about a visa holder.  The comments made have been done with the intent to assist only.


The Nation Media forum has provided many statements and claims that are from the imaginations of people from the internet, many who are not aware that no amended regulations have been posted and that the matter is still under review.

The result has been that many people have been caused pain and hurt being told that they will be thrown away, when no such position has been declared. It is recommended that you wait for the amendments because now people are making false claims and negative statements intended to cause hurt.


As a final comment, attention is drawn to the sad fact that some visa holders never qualified for entry into Thailand, and were able to enter by using duplicate passport or concealing informations such as criminal history or undesirable status in their home country. The Nation Media forum has provided multiple cases of visitors boasting of how they passed by the rules using new passports or making a run for the border etc. After only a mild reading of the many entries, it seems many people consider breaking the existing immigration rules a sport. It is not a sport and is a process requiring some basic respect.


No more contribution to this thread. Help is available, but it is up to you to go and ask and to be organized and have the documents required to allow a proper review of your file.

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27 minutes ago, Thaiarrow said:


No more contribution to this thread. Help is available, but it is up to you to go and ask and to be organized and have the documents required to allow a proper review of your file.

thanks for the offer, but no need to go all the way

and offer pension, i'll be content with citizenship

and pick up on the 500 baht offer for my vote as needed.

even just permanent residency could work

for my peace of mind

Edited by brokenbone
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4 hours ago, NightSky said:



You don't seem to understand that there is no security in Thailand for families to be able to stay together and build a secure family home. Everything is temporary.


Some husbands fear they cannot stay to live with their wife and children because if one year business isnt good or the company makes you redundant or god forbid a health problem takes all your savings because you find out your health insurance wont pay, you'll then be forced to leave your wife and kids behind even if you've just been through hell and back due to a health condition and even if you've spend the last several decades building your life and assets in Thailand to support your family.


This isn't security.


Investments can go bad, work can make redundancies, business take a down turn and accidents happen and health mishaps happen since this is life. 


After so many years contributing one should be given freedom to live in the country with wife and children without needing to continuously prove ones financial worth. Don't tell me about PR because this is only available to a handful every year and the application process sounds ridiculous.


Imagine those expats here for 2 or 3 decades some with grandchildren and still dont have permission to stay unless they prove their finical worth each and every year. I remember one guy recently worrying how hes going to live in Thailand after his wife separated with him at the age of 70+ years after living in Thailand for decades with kids and grand kids. Poor state of health and no where else to go but not allowed to remain without x amount of money!!


If you think you're safe because you got money in the bank that may apply for a while but things can go wrong and it isn't secure for families in the long term. Those who argue it is are delusional.


Its only secure for tourists who spend money for a few weeks of the year then go home or those who have so much money that there is no possible way to lose it all in one lifetime (multi multi millionaires)



totally correct


and still our governments in home countries do nothing to push these ridiculous rules to Thais living in our home countries, as this would be RACISM !


a basic right to stay with your family, when you are married, kids, work, ...


2019, not in thailand


but as some people said:  thai government does not care, they don't care for their own citizen


fill their own pockets for a few years and flee the country if it gets too hot


think for a second :

(.......) had an extra foreign obtained nationality for being born in a foreign country but did not think to do same for other foreign nationalities that want to live here with their family in this country 



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23 minutes ago, Thaiarrow said:

It has been stated many times that the only official and reliable source of information is the Ministry of Immigration. No one, unless specifically identified, represents the government. This is evident on all media releases. It is also stated that anyone with questions is invited to visit the immigration office and discuss the file. Each file is unique and can only be commented upon after close review. 

Do not expect a reliable  statement  using unreliable information about a visa holder.  The comments made have been done with the intent to assist only.


The Nation Media forum has provided many statements and claims that are from the imaginations of people from the internet, many who are not aware that no amended regulations have been posted and that the matter is still under review.

The result has been that many people have been caused pain and hurt being told that they will be thrown away, when no such position has been declared. It is recommended that you wait for the amendments because now people are making false claims and negative statements intended to cause hurt.


As a final comment, attention is drawn to the sad fact that some visa holders never qualified for entry into Thailand, and were able to enter by using duplicate passport or concealing informations such as criminal history or undesirable status in their home country. The Nation Media forum has provided multiple cases of visitors boasting of how they passed by the rules using new passports or making a run for the border etc. After only a mild reading of the many entries, it seems many people consider breaking the existing immigration rules a sport. It is not a sport and is a process requiring some basic respect.


No more contribution to this thread. Help is available, but it is up to you to go and ask and to be organized and have the documents required to allow a proper review of your file.

I would never consider the Thai Ministry of Immigration to be an "official and reliable source"on any subject whatsoever.Hmmm..when I ponder this a tad further-I would never consider any Thai Ministry to be a "reliable source"-just the local office boss and how much he wants from me..


Yes the last few pages have been far more realistic.I began to shut it down in late 2016 and was upbraided by fellow foreigners for doing so.However my Thai wife never did so..she spent the time strapping on her harness...and waiting for the green light.


"Stand up!"

"Hook on"

"Equipment check!"

"Stand in the door!"


I had read"What Colour is your Parachute" and decided on a flaming Southern Cross.

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18 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

I would never consider the Thai Ministry of Immigration to be an "official and reliable source"on any subject whatsoever.Hmmm..when I ponder this a tad further-I would never consider any Thai Ministry to be a "reliable source"-just the local office boss and how much he wants from me..


Yes the last few pages have been far more realistic.I began to shut it down in late 2016 and was upbraided by fellow foreigners for doing so.However my Thai wife never did so..she spent the time strapping on her harness...and waiting for the green light.


"Stand up!"

"Hook on"

"Equipment check!"

"Stand in the door!"


I had read"What Colour is your Parachute" and decided on a flaming Southern Cross.

There is no 'Ministry of Immigration' in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:


Most of the Thai ladies us farang end up with are NOT considered attractive by Thai guy standards. Of course, it doesn't matter. We like certain looks, they like others. To each his own. 


I do agree that there is deep jealously, though, by Thai men and women. I think alot of it comes from a resentment that farang can ignore the Thai Social Olympics that their entire culture is based on. 


Farang don't have to worry about who is "bigger" or more important than who or who to wai first and how high to wai or spend exorbitant time building a network of Thais to rely on. 


Thais' entire existence is plagued by their narrow, ancient cultural and social requirements. Us Farang rock up and can normally comfortably ignore 99% of the nonsense which Thais deeply resent. 


Imagine you come from a tiny ancient kingdom where you are a really important person because your family 17 generations ago were the best pig farmers in your village. Then you are instantly transported to the present day where everyone simply ignores your status. It would severely deflate and damage your ego. This is what almost all Thais experience when interacting with the non-Thai world. 


I'd love to read more of that, you make bloody sense.. and I can fully buy into the "Land of pig farmers" paradigm.

Edited by KiChakayan
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4 hours ago, Thaiarrow said:

It has been stated many times that the only official and reliable source of information is the Ministry of Immigration. No one, unless specifically identified, represents the government.

Thanks for confirming you're not associated with the government.


Has immigration website been updated since 2004, or does it still have the tell-tale in it's URL? It was stagnant for years, stopped bothering with it. They are always the very last to have any usable information, if ever.

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6 minutes ago, freedomnow said:

This thread has morphed into a monster like no other !

It's actually not as great a monster as Jingthing's thread about heading off to South America which, it now turns out, is a nothing more than a bit of contingency planning

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13 hours ago, keysersoze276 said:

This is weird.  You didn't use your catch phrase this time.  Usually you tell all other members to comply with the rules without any questions or discussion or leave.  Love the username, sorry it went to your head.  Just imagine what you could have done with that money if you were just a "good guy" and didn't need to buy an "elite visa".  You could feed poor rural village for a day easily.  But people have priorities, you got the elite visa.  Understood.  Nothing wrong doing that.  Stepping into the forum telling people to get out though, is a whole new ball game.  If you sat next to me at a bar or struck up a conversation with me at a food stall, I guarantee if I said visa changes were a problem you wouldn't dare tell me to comply or get out.  And if some old man told  you he was stressed because he has there grandchildren with birthdays this month and he promised to help his youngest son buy a new home, I don't think you would tell him to f*** off and get out.  Would you?  (I read your previous posts.  Telling people to comply is not help or guidance.  Get off the stage you Prima Donna!)


he doesnt have an elite card, hes admitted to that, its just twisted that he uses the visa in his username to become some authority on elite or other visas,when in reality he is talking nonsense most of the time. But yeah it makes other card holders look like junta loving self serving lovers of thai illegal nationslists. Which is not true. Let me tell you i respect all visa holders who ever you are and i am disgusted that user is allowed to get away with it

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3 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

"400K is the right level especially when one considers the level required in the United States for a US=Thai marriage is $21,000 and the United Kingdom about the same."  What???  The American government does not require an American Citizen who is married to a Thai to have $21,000 in a US bank.  


Once your spouse receives their "green card" (ability to work in the US) there is no financial requirement, 90 day reporting, TM forms from everything for taking a trip to a change of address, or any other nonsensical requirement.  The Americans treat Thai spouses far better than the Thai's treat American spouses.

Ditto'ing this.


For a US citizen at least, all you have to do is at the time of a green card application show that you have enough resources, and you are correct, and as I recall it's $24K annual income, or assets equal to 3x that, and that she won't be a burden on the public for 2 years.

But she enters the US as a permanent resident (green card), same rights, work privileges, freedom of movement etc as any other US citizen. 

The only thing she can't do is vote essentially, and at the end of 3 years she's eligible to become a US citizen by default.


A tad different to how the farang spouse of a Thai citizen is treated, don't ya think?

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