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So I was in the hospital with my girlfriend because recently she got bit by a stray cat. 


I am not a doctor but apparently you have to keep going back to get a series of shots for this to be safe.


Anyway we both go up to the cashier and the bill has a extra 220 baht charge. 


I say to the lady I am sorry why is this charge here. She says that is the charge to see the doctor. I say we already saw the doctor on the first visit and the last 2 visits have not had this charge.


Well sorry sir you have to pay this. I said I am not going to pay this and I want to speak to the manager. Meanwhile my girlfriend is upset at me because people are looking at me like I am cheap. She keeps saying don't worry I will pay I will pay. I am like just relax lets see what the manager says. So the lady calls a supervisor on the phone and they waive the charge for me in about 5 mins.


Anyway my question is the girlfriend got really annoyed with me for doing this is the right course of action to just get ripped off?

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


alternative name:

Enoxaparin sodium is an anticoagulant medication. It is used to treat and prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism including during pregnancy and following certain types of surgery. It is also used in those with acute coronary syndrome and heart attacks.


you could just take GARLIC with every meal and no need for this chemical crap



look at this dudes


Possible side effects of Clexane
  • Bleeding. ...
  • Pain and irritation at the injection site.
  • Blood clots which form a solid swelling at the injection site (haematoma).
  • Decrease in the number of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia).
  • Major bleeding (haemorrhage), for example in the abdomen or inside the skull.



B220 aside, it's good thing you treated the cat bite aggressively and you should appreciate the good treatment your GF received. 

I was once waiting my turn  to be seen by a doctor in an EW. Just as my name was called, a man came in holding his hand which was puffed up like a balloon.  The doctor took one look, asked If I would wait and took the guy right into the exam room.  When I did see the doctor, I asked what happened.  Cat bite.  He explained that cats teeth are so sharp and smooth, that the wound often self seals, trapped inside very nasty bacteria that cats have in their saliva. This guys hand had been bitten 3 hours before and already the bacteria had multiplied enough to visibly puff his hand way up.  Cat bites are just as dangerous as any other animal bite.

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Let your girlfriend pay next time. She was the one that got bit by the cat. See if the 220 is a problem when it is her money.

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Considering the bogus doctor charge (without even seeing a doctor) was an extra 36% on top, 

good on you for pointing it out.

There are situations in Thailand when questioning the bill is the right thing to do - this is one of those situations.

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1 hour ago, ChrisKC said:

I am sure you realise it is a matter of principle.  Overcharging and ripping off, which in my opinion is nothing less than stealing by stealth, from a few baht to thousands of Baht occurs quite frequently in many places where they think they can get away with it!


Please tell us at what sum you would decide on the baht rather than the principle?

Have you been a cheap charlie all of you life. Do you buy you beer at 7/11 and sit outside on the steps instead of paying 80 at a bar. Sounds that would fit you.

How can anyone complain about 220 baht for hospital treatment when you would piss that against a wall most days.

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5 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

Have you been a cheap charlie all of you life. Do you buy you beer at 7/11 and sit outside on the steps instead of paying 80 at a bar. Sounds that would fit you.

How can anyone complain about 220 baht for hospital treatment when you would piss that against a wall most days.

 Morally right counts for nothing then , Thats why Thailand gets away with legal robbery. If enough people had balls and said No and question things , things would change instead of just rolling over,

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1 minute ago, Thongkorn said:

 Morally right counts for nothing then , Thats why Thailand gets away with legal robbery. If enough people had balls and said No and question things , things would change instead of just rolling over,

Most of us live in Thailand because we no not want to put up with the PC s***. Hope you are happy here as I am.

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19 hours ago, flyingsaucersarereal said:

The price was about 600 baht then they added a 220 baht charge. I questioned them on it and it was waived. If I said nothing I would have had to pay.


What is wrong with questioning something? 

Questioning something in Thailand is the same as complaining. In Thai culture, that's equivalent to insulting the person.

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31 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

 Morally right counts for nothing then , Thats why Thailand gets away with legal robbery. If enough people had balls and said No and question things , things would change instead of just rolling over,

Have you heard of civil asset forfeiture? Thailand is by far not the worst country wen it come to legal highway robbery - uncle Sam has a big one up on Thailand on that....lol


I dont know where all this thai losing face for questioning a bill. My wife (Thai) Will scrutinize evey bill, hospital, water, power, internet, etc and fight over 10 baht if its wrong. Over charge or padding is never right period. Thats also why i do not go to national parks and pay 300% more than thais

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