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Bangkok - The Land of a Lack of Smiles


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The thais u know from Bangkok and the Thais u know from Pattaya probably both coming from isarn.

I rarely see rude foreigners here so the Thais are sick of what?

Sick of tourists who are keep thai business open or?

Maybe just my impression, but the impolite, rude, and miserable Thais I encounter (in Bangkok, Phuket), are usually the ones originating from Isarn, while I am generally treated with respect and the occasional smile by people from other regions (South, North). Perhaps, because these people are the 'underdogs' in Thai hierarchy, who vent their frustation at others (foreigners).


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Many are reluctant to make eye contact and show any sign of friendliness first.  If you can be more social than them, take away the fear, you just might break through and find they can be quite chatty.  


Some are just unhappy because life is hard.  They do the best they can, but imagine you have to work 10 hour days, 6 days a week and get paid crap.  Do something nice for them and they’ll smile.


It’s the lack of training, customer service is not taught much here and it’s not innate, so not their fault.  Give them a smile and tell them you appreciate all they do for you.


Approach determines response.  


There are a lot of jilted girls who’s bf lied to them about being married and used them for holiday sex.  They are likely to not be all smiley to the guy who thinks he's entitled. 

The ones that have not been poisoned by farang are still happy in their own way.


You mentioned entitlement.  Nothing compares to the entitled, rude, loud american woman who demands her french fries be freshly made.

I’ll take a unsmiling thai woman over that any day.  Just saying.



Edited by Nowisee
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