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Second woman says ex-VP Biden touched her inappropriately


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i like the trump supporters saying biden is completely toxic lol. you see you have moved the goal posts so far your self righteous philosophy of the american family man has kind of been destroyed. your ready to jump on biden with no proof when turmp had to pay porn stars to keep quiet lol. i do believe he was married at the time- not that that matters to the gop. thats just one case I'm sure but thats fake news right? or do you just not care? lol. you see your the party that cried wolf- you have little credibility. thank god for you the base is so racist.

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Keep in mind Biden hasn't announced yet.

Possibly he won't now in the wake of this.

This is a stupid fake scandal.

Everyone knew already that Joe is physically affectionate.

The lady that said it's nothing about culture is wrong.

The USA is NOT a mono culture! 

The USA has many cultures. Some of those are physically affectionate ones.

Differentiating between that and sexual assault is something very BASIC that needs to happen.


To add, I totally reject the narrative that Biden not running would mean the democrats got nothing. That's ridiculous. He's one option if he runs and among the group of stronger options. It's not tragic if he doesn't run, except to his ego. It's not tragic if he runs and is rejected by the democrats.

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no thats fine showing pictures of biden with women is the same as paying money to a porn star you slept with while your wife is at home pregnant. you see the point here is trump supporters applaud trump for sleeping with a porn star but if it was biden they would be saying lock him up. personally if evidence showed biden sleeping with porn stars while his wife was pregnant id think he was scum of the earth and I'm sure the democratic party would tell him to screw off. not to truly rightous republicans, first it was fake news now its who cares. wait is this form fake news to u? lol

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Biden whispered in a woman's ear? SCANDALOUS!


I also like how one of the pics in that collage is a duplicate pic just zoomed in a bit.  If Biden has really been doing this for so long, surely they should have been able to come up with something else?

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No need justifying Biden's actions with Trump. You can bet it's the Dems who are starting this smear campaign on Biden. I'll bet they're trying hard to find something on Bernie as well.


You have to admit old Joe is kinda creepy in those clips.

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On 4/2/2019 at 8:58 AM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

I find this totally hysterical. We have a sitting president with numerous cases against him involving sexual episodes outside marriage, and who freely admits to grabbing women by the pussy, but some want to crucify Joe Biden for alleged behaviour of a far lesser nature. Some people who continuously accuse the other side of double standards should examine their own man before throwing mud.

What you say is totally true. But having watched the evidence against Mr Biden, I must say I felt squeamish.

I imagine an ugly old lady, leering and  kissing me in/on the ear as she stands behind me to be revolting.

Sure she did not grab my peanuts, where as Mr Trump petted the pussy.

Both are molesters, both not fit be held up as decent citizens, both unfit to hold office.

The swamp is still full of alligators and leeches.

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9 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

The dems have already begun feeding on their own. Expect more of this in the coming months. Entertainment wise the dems are the gift that keeps giving. 


Is Hillary still entering stage left?


Hope someone is there to keep her propped up if so.



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Joe is not letting this noise derail his presidential ambitions.

He knows he is not a sexual abuser, Americans know he is not a sexual abuser, and indeed the accusing people know that too.

Getting bullied out for something you're guilty of is another thing.

This ain't that.

In some ways I think not cowering from this is going to help his chances.

It's quite a nothing burger as political scandals go and he's getting it dealt with before he even announces.

Not saying I'm an enthusiastic supporter of him, which actually I'm not. 

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1 hour ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Here is the first woman accuser photo of her with here hand on HIS shoulder.



He doesn't seem terrifically bothered by it, and he probably doesn't even know who's doing it. He's a politician. How many babies do you think he's kissed? Doesn't make him a pedophile either.

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On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 4:39 PM, Jingthing said:

Joe is not letting this noise derail his presidential ambitions.

He knows he is not a sexual abuser, Americans know he is not a sexual abuser, and indeed the accusing people know that too.

Getting bullied out for something you're guilty of is another thing.

This ain't that.

In some ways I think not cowering from this is going to help his chances.

It's quite a nothing burger as political scandals go and he's getting it dealt with before he even announces.

Not saying I'm an enthusiastic supporter of him, which actually I'm not. 

It's not that he actually did anything illegal, but if he thinks this isn't going to come back to haunt him big time if he does run for POTUS he's dreaming. The GOP will be itching for payback for all the other side's accusations against them.


For sure if he did that to some women I know he'd be nursing more than a bruised ego.

I didn't even dare compliment women I worked with and actually touching them in any way would have seen me in serious doodoo. 

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On 4/3/2019 at 8:39 PM, Jingthing said:

Joe is not letting this noise derail his presidential ambitions.

He knows he is not a sexual abuser, Americans know he is not a sexual abuser, and indeed the accusing people know that too.

Getting bullied out for something you're guilty of is another thing.

This ain't that.

In some ways I think not cowering from this is going to help his chances.

It's quite a nothing burger as political scandals go and he's getting it dealt with before he even announces.

Not saying I'm an enthusiastic supporter of him, which actually I'm not. 


There are a lot of younger voters in the US now since probably the last time you were there. This kind of stuff matters to them because you're supposed to know now how everything you do makes them feel, which in their minds is the same as having bad intent. It's gonna be uphill for Ol' Joe I'm afraid.

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I think this is all a big nothing.

We won't be talking about it next week.

But on the subject of Joe or not, I'm really not sure.

Yes, electability matters and the general consensus is that Joe the most electable of the democrats.

I agree he's up there but I think most of them are electable to various degrees.

In this current field clearly the most excitingly large and diverse in democratic (or any U.S. party) party history, we're going to go with so called Mr. Safe Bet Old White Man?


I'm skeptical. 

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On 4/3/2019 at 10:05 PM, earlinclaifornia said:

Here is the first woman accuser photo of her with here hand on HIS shoulder.


It has nothing to do with "accusers" at this point. We are way beyond that. The sheer amount of video and images is just overwhelming. He enters the race and this is his legacy. 



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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


That's why he's been fragged, in a nutshell.

The videos were always out there and the Republicans were always going to use them now because Biden is the strongest possible opponent for Trump. So this was always going to come out. But you are right that the reason he's getting so little Democratic support is that he is white and there is simply no place for a white politician in the modern Democratic Party. 

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2 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

The videos were always out there and the Republicans were always going to use them now because Biden is the strongest possible opponent for Trump. So this was always going to come out. But you are right that the reason he's getting so little Democratic support is that he is white and there is simply no place for a white politician in the modern Democratic Party. 


I don't think him being white is the issue. He's not angry enough to suit their needs IMO and of course all his donors are gonna be big money Wall Streeters and Super Pacs. 

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4 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

The videos were always out there and the Republicans were always going to use them now because Biden is the strongest possible opponent for Trump. So this was always going to come out. But you are right that the reason he's getting so little Democratic support is that he is white and there is simply no place for a white politician in the modern Democratic Party. 

You're exaggerating the power of the videos.

He's an old man.

He's been well known as touchy feely for many decades now.

It's not even close to a deal breaker.

I think the nomination is open to white people -- white women, gay white men, Jewish white men, etc. Just kidding. Sort of.

Democrats mostly think diversity is a GOOD thing.

45 fans are largely connected to the ideology of nativist white nationalism.

That's just the political reality these days.

Of course it would be wrong to pick a candidate on identity alone.

But identity is part of politics in the USA, in every country, and certainly in both U.S. major parties.


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Also to consider primary election voters in any party are more activist and tend to be more left for the democrats and more right for the republicans, than in the general.

It turns out black women are the most important demographic group for democrats, in numbers and participation levels. So any democratic candidate to have a chance is going to need to be strong with that demographic. Yes it does mean a boost for Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams if she runs. But Joe has very strong African American cred because of his connection to Obama so he's in the game there. Some of the other candidates, such as Bernie, not so much. 

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This democratic election choice reminds me of going to a travel agent and being presented with a bunch of exotic and surprising destination choices, and also Orlando Florida. Joe is Orlando Florida. The kids will be happy!


Hey there would you like to go to --



Machu Picchu?


North Korea?

South Africa?


Orlando Florida?



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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Democrats mostly think diversity is a GOOD thing.

45 fans are largely connected to the ideology of nativist white nationalism.

That's just the political reality these days.


This is just not true. It always makes me chuckle how the extreme left likes to describe the right like they are experts, completely ignoring what the right will tell you about themselves. Its also kind of disturbing coming from the same side of the "woke" movement where everyone is exactly what THEY say they are, no matter how ridiculous, unless you're conservative. Then its lies and slander. 


Conservatives believe in capitalism, personal freedom, low taxes, personal responsibility, and nationalism (without the "white" racist slander part). 


The left wants to change the electorate of the country in their favor under the guise of the woke "Diversity is our strength" mantra, which should be treasonous in my opinion. As well as racial and societal division, placing value on certain genders and skin colors. Its insanity. 


Anyway, Joe Biden is toast, and fallen to his own parties stupidity. They made these rules, and they are gonna fall by them. They straight-up hamstrung themselves in all this. 

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