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Paying Thai girlfriend a "salary"

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2 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Why do you know that your GF only pretends to like you?


I can't imagine being comfortable with that. ????

Pobably because my wallet is bigger than her Breasts.

Reverse questioning: Why do you know that your GF likes you because of your good looks and overall impressive appearance?
The size of your Wallet not part of the equation? Come on Grump. You, having lived in Thailand for 237 years, a bad time to leave the ground now, taking refuge in some kind of celestial "Dream-World", disregarding the many unpleasant "Facts of life" when it comes to Farang-Thai Relationships.
Of course, you having found a relationship not based on the size of your wallet, I would be sincerely intersted in meeting your GF's younger sister(s).
As a potential Groom, I would even consider taking a shower beforehand and appear well dressed while singing the Thai Natonal Anthem upon entering the scene.
PS: My observation: Farangs, having inhaled too much "Thainess" over the years tend to lose their "sense of humor". Well Grump, you are not one of them. Or are you?

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13 hours ago, 473geo said:

Sure seen loads of guys like you propping the bar up while out appraising the field, spending away pissing money down the drain looking for a woman who is free

In fact years ago I lent a student from Manchester 500 baht because he found the field a little expensive, he too believed sex should be free....in Phuket!!!

for a start i dont drink and as for going to bars that would be the last place you would catch me, as it far to full of men like you there. as for free women, ull never find one of those in a bar either.

your post says a lot about you and the sort of women and life you lead.

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3 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Why do you know that your GF only pretends to like you?


I can't imagine being comfortable with that. ????

you would be surprised how many men here live like that, you can see it in theirs wife or g/fs body language 

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On 4/4/2019 at 9:42 PM, White Christmas13 said:

Why on earth would have anybody in his right mind pay a salary

to his girlfriend

lots of men do cos they could not get or keep a women with them, just take a look at some of the men you see around. also far too many men here punching above their weight with women. 

these sort of women are generally bar type or have friends/family in bars, its basically a scam ran by these types of Thai women.

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hahaha what a joke.... seriously when pay when u can rent....


do yourself a favour if you find one that wants money, check her bag and see how many mobile phones

she has with guys names written on them and an amount ....


i met a young german guy recently he was totally heart broken, was here about 12 months ago meet a beautiful thai lady, was sending her 10,000 every month and coming back to marry her and take her to germany once all the required paper work he organised back home.


he arrived and within 24 hrs it was all going wrong.... she went to shower and her bag started to ring ie mobile phone incoming call, not just one but a few so he decided to help incase was an emergency obviously the next part of the story was funny, she had about 10 phones all bought by different guys with

1. name on back

2. country where they were from

3. amount they were sending her


in total amounts were between 8,000 to 20,000 thb a month, now he knows why she was baulking at moving away she was running a good rack. it didnt go anywhere and he left....


do yourself a favour have fun enjoy life.... i am not saying all thai ladies are bad but if they start off with this crap then get rid of them surely all the good ones have a good career and can afford most things in life... dont meet bar girls or hookers you heading down the wrong path ...



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Wouldn't the 'agreed figure' have to be decided on the levels of return services?

Many different ways to table those and would come from, to mention a few, house cleaning, cooking, shopping and of course the obvious nocturnal services, most likely the main reason for entering the contract. Nocturnal services can obviously be varied and perhaps even difficult to set in terms of time and place, meaning place as in the home.

The more I think about it the more complicated it seems to become.

I won't even begin to think about penalty clauses on events like temporary breaks from the contract or worst case, termination of contract without mutual agreement. Temporary breaks to allow some 'extra work' outside would probably be initially agreed but for sure would not be really allowed without some sort of punishment, physical, mental or both ????

The last could possibly involve events like hospital services and bills or in extreme cases forced return to your home country.

Just sayin'

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On 4/4/2019 at 7:26 PM, Kenny202 said:

Mate. I assume the girls you are meeting are from bars or maybe internet dating sites. The paying your girl a wage thing is not Thai culture, it is bargirl culture. What she is effectively telling you is she will leave the bar if you pay her too. DO not be under any illusions they are making anything like 50k per month. Your average slapper would earn about 20k at very best. They don't work every single night and there wouldn't be too many pulling 3000 a punter. There is a week off for period. On the odd occasion they do make a few extra bucks they will stay away from work until its all gone. Its easy come easy go and she will treat your money the same. Do not fall for the "not have choice" crap and need take care family BS. They normally send around 3k per month back to take care of the kid or kids she will have to several different Thai men. These girls are working in the bars because they are lazy and uneducated. Many of us have been down this path. They are loveable and fun and all of that but they are hookers and will always be hookers. You've heard you can take the girl out of the bar but can not take the bar out of the girl? Don't think you are special because you are a young guy either. She would prefer an older guy with a fatter wallet, or preferably many. She wont want you to live with her either. She will be quite happy for you to stay in Australia earning the bucks and sending to her. You try and live with a bar girl she will be constantly assessing if she was better off in the bar or not. And in the end the bar will win out. They don't want to live in fancy farang houses or eat farang food. They are quite happy with the lifestyle they have.


I've lived here now around 7 years and the best advice I have heard is sort out where you want to live, then find the girl. I live up country Isaan. They will be queuing up for you and I mean stunners, decent girls with a job, education. Good families. They may try it on for money to if you let them but you have to follow your best judgement and be firm but fair. Once you have been here for a while you will come to realise there are millions more fish in the sea. The Thai guys give them nothing, just a lot of promises and a back hander when required. When the girl becomes too needy they simply find another. I don't condone any of this but strangely they seem to respect this. They certainly don't respect any weakness.


Of course if you find the right girl treat her with kindness and generosity but always keep control of the purse strings. Most I have known have no regard for future, family budgets etc. I would strongly advise not to buy any property here as it will be in your partners name. In any case it doesn't make financial sense. Not only will it give your wife leverage, you will never own it, more than likely never be able to resell it should you need to and in any case rent here is too cheap. Put the lease in your name too. Always stay in the drivers seat and in control. Any vehicles while it may be a little extra trouble, put them in your name. Never invest in anything in Thailand you can not afford to walk away from.


Lastly mate forget about about a bargirl. Most are uneducated and broken in some way, usually from abandonment and abuse as a child. Like I said lived here a while now and I've never heard of a happy ending although there would be some. The running gag here is "This one is different". In my experience they're pretty much all cast from the same mould. Lazy, erratic....and varying degrees of jealous and selfish violent tantrums and outbursts.  

This! Thailand is fantastic and has millions of gorgeous ladies. Only a fraction of these work in the flesh-trade. There is so many more available. But the language barrier is a big problem for most guys. If you intend to stay here for a while, learn the language. It will be invaluable in many situations. Always be ware of the tattooed lady with foul english if you are looking for longterm love ???? For short-term, they are fun. Just dont get hooked.

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its seems that this is a common thing with Thai women and farang indeed Thai to Thai DONT pay  what I hear that most Thai men just get pi***d  every day and the Thai wife works to keep in in booze

she appears as most Thai women are just gold diggers ,suggest if you find the RIGHT ONE  !!!  ???  good luck and marry her tell her you as all counties I will keep you as a wife ,if you want salary go get a job !!!

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8 hours ago, swissie said:

As my attention span is only 3 1/2 minutes, I haven't read all those posts. Sorry.
- I only remember my Granddad telling me some 50 years ago: "You pay for them one way or the other". Or: "You can pay them now or you can pay them later".

I always thought that this was some "timeless-wisdom". In case something should have changed in the meantime (and I missed it), I would greately appreciate it, if someone would introduce me to the new "modern times", so I can adapt and find my way in the new Universe. In case I missed something, that is.

The new modern approach seems to be to convert to the fairer sex and then you become the one getting paid...  Thailand is well ahead of the west in this regard...

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They are (in general) not gold diggers but are seeking financial security and a stable relationship.


I read some time ago a poster here who said he paid his wife 1 baht extra for every 1 baht she earned working (not the flesh trade).


Many guys have come to Thailand and fallen into the honey-trap, me included. But I got out with my skin and financials intact (mostly). Learn as you live, just dont fall into any really dangerous pitfalls and never spend/invest more money than you can afford losing.

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2 hours ago, Tomahawk21 said:
On 4/4/2019 at 9:42 PM, White Christmas13 said:

Why on earth would have anybody in his right mind pay a salary

to his girlfriend

lots of men do cos they could not get or keep a women with them, just take a look at some of the men you see around. also far too many men here punching above their weight with women. 

these sort of women are generally bar type or have friends/family in bars, its basically a scam ran by these types of Thai women.


beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  a scam to many but a mutually beneficial relationship to others.


i personally have zero interest in having a salaried gf. lounging around the house sleeping and eating 24/7 is the role of a cat as in pet.


perhaps i would feel different if the last and only girl in the world that would sleep with me were in thailand? but not likely

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8 hours ago, swissie said:

Edwardian, Victorian age? For God's sake yogi100. What you descibed is a typical Farang/Thai-Lady relationship in Pattaya in it's early stages.
Only difference: The Male (during the Edwardian/Victorian age), could never have legally lost his fame and fortune to his "housekeeper".
Rats! In todays Thailand "the Male" can easily lose his fame and fortune to the "housekeeper" if he is not careful.
That's the difference.

Otherwise, nothing much has changed.





That only happens when a falang is stupid enough to put himself in a position where he can lose his fortune. There are no stages nor circumstances in which a falang can be obliged to give his Thai woman access to his money unless he is daft enough to want to or is forced to do so.


Few if any falangs you or I know accumulate any wealth in the LOS and that is all a divorcing Thai wife can claim half of and that's only if the fellow was daft enough to marry her in the first place. She can't touch anything he has in Falangland.

And his fame or lack of it rarely enters the equation.


A reasonably clever fellow as they say only invests in Thailand or in a Thai woman that which he can afford to lose. You rent rather than buy and keep away from her family.


However if you keep a Thai woman in reasonable comfort it usually suits the falang and the Thai woman in question just fine. Just like it did those elderly Victorian gentlemen and their fancy women all those years ago, nothing has changed where such a relationship is concerned.


The woman is free to leave the relationship if and whenever it suits her as is the falang should he wish to dispense with her services.

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6 hours ago, Tomahawk21 said:

for a start i dont drink and as for going to bars that would be the last place you would catch me, as it far to full of men like you there. as for free women, ull never find one of those in a bar either.

your post says a lot about you and the sort of women and life you lead.

I find it very strange that with your limited experience you feel obliged to comment on a thread concerning a bar girl - I guess you are just repeating hearsay and cliches ????

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58 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I find it very strange that with your limited experience you feel obliged to comment on a thread concerning a bar girl - I guess you are just repeating hearsay and cliches ????

what ever ..............................

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4 hours ago, atyclb said:


beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  a scam to many but a mutually beneficial relationship to others.


i personally have zero interest in having a salaried gf. lounging around the house sleeping and eating 24/7 is the role of a cat as in pet.


perhaps i would feel different if the last and only girl in the world that would sleep with me were in thailand? but not likely

some men need a woman wrapped around them 24/7 i agree with you, thats not for me either

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9 hours ago, swissie said:

Reverse questioning: Why do you know that your GF likes you because of your good looks and overall impressive appearance?

Because I don't pay her. Next.


And it's not my looks, it's my personality. Hilarious that some of you guys actually pay girls to date you.

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Sorry guys: would you pay a salary to a girlfriend in europe or any other westernised country?


but here in Thailand men seem to loose their little of brain comoletly!!!!!


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1 hour ago, Tomahawk21 said:

some men need a woman wrapped around them 24/7 i agree with you, thats not for me either



if i want that i will get a dog and a cat.  although i love animals it would be a problem arranging care for them while i am away

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On 4/4/2019 at 7:59 PM, Liverpudlian said:

Dont forget the thai guys in the shadows that she can joke and interact with as you can NEVER do.

You read this elsewhere and now quote this tripe because you are incapable of learning and understanding a new language. 

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2 hours ago, Tomahawk21 said:

some men need a woman wrapped around them 24/7 i agree with you, thats not for me either

I good servant is never obtrusive.  Depends on your training and expertise in hiring.  Can't hire a wife but you can hire a good servant/butler or whatever.  I had a friend who was handicapped and he hired two women to assist him 24/7.  Wonderful women and made his life bearable and for less than the cost of rehab in the West.  One of my fondest memories is watching them carrying him (paraplegic) up 3 flights of circular stairs to the show at that club in CM if anyone remembers the club with the 3 story circular staircase they can appreciate the feat.  ????

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17 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

I have lived here some years and have had many girlfriends from differing backgrounds. I live in Isaan and I have found most will have some expectations about meeting a farang and the riches that will just fall from the sky. They really beleive this. The difference between a decent girl and a gold digger is whether they will stick around after you set them straight.

Good point about having a girls whos working. Ive had doctors nurses, teachers , Tesco / 7 11 girls....they all seem to work 10-12 hour days. 6 days a week, often called in for petty meetings on their day off or even holidays. Then there are their friends etc. Dont get me wrong, I value my time alone but seems to be little point being in a relation ship like this in your golden years. Different if you were both young and working towards some family goal. On the other hand a partner not working is a pain in the a$$ too. You become their entertainment director "Im bored, Im want eat" etc. I can take care of myself in every respect so I dont need a mum / wife as such. In fact usually they seem to create more work....they like to use every pot and pan in the house, oil up the walls and floors. Clothes worn for 30 minutes thrown on the floor and 2 loads washing everyday. A few exceptions but most Ive know like this. I was on a great thing for a while. I think we'd all agree most of these girls are at their very best in every respect wen u first meet them. This tends to trail off anywhere between 1 week to 2 months. Around this time also they are starting to wonder wen the goose will be despaching the golden eggs, or their jealous friends will be asking where is all the gold and Louis bags etc? Around the time they start to get needy usually coincided with the time I was starting to tire of her. Easy to find an excuse to move them on.

Another point is I find many of the "good" girls with good jobs are not the best performers. In fact many seem to view sex as a duty. Dont get me wrong, some of the wildest experiences Ive had in my life have been here but most of those with ladies "from the trade". Shallow I know but sex important for me in a relationship and unless there is some growth there, its like eating boiled chicken every day. And lets face it at over 50 most of us have been to the mountain.

I dont pretend to have any answers or even understand what I am after myself. I just find it very hard to be in a long term relationship here. Often just doesnt seem to be much point. Like being in an all you can eat buffet but can only go back to the salad bar

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nice job intellectualizing the fine art of getting laid

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