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Friends in Thailand


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I don't drink alcohol, so I don't have drinking buddies. I tend to limit my socializing to within my family.  That doesn't mean I can't be cordial to people I meet. I pay my own way, so having drinking buddies and friends are both highly overrated. 

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3 minutes ago, tweedledee2 said:

I don't drink alcohol, so I don't have drinking buddies. I tend to limit my socializing to within my family.  That doesn't mean I can't be cordial to people I meet. I pay my own way, so having drinking buddies and friends are both highly overrated. 

I once did collect stamps......:stoner:

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I used to have some true friends when I was in high school or college. Don’t try to make any frinds here if you don’t want to be stabbed from behind. Friends do not exist here, it’s just about what they need and bring them close to you as friends. 

You can call me “paranoid” if you like so. 

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On 4/5/2019 at 8:07 AM, SuperTed said:

As men get older, the number of genuine friends reduces. It gets to a point where eventually you have only one “real friend”. Often you keep that one in your life just so you don’t feel like a complete misfit.

Try making friends with younger farang, as they are still wired to hang out in groups. Join a pool league. Talk to people at the gym. Or better yet, learn to speak Thai, and talk to the people around you.

You are unlikely to find friends here, it’s all invalids, barflies and old-curmudgeons-in-training.

all my friends are Thai. I can't relate to the new type of expat here.  Their  only interests seem to be bargirls,  bikes and football

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10 minutes ago, The Theory said:

I used to have some true friends when I was in high school or college. Don’t try to make any frinds here if you don’t want to be stabbed from behind. Friends do not exist here, it’s just about what they need and bring them close to you as friends. 

You can call me “paranoid” if you like so. 

You never met Ol' Trans then.....????

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Well, it's the same in your home country. 

If I go to Temple Bar in Dublin I'll have a lot of buddies and lassies in a minute. 

Sometimes, once in a month I met someone to meet again.

2 were becoming friends within years. 

Most friends I made in work places and former in university. 

But then the wifes had to fit in as well. This was the difficult part. 

So at the end of your life you can be happy if you got a pampering wife and one or two friends. 

To become friends in Thailand is not easy because every farang got his own story carefully looking that the truth will be hidden. 

In most/many cases there is a sad story behind the face, acting like a clown. 

Or what do you think?? 

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On 4/5/2019 at 8:07 AM, SuperTed said:

You are unlikely to find friends here, it’s all invalids, barflies and old-curmudgeons-in-training.

I am not in training. Possibly for the toilet comes later.

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Been here 15 years, honestly don't have one friend not even a drinking buddy, where we live there are no foreigners and the Thais don't really want foreign friends, unless there is something in it for them.

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On 4/6/2019 at 10:47 AM, jvs said:

In Thailand so called 'friends' seem to come and go.

I only have a few real friends,all in the old country.

Have known them for many years,when i see them again it is like

i have never left.

The word 'friend'is easely misused these days.

Dont even start with facebook friends,all illusion.

Learn to be your own best friend,you will always have a buddy that way.

In my experience, friends seem to come and go even back in the "old" country. In fact, in many ways it's worse back in the west because people are not spontaneous and you have to plan meetings whereby they have to check their calendars and agendas and pencil in "meeting with Bill, 4pm on May 31". Thais and Asians in general don't do such ridiculous things, you can call them up today and meet up for dinner tonight, unless they have already made arrangements, in which case the dinner would be rescheduled to tomorrow or the next day instead.

People don't care about you if you live overseas, they are not impressed and may even shun you because of it, feeling that you "abandoned" them. That's been my experience, hence why I only tend to contact a very limited number of people when I go back home because the rest are self-absorbed pompuses.

Besides, they might think it's weird that after 10 years of not meeting them you suddenly want to join their social circle again, only to "disappear" again for another 10 years.

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2 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Been here 15 years, honestly don't have one friend not even a drinking buddy, where we live there are no foreigners and the Thais don't really want foreign friends, unless there is something in it for them.

I doubt that the Thais you describe don't want foreign friends - either they have not been keen to socialize and get to know you, or it's the other way round. It could also be the language barrier (assuming you don't speak Thai and they don't speak English).

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1 hour ago, lahgon29 said:

Funny that. I can't relate to Thais as none of their interests are rugby, current affairs, cricket, cooking, stock market and options trading. I do seem to find somebody to discuss all these subjects with at various drinking establishments here in Udon. 

What do you and your Thai friends talk about? 

Some Thai friends I have talk about such things, especially politics and current affairs, the state of the economy and relations with neighboring countries (usually the country they are located closest to, which in the case of my buddies is Myanmar). None of them know what cricket is and one talks a little about stock trading.


Young foreigners tend to be the most difficult crowd, as most of them are SJWs and only seem to talk about leftist BS that Thais don't give a crap about and I find nauseating.

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2 minutes ago, Tomtomtom69 said:

Some Thai friends I have talk about such things, especially politics and current affairs, the state of the economy and relations with neighboring countries (usually the country they are located closest to, which in the case of my buddies is Myanmar). None of them know what cricket is and one talks a little about stock trading.


Young foreigners tend to be the most difficult crowd, as most of them are SJWs and only seem to talk about leftist BS that Thais don't give a crap about and I find nauseating.

Southern Jehovah Witnesses.....I am gasted and flabbered... ????

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14 minutes ago, giddyup said:

You need to sober up, never said I never had a friend, I said I'd given up finding one in Thailand. Too many ratbags as evidenced by your responses.

For some years we lived in Pattaya to be near a project at MA Ta Phut and so the kids could go to a better school. 


I quickly learned there's a certain % of farang in Pattaya (and I guess in Phuket) I would Never allow to come inside my house. 

Edited by scorecard
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3 minutes ago, scorecard said:

For some years we lived in Pattaya to be near a project at MA Ta Phut and so the kids could go to a better school. 


I quickly learned there's a certain % of farang in Pattaya (and I guess in Phuket) I would allow to come inside my house. 

Well if you lived in Pattaya to be close to Mataphut you are one confused individual. 

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42 minutes ago, scorecard said:

For some years we lived in Pattaya to be near a project at MA Ta Phut and so the kids could go to a better school. 


I quickly learned there's a certain % of farang in Pattaya (and I guess in Phuket) I would Never allow to come inside my house. 

The only person who comes in my house is me.  Wifey not too happy about that though. 

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I'm always amazed at friends who end up "disappearing" as soon as they get pussywhipped a girlfriend. I've learned my lesson though and just write them off as friends if they do. There's also the middle ground - guys who will hang out with you - but the girlfriend is always there demanding attention and drama so it's not the same. Just last night I had a friend show up alone after a year being stuck up his gf's ass, it was like old times talking shit and seeing him talk to random hookers, lol.


I've always been social and had many acquaintances throughout my life, but very few actual friends. Funny enough it's actually moving to Thailand that changed that as I now live on the same soi as 3 of my friends, and we hang out often. Also we try to plan (visa run) trips together and make it an adventure rather than a chore. As gay as it sounds - it's bonding. I don't know if they'll be friends for life, but they are much better friends than I've had in the past.


Will they be there if I have a problem? I don't know. A few of them definitely yes as I've known them for years, but the other ones are more recent so time will tell. I'm optimistic though, and one thing for sure - I will never let a woman get between me and my friends. They've tried, and failed.

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3 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

I'm always amazed at friends who end up "disappearing" as soon as they get pussywhipped a girlfriend. I've learned my lesson though and just write them off as friends if they do. There's also the middle ground - guys who will hang out with you - but the girlfriend is always there demanding attention and drama so it's not the same. Just last night I had a friend show up alone after a year being stuck up his gf's ass, it was like old times talking shit and seeing him talk to random hookers, lol.


I've always been social and had many acquaintances throughout my life, but very few actual friends. Funny enough it's actually moving to Thailand that changed that as I now live on the same soi as 3 of my friends, and we hang out often. Also we try to plan (visa run) trips together and make it an adventure rather than a chore. As gay as it sounds - it's bonding. I don't know if they'll be friends for life, but they are much better friends than I've had in the past.


Will they be there if I have a problem? I don't know. A few of them definitely yes as I've known them for years, but the other ones are more recent so time will tell. I'm optimistic though, and one thing for sure - I will never let a woman get between me and my friends. They've tried, and failed.


Good for you. 


I sound like your pwhipped friend tbh


I wish I had bigger ballarains instead of living in shame

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