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Fight begins over Trump's taxes, lawyer slams Democrats' request


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5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Every president from Jimmy Carter onwards has had no problem releasing their tax returns. What Trump is most likely afraid of revealing is how little tax he has paid in relation to his income.  

Not just that IMO. I think he's worried about how little actual income he has to show. A big part of him selling himself is about how wealthy he is, and I've no doubt he is. But I think most of his wealth is derived from capital appreciation of his properties. Cash flow keeps the debt serviced and equity building but not a whole lot of taxable income at the end of it.




Edited by lannarebirth
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10 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump needs to tell them again to go pound sand. 

While he's under audit by the IRS, he's not allowed to release his taxes. 

And yet....


11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The IRS, which is overseen by the U.S. Treasury Department, has said that Trump could release his returns even while under audit.


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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump needs to tell them again to go pound sand. 

While he's under audit by the IRS, he's not allowed to release his taxes. 

Your post is pure nonsense. The Idiot Trump can release his tax filings. He chooses not too. Trump is a liar and a cheat. Those who support him..hmm..forum rules forbid me from expressing the basic qualities of the idiot trump supporters.

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13 hours ago, TGIR said:

What a bunch of B.S.   All of you who are demanding to see the President's taxes will be really sorry to hear that regardless of what gets given to the Congress, you will not see ANY of it.   So, since we're not going to see any of Trump's return, why don't your all post a copy of your very own Tax Returns for the past six years..........right here on Facebook.   Bet you're not so willing to do that are you?

Has this New Democratic Congress done anything worth a crap since they got into office? I can't see that they have accomplished a thing yet that benefits the country. They keep this up and 2020 will have a new group of Republicans in the House.

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2 hours ago, thaicurious said:

Not sure what your rant's about but unless some Russian has sneaked into the White House and changed without our noticing Article 1 of the Constitution, there is no "New Democratic Congress".


There is currently newly elected Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives which is the lower chamber of Congress.


There is currently continuing Republican leadership in the Senate, the upper chamber of Congress.


Here are links to some of the accomplishments of this Congress in its still short three months in session.



"The list of acts of the 116th United States Congress includes all Acts of ... the 116th United States Congress, which began on January 3, 2019....


...All acts of this Congress signed into law were signed by President Donald Trump. The 116th Congress has enacted 9 statutes thus far."



"The following list includes proposed federal laws introduced during the 116th United States Congress. This Congress began on January 3, 2019..."


While we're at it and since you brought it up, let's look at Trump's accomplishments in the same period. According to https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/04/president-trump-has-made-false-or-misleading-claims-over-days/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d608987f96e3

"Trump has made 9,014 false or misleading claims over 773 days"


Hmmm, so during the 116th Congress so-far-3-month-long session the GOP Deceiver in Chief has accomplished lying to the American public approximately one thousand forty nine times.


He keeps this up and 2020 will have a new president in the White House.



Do you feel better now?

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In the tea pot they had a scandal or reason to exercise over sight

 As POTUS Mr. Trump doesn't have to show his taxes 

Congresstional Dem oversight  blew their reason (no collution, No russian interference 

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18 hours ago, heybruce said:

In short, what Congress is doing is legal and sensible.  It also would be unnecessary if Trump had followed established precedent and revealed his tax returns and put his holdings in a blind trust.

 talking about a established precedent ,Mr. Trump was given a  suggestion,not demanded to divest ! There are no laws for a POTUS to adhere to precedent in business divestiture in fact the appearance of conflict of interest might come to the fore front,the POTUS isn't required by law to steer clear of C of I. 


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