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White House to Democrats seeking Trump tax returns - 'Never'


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50 minutes ago, riclag said:

He will run again and can't possibly be forced to show his taxes! There is no law that says a candidate for POTUS must release his returns!




"The federal authorities became intent on jailing Capone and prosecuted him in 1931 for tax evasion. During a highly publicized case, the judge admitted as evidence Capone's admissions of his income and unpaid taxes during prior (and ultimately abortive) negotiations to pay the government taxes he owed"


The POTUS has been under audit for many years, no probable cause that he evaded taxes!


This claim of yours that the POTUS has been under audit of many years.


Apart from Trump, where did you hear that?

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15 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Aren't you even a tiny bit curious if your President has been self dealing for massive personal gain and might have huge conflicts of interest? Doesn't that concern you in the least bit as an American?


I was always taught to trust but verify, regardless of political affiliation, especially when there is reason to suspect that person based on a nefarious past. I guess you were not.

No, I'm not curious, he's the last defense to the alternative!

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

No, I'm not curious, he's the last defense to the alternative!

Are you really that disenfranchised? I'm not and I thought I had seen it all.


Come on, you can't really be serious about your support for this guy. You seem like an intelligent, informed person, not at all like part of his base.

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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

JFK & FDR never released their tax returns.

Trump needs to continue to tell those people looking for any earthly reason to find dirt on him to pound some more sand.

Unfortunately trump kept his businesses oops ???? 

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Presidents are supposed to be servants of all the people. Not only their base. This deplorable irredeemable president thinks all the people are his servant and works very hard to pander to and entertain his base which is not the same thing as serving them. This tax thing the same. Of course he's hiding stuff.

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9 hours ago, wayned said:
9 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Not enough Norwegians want to emigrate to the US?

 They are no longer welcome as the US is "FULL"!

Are you sure? Did you check Trump’s inauguration? Looked to be a lotta room there!

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13 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

JFK & FDR never released their tax returns.

Trump needs to continue to tell those people looking for any earthly reason to find dirt on him to pound some more sand.

Piers Morgan who leans so far left that I am surprised he can stay upright actually gets it.

In his statement.

Morgan's message to the left:

PIERS MORGAN: My message to the left is, if you want to try and beat Donald Trump, do it democratically and stop trying to delegitimize him, stop trying to make every tweet, every statement, every comment he says the armageddon of the world, and just try to apply some rational political sense in defeating your opponent.

Morgan said Trump is absolutely right that Islamic extremism is a threat and to stop that threat from coming to America, but his ban is perverse because it doesn't include Egypt or Saudi Arabia but includes other Muslim nations.

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

He will run again and can't possibly be forced to show his taxes! There is no law that says a candidate for POTUS must release his returns!




"The federal authorities became intent on jailing Capone and prosecuted him in 1931 for tax evasion. During a highly publicized case, the judge admitted as evidence Capone's admissions of his income and unpaid taxes during prior (and ultimately abortive) negotiations to pay the government taxes he owed"


The POTUS has been under audit for many years, no probable cause that he evaded taxes!



2 hours ago, riclag said:

Yup, he's the nevertrumper who's sticking up for American laws (no law says a candidate for POTUS must show Tax returns) .


2 hours ago, riclag said:

 There is no Law that says a current candidate for POTUS has to show his taxes to the moon howlers(Dem Congress) that want to score political points

You've place a lot of hope in the argument that candidate Trump isn't required to show his tax returns.  That has nothing to do with this debate; these returns are being demanded of President Trump. 


Once again:


(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Tax-ation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any re-turn or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.   https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title26/pdf/USCODE-2011-title26-subtitleF-chap61-subchapB-sec6103.pdf

20 minutes ago, Longcut said:

What law?

Read the above.

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Indeed. This President also has nothing at all in common with his piss-poor base. They are saps in his view. He wouldn't give them the time of day except in one of his rallies, where he pretends to be a man of the people. Really unbelievable that they buy his horsesh!t.
In the great American tradition of snake oil salesmen carnival barker con men. Yes it's depressing that he even has 35 percent loyalty.

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7 hours ago, opalred said:

want a bet/ his assets are less than his dept/loans

i would call that broke 

I'd guess his loans are greater than his equity, but much less than the present asset value. Asset values are subject to change though and can be inflated or deflated by market forces or even financial fraud.

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17 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

The Russia, Russia, Russia sound bite will now become Taxes, Taxes, Taxes...infinitum from the same boring news outlets and TV posters...never a mention of how to make the country and people of the US more prosperous, more safe, and better educated. 

Why is that?

Because your heart throb has apparently turned into a tax evading businessman. 

As he has constantly said, he has nothing to hide. (except his taxes)

 Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. He could make a huge political gain if he does give his tax forms to authorities.

 And is found innocent.

Want to make a private bet about this?

36 eggs or a carton of Chang. lol 

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1 hour ago, Prissana Pescud said:

He could make a huge political gain if he does give his tax forms to authorities.

He has exactly the opposite opinion he thinks that as long as he fights the release of his taxes it is a huge political gain as it keeps him in the front of the current news cycle and that what he wants either good or bad!  He doesn't care about yesterday or tomorrow he only cares about what ids happening at the moment!

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2 hours ago, wayned said:

He has exactly the opposite opinion he thinks that as long as he fights the release of his taxes it is a huge political gain as it keeps him in the front of the current news cycle and that what he wants either good or bad!  He doesn't care about yesterday or tomorrow he only cares about what ids happening at the moment!

Maybe he’s treating every moment as his last for good reason.... 

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7 hours ago, wreckingcountry said:

Of course the crook won’t willing declare his tax Info!

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If there are criminal acts he will be charged, unless that's the case what's in his taxes don't actually matter. 

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3 hours ago, wayned said:

He has exactly the opposite opinion he thinks that as long as he fights the release of his taxes it is a huge political gain as it keeps him in the front of the current news cycle and that what he wants either good or bad!  He doesn't care about yesterday or tomorrow he only cares about what ids happening at the moment!


He knows his base don't give a flying skunk. 

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5 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


If there are criminal acts he will be charged, unless that's the case what's in his taxes don't actually matter. 

Well, you think politically it's going to look good if it turns out, as seems likely,  how little he has paid in taxes?

Edited by bristolboy
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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

Well, you think politically it's going to look good if it turns out, as seems likely,  how little he has paid in taxes?


He said when he campaigned he paid as little as possible like anybody in their right mind would do. If it isn't illegal it is normal in business.

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13 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

The total problem in all this is that the tax department has had no in put so far.

US Tax Department = Cover up of corruption.

Got to love democracy in USA

Are you saying Trump's got an "inside man" at the IRS that's been sheparding his fraudulant returns through the system? Or some other kind of corruption? Please specify.

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4 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


He said when he campaigned he paid as little as possible like anybody in their right mind would do. If it isn't illegal it is normal in 

It's 1 thing to day something vague and undefined like that; quite another to see hard numbers.

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

It's 1 thing to day something vague and undefined like that; quite another to see hard numbers.

Unless he committed a tax crime you aren't going to see it and there is no advantage for him to make it public. So I guess you can cry all you want but unless the IRS has a charge against him it won't matter.

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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

It's 1 thing to day something vague and undefined like that; quite another to see hard numbers.


I'd be shocked if his returns were more scandalous than Amazon's or GE's. I think that's why he gives them such a hard time. He's jealous about all they can get away with.





Edited by lannarebirth
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