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Don says envoys had no right to attend police questioning of Thanathorn


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53 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

I guess that many of you who are making remarks like this one see all Thais as uneducated and ignorant people!?

Most of Thai friends, even those of them who are Thaksin supporters, are saying that Thailand should expel these diplomats for interfering in Thailand's internal affairs. And even my friend with MA and PhD form UCLA, who used to be MP in Thailand, UN envoy for Thailand and Human Rights Commissioner (he was in the group of foreigners that first visited Aung San Suu Kyi after she was put in house arrest by the Burmese junta), says that what these diplomats did was not appropriate to do according to international diplomatic standards...

But hey, I guess that Thai's are all wrong and you are right...

I don’t think they were diplomats but attachés. Whilst I do agree it’s not standard protocol for embassy staff to attend such a meeting uninvited by representatives of the host government, the authorities hosting that particular meeting offered no objections to the presence of foreign embassy or UN staff. 

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37 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Agree with your Thai friends. 


Ironic how many posters grumble about xenophobic Thailand, and other Asian countries, but see the West as so superior! But only the 'democratic West" of course; or should it be the countries they like to think are democratic!


The UN wouldn't dare try this in the West, or China and Russia. And the EU Mission, a joke!


No wonder Thais and other Asians have formed certain opinions about "farangs".


These diplomats should be warned about future behavior at least.

You are so funny

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Don- wink wink don’t get upset - read the signals.
Breaking every law in the country to illegally seize power, then fake an election and still pretend you act according to the law whenever it suits you just doesn’t work with intelligent people. Especially when they are more intelligent then you!

You can talk like this to your blind sheep that follow you but not the international diplomatic community.
You have just made some very powerful enemies - now go and cry on the Chinese’s shoulder they are waiting for you - because you are dancing exactly to the tune they want you to dance to!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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One can understand the confusion in the International ranks when someone who supposedly committed a offence back four,  five years ago is now the subject of a trumped up charge , mainly because Thanathorn rattled the socks and jocks off the Junta darlings in winning so many Parliament  seats, what if Thanathorn  never stood or formed a political party, would Thanathorn still have been charged, creates intrigue in anybody's language, Prayut has proven that as a junta leader he is up with the best of the despots, with his kniving ways, as a leader of a nation , now that's another subject 

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15 hours ago, z42 said:

Starting to unravel. The more noise that is made here, the more i suspect that this issue may snowball in a way the Junta won't like.

Rigging an election is 1 thing, hitting a popular politician with a tsunami of blatantly bogus charges after the election is another, but looking to haul in foreign diplomats to dress them down for no reason is something else. Hope it does blow up in the Junta's face.


Not sure if "here" is the place that will get traction but I agree the more the blatant abuse of power stays in the media the more likely this will bring about needed change.

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13 hours ago, robblok said:

They don't want any people looking in on this because it undermines their credibility. Still, what do we expect the diplomats to do ? 


I like that they were there but I think they are kinda toothless tigers. 

The diplomats have , by their presence alone , sent the strong message that events are being closely monitored.

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11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Agree with your Thai friends. 


Ironic how many posters grumble about xenophobic Thailand, and other Asian countries, but see the West as so superior! But only the 'democratic West" of course; or should it be the countries they like to think are democratic!


The UN wouldn't dare try this in the West, or China and Russia. And the EU Mission, a joke!


No wonder Thais and other Asians have formed certain opinions about "farangs".


These diplomats should be warned about future behavior at least.

You are correct , it wouldn't wash with a major nation or a money bags state like Saudi.

Thailand aint either so it just has to suck it up or get completely into bed with China ( and the Thais are not that dumb)

And please less of the pleading about ethics , arrogance and hypocrisy , when have any of these things driven the conduct of the Junta.

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11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Same as if they try it in Russia, China, Japan, EU countries, Middle East Countries, Asian countries etc etc.


They'd be expelled.

So why dont the Thais do just that then , perhaps because they are fully aware that they need the west far more than the west needs them.

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11 hours ago, Bezdomny said:

If Thailand would have biggest reserves of oil like Venezuela have, he would be already self declared president and recognized from USA and their poodles. So few small foreign officials aren't breaking any UN rules if we use same brushes?

But Thailand doesn't have oil and rice just dont cut it , the tin pot generals are toothless in international terms.

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I hate to correct, but diplomacy and its principles pre-dates the United Nations by thousands of years. While Gingis Khan already knew diplomacy (and how to break it) the more modern guidelines are outlined in the linings of the Vienna Congress (1815) and lateron the Geneva Convention (first time in 1864). 

The DOs and DONTs are outlined in the protocol and should Don Pramudwinai or his ministry have a problem with the behaviour of diplomats, then he has a tool to use.

It is called a "protest note" which he (or his staff) hand out to the affected diplomat, his bis (usually the head of mission) or through his own emissary in the country from where the misbehaving diplomat is from. In other words, if the ambassador of country A does something wrong in Thailand, then the Thai foreign minister can instruct his ambassador in country A to officially protest with the ministry of foreign affairs in country A. 

In closing, if everything was above radar, I wonder what any Thai official is worried about? Of course it is interesting to see, that this event drew the attention of diplomats - but maybe because of good reason? The official complaint by the Thai foreign ministry just added fuel to the (possible?) fire! 

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