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Prem praises ‘non-corrupt’ government


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Anyone that remembers this chap being in power would say he is being "honest"  (sorry not allowed to use that word in the same sentence as ...)  if you were to compare the levels of corruption when he was in "power" he will obviously be on the side of the military due to his back ground & his part in previous coup's

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I respect the man's age, his grey hair (what's left of it anyway)  and oxygen support.


But either he is totally living in an Ivory Tower and is naïve....or he is just taking people for a ride.


What an entertaining country ... :welcomeani:


P.S. Maybe Mr BJ should throw  himself and pay respect at the PM's crotch as the PM on the picture...he then may be allowed to keep at least his pants ?

Edited by observer90210
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Utter rubbish! 


Prem.. Enough said....


The article heading, was enough BS for me. 


Rings and watches spring to my mind, as does many other things. 


T. I. T  The land of frowns and cupidity, and I mean Cupidity... 

Edited by Sonhia
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