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Denied (9th) retirement extension

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Yesterday I was denied what would have been my 9th retirement extension as I have not kept 800k in a Thai bank for the required time.  I accept that I will probably have to return to Australia and start the process again. In the meantime, would it work if I left the country to Cambodia, and returned on a regular tourist visa. Would they allow that?  Would I have to let the retirement extension expire first?

   Any other ideas?


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27 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Or you could go to Penang or Savannakhet and get a new single entry non-o visa by showing the 800k baht in the bank on the date you apply and proof of retirement.

Joe, in another thread I started regarding Vientiane and a friend of mine who was going for the non imm O single entry you said clearly that NO PROOF OF REIREMENT WAS NEEDED, but you state otherwise above here in this thread.

I am afraid that I now gave wrong information to my friend in this with proof of retirement.... Is it proof of retirement or is it NOT proof of retirement,,, or do I miss something here?????





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29 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Joe, in another thread I started regarding Vientiane and a friend of mine who was going for the non imm O single entry you said clearly that NO PROOF OF REIREMENT WAS NEEDED, but you state otherwise above here in this thread.

That was for Vientiane where a police and medical certificate is required. Savannakhet and Penang have different requirements.

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23 minutes ago, smedly said:

what is proof of retirement ?

Would also be interested to know what is considered Proof of Income.


When I got my Non-O ME (Over 50) from Penang last July, they wanted to see an income certificate from UK Embassy in Bangkok but obviously would need to go to a UK Embassy in another country to get one of these nowadays.

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5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:


Proof of a pension.

If you can get one people have used income proof from their embassy showing a small amount of  income (proof of retirement is not needed if using proof of 65k baht income).

Some people used a statement they are retired notarized by their embassy.

so this is a requirement to get a SE Type O visa from some consulates - never heard of that until now, I thought all that was required was a Thai bank balance 

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3 minutes ago, smedly said:

so this is a requirement to get a SE Type O visa from some consulates - never heard of that until now, I thought all that was required was a Thai bank balance 

It is required at the consulates in Savannakhet and Penang.

In Vientiane is not needed but you need a police clearance and a medical certificate.

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3 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

So what happens if you’re not of pensionable age but retired? How else can you prove you’re retired?

This would be accepted. 


3 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

Some people used a statement they are retired notarized by their embassy.



37 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

If you can get one people have used income proof from their embassy showing a small amount of  income (proof of retirement is not needed if using proof of 65k baht income).


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If you receive any monthly pensions or income of at least 65K Baht a month you’re good but if not it’s probably best to leave and apply for a new retirement visa and start over if the 800K is your only option based on your personal situation.  

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3 hours ago, Genericnic said:

Interesting. I am in CM and my 9th extension will come up in December.


I just got a BKK bank account opened in March and started the process of depositing 65k baht per month in the account (showing FTT as the deposit code). I normally do my extension about 45 days ahead of the expiration date so early November for me. Doing that, I will only have 10 months of deposits to show if I do it in November. I want to do it in November just in case the "leniency" provisions do not apply. If they don't I will just do a visit back to the US and get a new retirement visa and start over. From some of the crazy agent fees I have seen quoted, it would almost be cheaper to fly back to the US. The bonus is that with a new visa it is essentially good for almost 2 years.


Always have a Plan B.





A plan A would be to go in there and explain your situation and get an answer.  Having to fly 8,000 miles to solve the problem is not much of an attractive plan B.


PS:  A best plan A would be to do the 800k this year.  Then, next year do the 65,000 method if tying up the funds is a problem for you.

Also, the agent cost would pretty much be your airfare so.....

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6 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:



A plan A would be to go in there and explain your situation and get an answer.  Having to fly 8,000 miles to solve the problem is not much of an attractive plan B.


PS:  A best plan A would be to do the 800k this year.  Then, next year do the 65,000 method if tying up the funds is a problem for you.

Also, the agent cost would pretty much be your airfare so.....

Plan A is to go there and see what transpires. That is why I would be doing it at the earliest time available. That gives me about 45 days to implement Plan B in case Plan A is a bust. Plan B is doing the trip to the US. An added benefit of Plan B would be seeing old friends.


While I could do the 800k deposit, having the money sit in a Thai bank rather than being used in my investment account makes no sense since I can generally make more in a week than Thai banks pay in interest per year.




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1 hour ago, ThaiBunny said:

Why do you need to give proof of retirement? To whom?

I am wondering the same for an O-A I will soon apply for at the Chicago Consulate. Proof Of Retirement is asked for. I am retired but do not have a company pension nor am I receiving social security yet. Any one that has applied at Chicago know what they accept? Sent an e-mail but they never answered.

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10 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

How long did you have the 800k baht in the bank?. Only 2 months is required now.

You do not need to go back to Australia to get a new visa.

You could leave the country at any time and return with a tourist visa and then apply for change of visa status to get 90 day nonimmigrant visa entry. Or you could go to Penang or Savannakhet and get a new single entry non-o visa by showing the 800k baht in the bank on the date you apply and proof of retirement. The apply for the extension during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from the visa.

I was told three months had been increased to four months. When did it change to 2???

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