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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 8:19 AM, Will27 said:

Apologies for being off topic, but Marmite were giving out free jars during the first cricket

test calling it the Marmy Army.


Vegemite hit back in true Aussie style by placing these ads in the UK papers:biggrin:



The Poms hit back in grand style:tongue:




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9 hours ago, Will27 said:

The Poms hit back in grand style:tongue:





Wasnt it beer left overs or something....almost as disgusting as some of the Thai condiments ....No wait...that pink shit disguised as a sauce they put on my burger in Palawan ......

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Well the purge is on in ernest at Deeland...Mr Mission was leaving anyway performance honcho....new guy bringing in his troops....culling several in that dept....plus Brendan MaCartney ex Doggie coach wont be back next year....expect a few more assitants to bite the dust over this year....lets face it with Goodwin on 3 more years the Dee's arnt going to shell out a couple of million to move him on plus the team is the team and there not going to cut many so its cheaper and more cost effective to move the middle men on and place the blame at there feet....


Steve May out for the rest of the year.....wont make a dam differance anyway....


On a postive note....praise be to the exculted one up high...Vodapone finally have issued Esim......been waiting forever for this....since i got my new Iphone to be precise....yesterday....and i got it today....no more physical sim card needed...my XR is noooooow a duel sim card phone....great feeling and the only win i had all year considering.....


Watched a couple of NFL practice games already....the one in particular happend to be my 2 teams Browns at home to the Redskins, well...Baker Mayfeild is looking even sharper that last year did the opening start with the 2 min drill scoring a touch down and the pond went crazy....big things expected from the Browns this year...good in the draft exceptional in Free Agency....As for the Skins....Case Keenum was at his ordianry best and just played the first quarter with new kid on the block Hassel or something like that looking like a 4th string QB now we know why he slipped to pick 15....its looking like a long American winter for the Redskins....



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11 hours ago, Will27 said:

Oh dear.


I should've listened to Uncle Alex????


Oh boy.....you didnt?....hehehe the pack are one closer....I expected us to bite the dust last night but not by 50 odd points....a dispirited bunch they were...and shocking decision making....


The science says there either over coached or under coached or the players dont like someone....who is a key in the staff.....2 assistants plus performance people are almost gone...Goodwin and the look on his face in the coaches box was one of..ive tried everything look....


Was Goodwin alone in his box? normally  3 or 4 all together.,...but did u notice the Swans box? an army of red and a battery of PC's...


Anyway its a sunny morning in footy town reminding me spring is not far away and better days ahead before it pisses down rain tomorrow...


Jay Kennedy Harris may have saved his bacon last night...the only Dee who can hold his head up (Stretch did ok too), liked his game a lot but has never strung enough of them together.....often drops off around 3rd game in a row....Billy too....


That player North should have got.....father son..Baker Barker? something like that..looking at him ud think he was a string bean no shoulders.....but he can play and boy has aggression....something the Dee rabble lack...


Number 30 what a waste of talent....he is becoming more disappointing each year....the other duel Surname player and such a house hold name Alex Neal Bullion or something or other, get rid of him.....Billy....too....in fact I can make a case for half a dozen to be be delisted as no other club will want them....


Hope you do better in the next rounds there OLD WILL>>>>>>> can't have you falling down now at this stage of the season.....

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Will is in nervous meltdown up on the ranch in outback Thailand... The godfather has slipped up by 2 this week so far...and more to goooooo the precious legacy the stager has built up over the years is in  jeopardy..... and you wouldn't wanna loose to me....casue you know you WILL never hear the end off it...


We here in Melbourne are playing it one game at a time.... the sun is out this morning so that's a good omen for us Melb based guys.....carn the Tigers....WILL stick it up Wills boys today?


Nothing to loose.....but WILL has everything to loose....yaaa...hahaha....Oh I dont know,,,,could I get lucky? I've finnished second before....to Uncle WILL....WILL it be like the Moffet years at Bathurst 1n2?

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