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Just now, mauGR1 said:

Lol, i remember you and others, saying they quit the thread, then, after a while, coming back again. 

Of course i was happy to see you come back, and maybe @Tippaporn will be back too.

Yeah, it's hard to give up my only link with the country I loved for decades of my life, and sometimes I see something I just "have" to reply to.

I try not to spend too much time on here now, but the dark side is strong.

6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yeah, it's hard to give up my only link with the country I loved for decades of my life, and sometimes I see something I just "have" to reply to.

I try not to spend too much time on here now, but the dark side is strong.

Well, i would say that in the "Thailand crowd " , discussing the existence of God is pretty rare. In my neighborhood, i mean in real life, there is only 1 guy which i have been discussing spiritual things with, and yet i don't really like him ????

Just now, mauGR1 said:

Well, i would say that in the "Thailand crowd " , discussing the existence of God is pretty rare. In my neighborhood, i mean in real life, there is only 1 guy which i have been discussing spiritual things with, and yet i don't really like him ????

True, but while I don't post much on other subforums, if at all, I do read them. I was never exclusively on this thread when I was spending hours a day on TVF.

2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

True, but while I don't post much on other subforums, if at all, I do read them. I was never exclusively on this thread when I was spending hours a day on TVF.

Yes, it was the same for me for years !

.. but in recent times, the whole concept of freedom of speech has become a joke, tbh.

Obviously, as humans, communication with other humans is most important for keeping ourselves in check, so imho internet is better than nothing. 

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:


I answer this condition first, as i believe God exists. 

It's in our abilities to stop the cycle of incarnations. 

As Jesus put it clearly " who gives his life for me, will live forever ".

Pls note, Jesus, imho is the earthly incarnation of " what is good and true".

Another point, when we are born in this world, we "start from scratch " in the physical world, but we carry with us our spiritual development. 

Another point, between death and rebirth, our souls are connected with the spirit, and there are no lies and deception up there. 

As i said in previous posts, the state of sleep, including the dreams, can be compared to a little death, so imho we can learn a lot about death and rebirth by comparing the state of sleep to the state of wake.

I stop here for now,  as i don't even know if you're really interested in this discussion, and of course you're welcome to express your point of view. 

2 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

Buddhists believe that if one lives a noble life, he or she will advance in the next life; but if not, the person will degrade in the next life--perhaps to that of a lower life form (animal).  But, if there is no Judge, who or what makes this determination?  Do not virtually all people think themselves good?  And if all are good, why would not all automatically advance in the next incarnation cycle?  If an individual did not advance (obviously against his or her wishes), what force or authority judged and determined this outcome?  Without a God, there is no Judge.  

This questions are very legitimate, and don't necessarily imply the absence of God. 

You might be surprised, but in fact, when a certain level of consciousness is achieved, we are the judges of ourselves, so in fact it's our purest essence which decides when and where and how to rebirth, according to our wish to develop into better beings. 

This is also the view of esoteric christianity. 

Buddha, intended as a Avatar of Vishnu, same as Jesus , are free from the cycle of incarnations , afaik, yet it's in their power to incarnate physically when the moment is right. 

To conclude, the separation between the physical worlds and the spiritual worlds is clear cut in our human minds, when in fact everything is very much connected. 


  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

in the begining i said ,that i dont believe in God,but after 499 pages(must be one of the longest threads) maybe there is????

The point is, God exists in the imagination of billions of people, so, unless you're saying that imagination doesn't exist, God exists. ????

  • Thanks 1
34 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

The point is, God exists in the imagination of billions of people, so, unless you're saying that imagination doesn't exist, God exists. ????

God exists in more than my imagination.  I've witnessed miracles in my life on many occasions which have confirmed His existence and His love.  The greatest miracle of all, is that God can love such a wretch as me, and that He can patiently lead me, helping me to have new desires, new habits, and a new character.


There are some who never notice the flowers.  They do not see the birds, nor hear their cheerful songs.  They seldom lend their attention to the beautiful blue sky, or take time to let God's creation speak to them in its own way. 


The same inattention to these things of nature is prevalent in the world with respect to God.  People do not recognize God's hand in their lives because they are too busy to give it any thought.  They are chasing after financial security, worldly acceptance or esteem, or the pleasures of life in which they hope to find happiness.  But, true happiness is not found in any of these.  Only in a relationship with one's Creator can true joy be obtained.


As I type these words, the sounds of Thai pan flutes and wooden xylophones (I cannot think just now what they're called) come through my window, heralding a funeral ceremony in progress.  Did the deceased have any hope at the end of his or her life?  What is life without hope?  And how can one hope, without a knowledge of God and His promised salvation?


The answers to life's most perplexing questions are only found in God's Word.  Apart from the Bible, there is no safety, nor confidence.  I can say, with the Psalmist, "I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging bread."  God is faithful, and keeps His promises--and, as I have seen in my own life, God is far more faithful than I, for I have not always deserved His help.  I have even tried to put God out of my life--ignoring Him, and still, God provides what I need.  This is significant because I am not in a position to be able to help myself nor to secure the things I need within my own efforts.  It sometimes fills me with shame, knowing that God is still there for me, even when I did not deserve it.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

God exists in more than my imagination.  I've witnessed miracles in my life on many occasions which have confirmed His existence and His love.  The greatest miracle of all, is that God can love such a wretch as me, and that He can patiently lead me, helping me to have new desires, new habits, and a new character.


There are some who never notice the flowers.  They do not see the birds, nor hear their cheerful songs.  They seldom lend their attention to the beautiful blue sky, or take time to let God's creation speak to them in its own way. 


The same inattention to these things of nature is prevalent in the world with respect to God.  People do not recognize God's hand in their lives because they are too busy to give it any thought.  They are chasing after financial security, worldly acceptance or esteem, or the pleasures of life in which they hope to find happiness.  But, true happiness is not found in any of these.  Only in a relationship with one's Creator can true joy be obtained.


As I type these words, the sounds of Thai pan flutes and wooden xylophones (I cannot think just now what they're called) come through my window, heralding a funeral ceremony in progress.  Did the deceased have any hope at the end of his or her life?  What is life without hope?  And how can one hope, without a knowledge of God and His promised salvation?


The answers to life's most perplexing questions are only found in God's Word.  Apart from the Bible, there is no safety, nor confidence.  I can say, with the Psalmist, "I have been young, and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging bread."  God is faithful, and keeps His promises--and, as I have seen in my own life, God is far more faithful than I, for I have not always deserved His help.  I have even tried to put God out of my life--ignoring Him, and still, God provides what I need.  This is significant because I am not in a position to be able to help myself nor to secure the things I need within my own efforts.  It sometimes fills me with shame, knowing that God is still there for me, even when I did not deserve it.

Glad to hear that, but me saying " God at least exists in the imagination of billions of people " was intended as a reply to those who firmly deny, and even ridicule and despise God's existence. 

I also can provide plenty of evidence of the existence of God, but i know already that my thoughts would meet a deaf ear in the majority of the cases. 

Although i don't know the bible very well, i appreciate your knowledge and interpretation of it.


Some say that God is everywhere at the same time.


Some say that God provided the burning bush.


Some say, "Oh, God", thank thee for this non-burning bush.


Not all bushes are the same.


Some are burning, and others are not burning.


Each to his own.


Do you prefer the burning bush, or just the regular kind?


I have had both.


Most like to talk, few want to listen. 

Imho, if one truly searches for knowledge and wisdom, both are necessary. 

  • Like 1
On 8/28/2022 at 5:16 PM, Sunmaster said:

To be fair, I always found @Hummin's posts to be open-minded, respectful towards other beliefs and with a healthy dose of skepticism. And that's already a lot more than many other occasional posters were able to do.

You can't expect for people to change their beliefs from one moment to another, regardless if you think you presented your reasoning in a flawlessly logical manner or not. I think people progress at their own pace and even if sometimes it's frustrating to witness, it's not our duty to force such changes.

Thank you for your kind words, appreciate That. 

In terms of change? Is change necessary if you feel you live a good life, with an healthy outlook on it, I believe a change only is necessary  if something happens to you and to your life. I believe there must be a cause for a change, because you need the change out of various reasons of course. 

I want you all to think about why you have “changed” got the energy to do so. Of course if you have made dramatic changes in your life and life philosophy how you see the “world” you living in.


just back from the forrests sleeping out two nights, and just havecto say, nature never disappoints me when Completely disconnected from this world with no other people around except me and my wife. I get all the answers I need just being present right there right now. 

Best healing and therapy right there, but for many so distant and impossible to reach. 

  • Like 1
On 8/30/2022 at 1:30 AM, mauGR1 said:

Although words can be inadequate to describe spiritual realities, i think that  @Tippaporn is right, we create our own reality. 

According to our karma and our wishes, we choose our environment, our family, our country, our body etc.

Right now, through our thoughts, feelings etc, we are creating other realities, for ourselves and for what surrounds us.

Wisdom comes from pain, and how we deal with pain, but pain will disappear, and the wisdom you achieve will stay with you. 

I don't believe in the dichotomy heaven/hell, but i believe in cycles of multiple incarnations, until we learn our lessons. 



As an individual you can to a curtain level create your own illusion of life, how your life is and how you manage living your life based on your childhood experiences as well experiences learned for good and bad later in life as well. Not to forget we all have different strengths and weaknesses that our anchestors have provided us.

You can not change how life unfolds right her right now is my philosophy, and you need to deal with many choices with different outcome throughout your life. So in my eyes randomly happenings you constantly have to deal with.

If you sit in the pitch black forrest, looking up in the sky and see all the stars and planets as far you can see, and also see parts of the milkey way, you know how small you really are, and how meanings less you are in the big picture, and that I believe is a problem for many who constantly thinking about how it started, and why we are here. 

Being without purpose and meaning, gives you either freedom or constant pain for being just a tiny little brick in the much much bigger picture. 

It gives me the freedom to enjoy the very right now, right here without worries, but others might feel lost and maybe feel worthlessness. 

And of course most would tell you they really do not care either way, but then we have you and me, could you accept being worthless? 

Edit note

Worthless in the big picture to this planet, this universe, not in life of course. 


  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Thank you for your kind words, appreciate That. 

In terms of change? Is change necessary if you feel you live a good life, with an healthy outlook on it, I believe a change only is necessary  if something happens to you and to your life. I believe there must be a cause for a change, because you need the change out of various reasons of course. 

I want you all to think about why you have “changed” got the energy to do so. Of course if you have made dramatic changes in your life and life philosophy how you see the “world” you living in.


just back from the forrests sleeping out two nights, and just havecto say, nature never disappoints me when Completely disconnected from this world with no other people around except me and my wife. I get all the answers I need just being present right there right now. 

Best healing and therapy right there, but for many so distant and impossible to reach. 

Yes, I see it the same way.
Change comes from an internal need when we're unsatisfied with the status quo. It can't be imposed from the outside...that would in fact make us even more reluctant to change.


Even when we see people suffering due to "wrong thinking" (for example, having thoughts of unworthiness leading to depression), all we can do is to plant some seeds and hope they will fall on fertile ground. When the time is right, hopefully they will grow...or maybe they won't. 

The best seeds in my opinion are not lectures that have to be understood logically on an intellectual level, but lived examples. So, for the example mentioned before, leading by example would mean to show the real life manifestation of the "right thinking" (the belief that we deserve to be loved and have love to give).
This would ignite the desire for change and spurn curiosity on how to do it. Hopefully.
Telling a depressed person "Hey, your way of thinking is wrong. Just replace it with this and you will feel better." simply doesn't work.

Now, I took a rather extreme case of "wrong thinking", but there are a lot more subtle ones that ought to be rectified....we all have them.

  • Like 1
25 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

Yes, I see it the same way.
Change comes from an internal need when we're unsatisfied with the status quo. It can't be imposed from the outside...that would in fact make us even more reluctant to change.


Even when we see people suffering due to "wrong thinking" (for example, having thoughts of unworthiness leading to depression), all we can do is to plant some seeds and hope they will fall on fertile ground. When the time is right, hopefully they will grow...or maybe they won't. 

The best seeds in my opinion are not lectures that have to be understood logically on an intellectual level, but lived examples. So, for the example mentioned before, leading by example would mean to show the real life manifestation of the "right thinking" (the belief that we deserve to be loved and have love to give).
This would ignite the desire for change and spurn curiosity on how to do it. Hopefully.
Telling a depressed person "Hey, your way of thinking is wrong. Just replace it with this and you will feel better." simply doesn't work.

Now, I took a rather extreme case of "wrong thinking", but there are a lot more subtle ones that ought to be rectified....we all have them.

It took me a long way before I understood I was depressed, and even a longer road to realise I could fix it. But it was worth it, and it made me more grounded, and teached me to appreciate more simple things in life. Things that you loose when living in a to materialistic world with to many materialistic friends. 

It was a relief to finely jump off the wagon, retire early, go back to my roots, and start digging in the dirt, be more out in the nature, not only using the nature for adrenaline fun, but be in the nature with a life partner who also appreciate the same things as me. 

Todays fresh picked berries in my yoghourt, priceless. 


  • Like 1
25 minutes ago, Hummin said:

right her right now is my philosophy, and you need to deal with many choices with different outcome throughout your life. So in my eyes randomly happenings you constantly have to deal with.

Interesting post, right here, right now is also some state of mind which is recommended by both Buddhists and real Christians ( going to church on Sunday, or being born in a Christian country doesn't make one a real Christian) as a very useful meditation. 

Although it's not easy being   " here and now " all the time, it's a good exercise, and as they say, practice makes perfect. 

As for the rest of your post, there are a few debatable concepts, which in fact are the big questions one faces in life.

When we talk about freedom, imho, we should accept that the feeling of freedom is relative to a previous state of slavery.. for example, one may feel freedom after ending a toxic relationship, or after finishing a day of hard work, or being at peace in the forest after many days in the city. 

It's ok, but it's temporary and relative.

I could try to say what's absolute freedom, but i think i have a long way to go before i can achieve it, perhaps more than one life.

As for feeling worthless, or very important, those are also extreme states of mind which are relative and thus temporary. 

When i feel good, i know it's temporary, the same when i feel bad, and both feelings are very useful to understand who am i .

Not sure i answered your question though. 

35 minutes ago, Hummin said:

It took me a long way before I understood I was depressed, and even a longer road to realise I could fix it. But it was worth it, and it made more grounded, and teached me to appreciate more simple things in life. Things that you loose when living in a to materialistic world with to many materialistic friends. 

It was a relief to finely jump off the wagon, retire early, go back to my roots, and start digging in the dirt, be more out in the nature, not only using the nature for adrenaline fun, but be in the nature with a life partner who also appreciate the same things as me. 

Todays fresh picked berries in my yoghourt, priceless. 


I think a major problem with modern society is that most people live in cities, or concrete jungles, isolated from nature. This is not a natural situation. I live in a rural (or semi-rural) area), and whenever I have to drive into the nearest city and experience the sudden increase in traffic congestion and noise, I feel awful. What the heck am I doing here??


Living in natural surroundings, and engaging directly with nature, feels so much better for me.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
45 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:

I think a major problem with modern society is that most people live in cities, or concrete jungles, isolated from nature. This is not a natural situation. I live in a rural (or semi-rural) area), and whenever I have to drive into the nearest city and experience the sudden increase in traffic congestion and noise, I feel awful. What the heck am I doing here??


Living in natural surroundings, and engaging directly with nature, feels so much better for me.

So true, but I can enjoy more urban life for shorter moments, or again feel the joy of nice hotels and nice restaurants, but we both agree home best. And home is between the national park on the border to our land, and rice fields in front 86km to nearest city. 

49 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:

Living in natural surroundings, and engaging directly with nature, feels so much better for me.

Sure, the soul reflects the surrounding nature and makes for peaceful thoughts. 

On 8/31/2022 at 1:31 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

To prove the earth is round one only has to see the horizon on the ocean to see that it's curved. I don't know how they came to believe the earth is flat, unless they never saw the ocean's horizon.

Things like that, and that the earth circles the sun can be proven by simple logic- no need for highly paid scientists to prove such.

We spend billions on learning how the universe was begun, but in a world where multi millions are living lives of untold misery the money would be better spent on finding out how to live  better lives- one does not have to believe in God to know that's a much more worthwhile use of resources than discovering dark matter exists in space.

Much of science has benefited humans ( but not so much other species ), but also, much of science is loathsome, as in animal testing.

If ever we needed belief in a greater power to give us some morality, it's right now, as the human world descends into greed, corruption, cruelty and chaos.

It was just two simple examples as first proved science teached to us as children, and you are right, and completely agree with your post in whole.

we could have done much better, but it seems the progress as we get more science available, we also create more individual dreams, and also dreams that obviously is abused by powers by nationalize the drive for everyones best and also manage to get the support needed for the spending prioritized in these projects. We can all imagine all these fantasy trillions could have done for everyones best, right? If there was a world united, and not as we see it have been since the beginning of humans, fighting for land and resources, now fighting for planets and space in our galaxy. 

Unfortunate, when we all the time see the limits our resourches given by this planet, the answer to the problem, is to use more to keep up the economic balance in our favor, but not for lang. Interesting times ahead of us, for sure

4 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Interesting post, right here, right now is also some state of mind which is recommended by both Buddhists and real Christians ( going to church on Sunday, or being born in a Christian country doesn't make one a real Christian) as a very useful meditation. 

Although it's not easy being   " here and now " all the time, it's a good exercise, and as they say, practice makes perfect. 

As for the rest of your post, there are a few debatable concepts, which in fact are the big questions one faces in life.

When we talk about freedom, imho, we should accept that the feeling of freedom is relative to a previous state of slavery.. for example, one may feel freedom after ending a toxic relationship, or after finishing a day of hard work, or being at peace in the forest after many days in the city. 

It's ok, but it's temporary and relative.

I could try to say what's absolute freedom, but i think i have a long way to go before i can achieve it, perhaps more than one life.

As for feeling worthless, or very important, those are also extreme states of mind which are relative and thus temporary. 

When i feel good, i know it's temporary, the same when i feel bad, and both feelings are very useful to understand who am i .

Not sure i answered your question though. 

We will always measure our freedom up on those who is next to us, family, neighbour’s, district, neighbouring country, region and so on. Im sure even prisoner’s value their privileges up against each other to, so yes,


Im talking about individual experience of freedom, and I feel Im at a point in life where Im in control with my resources and my limits where I feel a very personalised freedom. As said, state of mind freedom, and thats where freedom starts for everyone, and a good recipe for individual freedom. 

If I need something, I need to work for it, maybe study it, and get it done one way or another way. Sounds simple, and it can be simple when you first realise it, but it took me awhile and long journey to get there. 


11 hours ago, Hummin said:

We will always measure our freedom up on those who is next to us, family, neighbour’s, district, neighbouring country, region and so on. Im sure even prisoner’s value their privileges up against each other to, so yes,


Im talking about individual experience of freedom, and I feel Im at a point in life where Im in control with my resources and my limits where I feel a very personalised freedom. As said, state of mind freedom, and thats where freedom starts for everyone, and a good recipe for individual freedom. 

If I need something, I need to work for it, maybe study it, and get it done one way or another way. Sounds simple, and it can be simple when you first realise it, but it took me awhile and long journey to get there. 


Uhm, i understand, but freedom, or more exactly the feeling of freedom, should be analyzed very carefully, as it's quite elusive, and most likely temporary. 

I also don't agree on comparing my freedom with others' , as anything can happen at every moment to change that idea.

So, i prefer to compare my different states of mind, and realize that a feeling of freedom i had when i was 20, for example was created by my own illusions.

So, speaking for myself, the feeling of freedom depends on countless factors, and i would be very careful if i had to think that i feel free.

Actually i tend to see freedom as the opposite of love, and my focus is more in trying to find my personal point of balance between those 2.

I heard someone say that freedom IS love, but i am rather skeptical about it.

Perhaps some kind of perfection is achieved when one's total freedom meets one's total love, if so, I'm still very far from it.

  • Like 1

Not so far from what I have been thinking and can believe!


Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.


Quote Max Planck

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Not so far from what I have been thinking and can believe!


Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.


Quote Max Planck

Really, that's after you accused me of dismissing science, and having a wild imagination ????

Well, i am glad that in the end you accept some common sense.

God exists ????

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Really, that's after you accused me of dismissing science, and having a wild imagination ????

Well, i am glad that in the end you accept some common sense.

God exists ????

Funny, but there is two sides of it, not only one! Science need to find the connection, if there is necessery to do so, but Im comfortable as I have said many times, with my self, and what I can understand. There is very little we can express here between us to make the whole sense what we can accept, and what we believe, and what we might change our opinion for or trade if you want. I have always said nature is good, and we are part of it. 

Also how free your mind is when you cut loose from the daily life and search out and inside your self without disturbance when you are present in the nature of yourself. For me, it is actually physically in the nature, where no humans have touched or disturbed the orign fauna. I sometimes when I struggled could find energy among old trees, but some find the same among crystals, so I know that is my illusion because I want it to be. Also a little answer to the “freedom” question, where first step is to cut away mentally from your daily forced on you routines. But everybody can not do that, so,

Doesnt say Im not interested to learn, but I accept my limits and other limits to find the answers before I escape this planet. 

Someone said, it takes a genius to make something simple, and I try my best. Someone also said, there is indeed a fine line between genious and madness!


And it seems to be true because both share the same gene. 



1 minute ago, Hummin said:

Funny, but there is two sides of it, not only one! Science need to find the connection, if there is necessery to do so, but Im comfortable as I have said many times, with my self, and what I can understand. There is very little we can express here between us to make the whole sense what we can accept, and what we believe, and what we might change our opinion for or trade if you want. I have always said nature is good, and we are part of it. 

Also how free your mind is when you cut loose from the daily life and search out and inside your self without disturbance when you are present in the nature of yourself. For me, it is actually physically in the nature, where no humans have touched or disturbed the orign fauna. I sometimes when I struggled could find energy among old trees, but some find the same among crystals, so I know that is my illusion because I want it to be. Also a little answer to the “freedom” question, where first step is to cut away mentally from your daily forced on you routines. But everybody can not do that, so,

Doesnt say Im not interested to learn, but I accept my limits and other limits to find the answers before I escape this planet. 

Someone said, it takes a genius to make something simple, and I try my best. Someone also said, there is indeed a fine line between genious and madness!


And it seems to be true because both share the same gene. 



Nice deflection, but if you had some integrity, you should try some apology.

Instead you try again to muddle the waters, well done ???? 

Well, tbh, I'm not expecting any apology, i guess it would be too much to ask for.

Hopefully you'll not accuse me again of personal insults and whatnot ????

Nature is good?

Try a tsunami and let me know, genius ????

  • Like 1
24 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Nice deflection, but if you had some integrity, you should try some apology.

Instead you try again to muddle the waters, well done ???? 

Well, tbh, I'm not expecting any apology, i guess it would be too much to ask for.

Hopefully you'll not accuse me again of personal insults and whatnot ????

Nature is good?

Try a tsunami and let me know, genius ????

Nature is god! Typing mistake I obviously have to many of


Apology of what? You making fun, being rude, and we are talking above our heads and ego? Come on ???? Sometimes you elevate yourself up there with the answers as a truth, but I have several times made an apology to you, seems you forget that’s, and also stated I know one thing, and thats I truly do not know, and do not try to be one who knows. 

I believe

I think

I feel

I experienced


Is terms I like to use, as well my illusion of life, I create my own illusion and so on, and also guilty of being horrible to make myself understood obviously 

3 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Is terms I like to use, as well my illusion of life, I create my own illusion and so on, and also guilty of being horrible to make myself understood obviously 

555 ok, peace.

Yes, you are horrible ????

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