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2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


It's clearly the church's fault. You're not going to try and tell me that the SBC (for example) are inclusive are you?

I'm not sure what your issue is, but it's not with me. 
I think I explained it quite clearly. 




56 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:
1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:



Separate.  Another question.


Again from your perspective, why is Sunmaster in this world?

Another good question. You're on fire today. :-) 


Sunmaster the ego likes to think he can make a difference in the world, that he can bring glimmers of goodness, truth and beauty from the Source to illuminate the dark corners of the world. Nowadays I'm not so sure it makes a difference to be honest, but not out of cynicism. 
I still do my best though, because I enjoy creating, thinking, exploring, being of help. They seem like worthwhile endeavors while here.
I'll mull it over some more and get back to you. Maybe I can come up with a better answer.


Granted, it's not an easy question and one that most never ask themselves.  They're here and never think much about the why of it.  Too busy figuring out how to live the life that's seemingly thrust upon them.  Good to see you give yourself some time.  Best to give yourself some time.  No need for quick answers anyway.  :biggrin:

7 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

It's clearly the church's fault. You're not going to try and tell me that the SBC (for example) are inclusive are you?


Been reading your exchange with Sunmaster.  I don't mean to butt in but the word 'inclusive' got my attention.  You don't need to answer if you don't want to but I'm just curious.  Since the term inclusive is one very much used by trans folk are you trans?

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1 hour ago, Sunmaster said:

Another good question. You're on fire today. :-) 


Sunmaster the ego likes to think he can make a difference in the world, that he can bring glimmers of goodness, truth and beauty from the Source to illuminate the dark corners of the world. Nowadays I'm not so sure it makes a difference to be honest, but not out of cynicism. 
I still do my best though, because I enjoy creating, thinking, exploring, being of help. They seem like worthwhile endeavors while here.
I'll mull it over some more and get back to you. Maybe I can come up with a better answer.


Sunmaster the ego likes to think he can make a difference in the world, that he can bring glimmers of goodness, truth and beauty from the Source to illuminate the dark corners of the world.


Sunmaster only has to look at Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, Ukraine, Southern border of the US to know that Sunmaster doesn't have a hope in Hades of bringing goodness to the world.

IMO we can only bring those qualities to our own lives and perhaps to those that we know.


When I was in my teens I was going to save the horses of the world from extinction. First thing I did after I started working was buy a brood mare and start breeding. Complete failure and was lucky that I found somewhere other than the knackers for them ( two by then ). I saw the foal some years later- it was a magnificent Palamino like beauty.

Many years later, horses are doing just fine without me and I'm a little bit wiser.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sunmaster only has to look at Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, Ukraine, Southern border of the US to know that Sunmaster doesn't have a hope in Hades of bringing goodness to the world.

IMO we can only bring those qualities to our own lives and perhaps to those that we know.

Yes, I'm not trying to bring about world peace.  :biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sunmaster the ego likes to think he can make a difference in the world, that he can bring glimmers of goodness, truth and beauty from the Source to illuminate the dark corners of the world.


Sunmaster only has to look at Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, Ukraine, Southern border of the US to know that Sunmaster doesn't have a hope in Hades of bringing goodness to the world.

IMO we can only bring those qualities to our own lives and perhaps to those that we know.


When I was in my teens I was going to save the horses of the world from extinction. First thing I did after I started working was buy a brood mare and start breeding. Complete failure and was lucky that I found somewhere other than the knackers for them ( two by then ). I saw the foal some years later- it was a magnificent Palamino like beauty.

Many years later, horses are doing just fine without me and I'm a little bit wiser.


I agree.  Animals don't need us in the sense that they can't do without us.  That's a belief a lot of tree huggers maintain.  I think Sunmaster's reference to bringing goodness, truth and beauty into the world is based more on the same sense that animals have as illustrated in this video.



35 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

Not a fan of dogmatic religions myself, but we need to be fair....

Buddhism and Hinduism (and others) can coexist with other religions/philosophies without problems, because they recognize the unity of them all.
Christianity and Islam are more problematic because they focus on the dualistic aspect of the One, so it's easier to get into the mindset of "my God is the only true God".

But then it always depends on the maturity of the person following a particular religion. There are sects, both in Christianity and Islam, that see this truth as well and have no problems acknowledging the validity of other faiths.

Was there a reason for not including Judaism in that post?


Personally, I think any religion is a club for the club members and they ain't going to be sharing the goodies with anyone else. They may tolerate other faiths, but IMO that's as far as it goes. The Buddhist monks of Burma apparently had no problem getting down on the Rohingyas.


That's one of my reasons for not being religious, as faith isn't a one off model, it is a one size fits all model.

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44 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


When Christian nationalists start callign for Muslim prayer in schools in the US I'll believe you.,

Recognising a different faith is not the same as following it's rituals.

In the past both tried to kill the other. Now we allow each other to exist in the same country ( except certain countries such as Saudi that doesn't allow any other religion ) which has to be an advance.


However, IMO multifaith meetings are a nonsense, unless different branches of the same variety of religion.

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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:


Thanks, retarius.  Actually, either word works.


This would be one of the definitions of the noun 'tact'.


a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations


And in a sentence.


WarnerMedia is taking a different tact in pitching its streaming service than NBCUniversal did when lining up advertisers for its Peacock streamer.

Thank you. I lived in the US and Americans say it. For some reason it drove me up the wall. Our COO said across instead of across. But they say some other stupid things like: 'I could care less', where English would use a logically correct 'I couldn't;t care less' which for some reason didn't;t bother me. 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Was there a reason for not including Judaism in that post?


Personally, I think any religion is a club for the club members and they ain't going to be sharing the goodies with anyone else. They may tolerate other faiths, but IMO that's as far as it goes. The Buddhist monks of Burma apparently had no problem getting down on the Rohingyas.


That's one of my reasons for not being religious, as faith isn't a one off model, it is a one size fits all model.

No specific reason. I don't have to list all world religions to make the point.

As for the Burmese monks, it comes down to what I said about the level of knowledge and wisdom of the individuals joining monkhood. Take Thailand for example. Before coming here, I had the romantic idea that Buddhist monks all meditate and are serious in their practice. In reality though, those that practice regularly and follow Buddha's teachings to achieve freedom are very few. Few, just like there are few of those people in any other religion. 
Religions, in their most ideal form, offer maps to navigate the inner world of (your) consciousness. Now, there are maps that I think are clearer than others, but ultimately that is their goal. If you follow a certain map but still feel it necessary to kill people who think differently, then that's on you, not the map. If one of the maps says you must kill heretics, apostates, infidels, then that's clearly a <deleted> map. But who's to blame for choosing that <deleted> map? You and your level of understanding, of course.

Atheists look at the maps very superficially, see all the bad things that people do in the name of those maps and blame the maps instead of the people. They reject the maps a priory without further investigation. If you (in general) don't feel the need to visit your inner world because all you know to be real is what you can see and touch, fine. You won't need any of those maps. However, once that need arises, where do you go? To science? Science will only tell you that your inner world is a product of neurons and electric sparks. You won't go very far with that map, you can be sure about that.
So, whether atheist, religious or spiritual....choose your map wisely and with discernment. Or don't.

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9 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

For your sake, save the frogs, I hope you don't take this guy seriously.  Amazing.  He's an actual science professor at Stanford teaching impressionable kids absolute nonsense.  Whew!


No, I don't take him seriously.

And your comments are spot on. Very good comments, Tippaporn. Fully agree.

PS: Most of the videos I pop into threads are just videos showing up in my feeds. You can thank AI for this one. 

I suspect AI on Youtube is picking up some words I am typing on this forum and then generating related videos, but not sure. 


  • Thanks 1
15 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

No specific reason. I don't have to list all world religions to make the point.

Thank you. Given those 3 claim to worship the same God I wondered why it wasn't included.


We have been given the greatest and most awesome gift imaginable - the ability to create.  If that is not apparent yet then all one has to do is look about themselves and see the plentiful evidence which exists everywhere that one looks in the world.  Our creations include that which we create through the physical manipulation of the stuff of earth into man-made objects which would not otherwise appear in nature to the creation of each and every event of our lives.  How this is all accomplished still remains a mystery to most.  The simple truth is that our creation is done through the use of ideas.  Anything and everything which is the product of man was first an idea conceived.  The transformation of these ideas, this subjective reality, into a physically manifested reality then required that physical action be taken on the ideas we conceive and hold.  Hence, the definition of action as an idea in motion.  We act upon our ideas thereby putting the idea into motion.  This is how subjective reality creates the objective world.


We, the image reflected in our mirrors, is made of god-stuff.  In that sense we are creators.  And as creation is an attribute of God, or whatever label one wishes to apply to it, then technically we are all gods.



On the topic of the prophecy of Armageddon as described in the Book of Revelations . . .


Quantum physics postulates a multiverse.  The rudimentary definition being that every conceivable possible action is played out in an alternate universe.  So if you were confronted with three decisions, only one of which "you" can take, then two other universes would exist in which the other two choices were explored by other "yous."  Now I believe that quantum physics is very much on the right track here for it's a perfect match for what I have learned separately.  In other words, I've held that concept before I was even aware of quantum physics postulating it.


The point of the above is to say that since I subscribe to the idea of a multiverse (actually, I subscribe to much more than the multiverse postulated by quantum physicists for there exist realities which are not physical at all - no time, no space, no form as we understand it) then while Armageddon is a possibility it is only one such possibility.  What probability each individual encounters as their 'official' experience will be determined by them.


In other words, the prophecy as described in the Book of Revelations is but one probability.  It is not a predetermination for nothing is predetermined.  Freedom is the ultimate law of existence anywhere and in all realities.


I may certainly be accused of being a nutter for expressing the above.  :laugh:
10 hours ago, save the frogs said:


No, I don't take him seriously.

And your comments are spot on. Very good comments, Tippaporn. Fully agree.

PS: Most of the videos I pop into threads are just videos showing up in my feeds. You can thank AI for this one. 

I suspect AI on Youtube is picking up some words I am typing on this forum and then generating related videos, but not sure. 



I have to make it a point to thank you not only for that video, save the frogs, but for all of your content.  Your contributions here as valuable are certainly recognised by me.  Not that my approval or judgement is in anyway required for validating the value of your contributions.  It's simply recognition and confirmation.  :biggrin:


Anyway. thanks!  :jap:


@save the frogs @Sunmaster @ThaiBeachBum


I want to tie a few things together, more so on a Tippers personal level.  It involves the three of you.


This post was sparked by save the frogs' video offering regarding the existence of free will.  Now I will admit that the video was disturbing to me in the sense that it produced a bit of anger as I see such ideas as being extremely harmful if adopted as true.  Now some may ask, "What harm is there in an idea?"  Well, given my first post of this beautiful morning, which was one of my responses to the video in question, it should be clear where my ideas lay on the subject of creation.  And if the gist of it still eludes anyone then I repeat that we create our reality specifically through with ideas.  The idea promoted by this "scientist" that free will is an illusion and strictly a result of whatever nonsense he ascribes as being the cause of this illusion is no doubt in direct contradiction to what I claim to be actual rockbed reality.


The deleterious harm of the idea Dr. Robert Sapolsky espouses is that from my perspective much of the world's problems I trace directly to the mass accepted ideas, and there are many, which suggest that life happens to us rather than life being created by us.  The difference between the two ideas are, in my humble opinion, more important than most realise.  The effects are, at minimum, that one idea empowers people and the other disempowers them.  How much more stark can the contrast be?  Yet when it is understood that every idea produces a result then it's quite obvious that the difference of results between the two ideas are beneficial results for one idea and pernicious results for the other.


Then we had the short exchange between Sunmaster and TBL which discussed, in essence, the quite natural propensity of man to be of benefit to his fellow man.  I jumped in with a video of animals helping other animals, which showed this propensity existing even in the animal kingdom.


Now to tie these disparate events together.  Again, on a Tippers personal level.  I, myself, have struggled mightily with the issue of the propensity of man to help his fellow man.  That natural propensity alone is what has brought me to this thread.  I have learned a great deal in my life which is of beneficence.  And so between what I've learned and the propensity to help others the two have been the inspiration for me to share what I know here so that others may, according to their own choosing and given their own life's predilections, make practical use of the information I provide in whatever manner they choose.  Or not at all.


Now everyone here knows that much of what I have learned is sourced in the Seth material.  Jane Roberts was the physical human who was the vehicle, if you will for lack of a better term, through which Seth was able to communicate his knowledge as it pertained to us and our reality.  Receiving this knowledge had placed a heavy burden on Jane in the sense that she initially felt it a duty to help others.  Yet there were certainly quite valid concerns which she harbored that the information would be misinterpreted by some and that the misinterpretations had the potential to lead some to use the ideas in an inappropriate and misconstrued way and thus cause harm to themselves.  But I want to focus on the burden she then felt by placing upon her shoulders the duty to help others and, that idea of duty taken to the extreme, to "save the world."


Now Seth had recognised this issue and addressed it.  His response to Jane was that it was not hers nor anyone else's obligation, let alone duty, to save anyone, let alone the entire world.  In fact Jane's connection to Seth's information was never inspired by any such desire on Jane's part to help any other but came about solely due to her intense questioning as to who she was and what reality truly is.  Jane was interested in helping herself.  Yet once she realised that since the information benefited her then by natural extension it would be of benefit to others.


And that's the lesson that's been long in the coming for me.  On the one hand I, too, understand the immense and incalculable benefits of the knowledge which Seth so generously provides to any man or women who would hear it and then feel a yearning for pure sharing with others without expectation of anything in return.  On the other hand I, likewise, have always felt that sharing to be somewhat of a duty.  To an extent.  And the extent is small and has always been small.  For just as TBL had come to understand through his experience with horses that the horses don't need him I've always had a similar understanding that no one needs me to live life either.


Getting back to the video save the frogs posted.  The outrage that I felt when hearing this crazed dude as he promoted such a noxious idea effected the feeling that I harbored somewhere inside me, however small it was though it could rise to quite a stature if I allowed, that I must fight against this insidious misrepresentation of reality by crying out about it to warn others.  In effect . . . to "save the world."


I can't tell y'all how many times I've gone back and forth with myself as to whether I should post here or not.  Should I involve myself in helping others or should I simply keep my knowledge to myself and use it for my own personal enrichment and beneficence?  Well, thanks to save the frogs on posting that video for it triggered the learning of that long coming lesson for me.  I've completely now rid myself of any shard of the idea that I need to to save anyone.  Y'all are on yer own now.  I hereby absolve myself of any responsibility or expectation than anyone understand a goddamned thing I say.  Take it or leave it as you will.  And a big ol' "humph!"  :laugh:  :laugh:


But before I end this post I must thank the three of you for even though y'all have helped me unwittingly, as none of you could have ever done so with purpose, you've played a part and thus deserve credit.  :jap:


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Does anyone need to know what I know to live life?  Certainly not.  How about a good life?  An exceptional life?  Absolutely not.  In fact, if you're living an exceptional life then you probably already know what I know but perhaps in different terms.  Can what I know be helpful to others?  Why certainly.  Can I facilitate beneficence for others.  Yes.  Is it necessary?  Am I necessary?  No.


Sunmaster, save the frogs, thaibeachlovers, do you need to know what I know?  Absolutely not.  Should you know what I know?  No.  Should everyone be like me?  Yes, I can hear y'all puking.  Keep the noise level down, will ya?  :laugh:  If anyone should be like me you would have been me and not you.  :biggrin:


You create your own reality directly and literally by way of your ideas and your beliefs which are ideas that you accept as true.  The physical universe as idea construction.  Literally and not at all figuratively.  Nothing exists is this world, whether object or event, which did not first exist as an idea.


Is that helpful?  Up to you.  :biggrin:

17 hours ago, Sunmaster said:
20 hours ago, Tippaporn said:


Revealing as well.  :biggrin:

So doctor, give it to me straight. How much time do I have left??


Well, here's what I know.  Since I understand quite well that this world is all about ideas and that people form their beliefs using ideas held to be true then I'm acutely aware that whatever anyone says or writes is an expression of the ideas and beliefs they hold.  Hence the cryptic "revealing" comments.  :biggrin:


What are you revealing then?  Your beliefs.  Whilst there's always room for interpretations by others sometimes the beliefs expressed are so unambiguous that interpretations aren't needed.


I'm not certain whether you subscribe to any particular eastern philosophy or whether it's just an amalgamation of different eastern philosophies and/or other philosophies but no matter.  Regardless of what the case may be I would aver that those philosophies are not the same as the Seth material in important respects.  Whilst there most certainly are parallels there are also quite stark contrasts.


All in all, and I believe I've expressed this to you before, I personally have found the Seth material to be not only more comprehensive than anything which exists presently or heretofore in the form of any religion or philosophy - my personal opinion :biggrin: - but as well it is written in clear English and at a level which even a child can understand if his material was read to them.  Between the conciseness of the material and it's breath and scope what I most appreciate is it's breath and scope.  Nothing that I know comes even close.  Again, merely my personal opinion derived from my personal experience.


Seth is my personal preference for learning.  Others have their own.  Is one better than any other?  Nope.  Is one more useful than any other?  Nope.  It is my belief that everyone is attracted to that which is best suited for their own individual purposes, their own growth, and serves best their own intentions whilst they occupy this world.


This world is dearly precious to me and I would not have it any other way.  I am completely and utterly enjoying my Tippers-ness.  :biggrin:  And I am thoroughly thankful for my identification with this Tippers individual for he will be me throughout eternity.  Yes, he'll become more.  But the identity, Tippers' individuality, will never be lost.  Evolve?  Certainly.  Lost or absorbed?  Never.   Eternal?  Most definitely.


This Tippers is an expression of myself as myself.  It is expressly for the purpose of knowing myself in a different fashion, in an earthly fashion, which cannot be known in any other fashion.  It is unique, precious, eternal and beloved.


Be kind to your ego, Sunmaster.  For it is a part of you.  An inseparable part which when made separate is only an illusion of separateness.  It is not a tool.  Not a thing to be dispensed with for something higher.  For the higher you that is you, well, you are that already.  There truly are no divisions except those we make.  This portion of you here in this world is as necessary to your greater self as much as your greater self is necessary for you.


A trance is a trance is a trance . . . :biggrin:

18 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

You say it as if it were a bad thing. 😄


It's not serious at all.  :laugh:


The true interpretation is it was a joke.  :biggrin:


Nothing that is unwanted can ever be gotten rid of.  There's a myth going about that some things can be excluded.  There is only inclusion.  For the mere act of excluding something includes it.  Of course I'm referring strictly to ideas.  You can certainly exclude me.  :biggrin:


-- Tippers, 2024 from The God Thread



18 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:


It's not serious at all.  :laugh:


The true interpretation is it was a joke.  :biggrin:

I know a joke when I see one. I'm not German. :biggrin:

Sorry, couldn't resist...

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

In effect . . . to "save the world."


I can't tell y'all how many times I've gone back and forth with myself as to whether I should post here or not.  Should I involve myself in helping others or should I simply keep my knowledge to myself and use it for my own personal enrichment and beneficence?  Well, thanks to save the frogs on posting that video for it triggered the learning of that long coming lesson for me. 


I'm glad to hear my video was thought-provoking.


When people push their ideas on other people too much, it often has the opposite effect. People tune out, hate you, think you're a know it all, are indifferent ... 


But I'm not going to tell you what to do. 


I don't think too many people watch those types of videos with the guest Huberman had on anyway. 


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1 minute ago, Sunmaster said:
21 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:


It's not serious at all.  :laugh:


The true interpretation is it was a joke.  :biggrin:

I know a joke when I see one. I'm not German. :biggrin:

Sorry, couldn't resist...


Two can play . . . :biggrin:


What does an Italian have when one arm is shorter than the other?
-> A speech impediment.



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