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Under fire, former U.S. V.P. Biden says he did not treat Anita Hill badly


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3 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Do you not see both the irony in this post AND they hypocrisy? Do you want me to list just the top 10 pet names ive seen you use to describe Trump AND his supporters? 


Dont pearl-clutch & hyperventilate as a way to dodge a post. 

Agreed. A good place to start with civility would be on this forum.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

will not reply to any posts that refer to Joe Biden or any democrat with "trump" style insult branding names. They are not worthy of being dignified with serious replies. I think that's a guideline that others, especially democrats may consider. Let's attempt to make the discussion level HIGHER than the pure GUTTER level of "trump" troll twitter bubble world. Don't get sucked against your will into the dark "trump" world where everything is about juvenile insults. 

A good point.  Trump tries to brand his opponents by using a negative or pejorative nickname to try and paint them as having no standing-  he does this to change the narrative to some personal level instead of sticking to the facts which he cannot articulate.  Let Trump run on his agenda which has produced little of substance but plenty of division.


Trump simply bloviates- tells lies over and over again until enough people start to believe the lies.  Real facts and real evidence are anathema to Trump but that is what will defeat him.

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3 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Not only is the hypocrisy here almost palatable, Im about 99% sure you're intentionally making a post, and then waiting for someone to quote you, and then going back after the fact and editing your posts on purpose. Why, I have no idea, but Ive noticed this about you several times now. Thought it was coincidence before (maybe its the device youre on) and even once you attacked me for "misrepresenting your posts" or some such when it was you that went back and edited. 


But im almost certain its intentional now, and thats a weird way of trolling people for sure. 

flame ignored

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Democrats need to come up with some real policies other than 'Hate Trump' and unlimited immigration plus need to 86 people like Hillary, Biden and Bernie as they don't represent a winable (if there is such a word) chance at the polls ... and don't say lunatics like AOC as she is just becoming a polarizing hate figure too. I would suggest someone like that young Kennedy Kid, as he might fly with people including the all important swing voters. 

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31 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

Democrats need to come up with some real policies other than 'Hate Trump' and unlimited immigration plus need to 86 people like Hillary, Biden and Bernie as they don't represent a winable (if there is such a word) chance at the polls ... and don't say lunatics like AOC as she is just becoming a polarizing hate figure too. I would suggest someone like that young Kennedy Kid, as he might fly with people including the all important swing voters. 

Your theory is based on a total falsehood. Democrats are not for unlimited immigration. They are for non-xenophobic, non-racist, non-white nationalist immigration policies. 


Also before you accuse the democrats of running only on hate "trump" (which is very valid thing to at least partly run on) why not wait until you see the actual nominee, the democratic party PLATFORM, and the candidates detailed policy positions, OK?


The midterms were won mostly on HEALTH CARE. So the accuse the democrats of having no issues is just wrong. 

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This coming from the same poster that was imploring civil discussion not but 7-8 posts ago [emoji849]

Again the position of the democratic party is not open borders. Believing that it is is not rational.


The "trump" immigration agenda under that very sick puppy Miller is indeed an agenda of xenophobia and racist white nationalism. Of course I forgot to mention Islamophobia.


Look sir it is OK if we disagree on this. It's not as if there is any hope that we are going to persuade each other to change our position.


Similarly I do think it's a waste of time to try to get "trump" base voters to vote democratic but a lot of people that just voted for him are not hard core base and many of them already voted democratic in the midterms.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Similarly I do think it's a waste of time to try to get "trump" base voters to vote democratic but a lot of people that just voted for him are not hard core base and many of them already voted democratic in the midterms.


Maybe, but the reverse is also true. Im sure the Dems have lost votes from their filthy stunts so far. They've got a pretty unfriendly white-people undertone right now, which does not add any support to this:


16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Again the position of the democratic party is not open borders. Believing that it is is not rational.


Its very rational, and clear as day. Illegal immigration and broken asylum laws need to stop. The left has no intention to stop it. No intention whatsoever to stop it. 


And I am pretty sure ive seen even you comment on the white demographic dwindling due to immigration and low-key celebrating it as a win for the left. That also doesn't support your claim. 

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Good luck.  Just the inappropriate touching and kissing of females caught on camera will be enough to torpedo any chance he has.  On top of that, the DNC does not need another dinosaur running for the POTUS.  It's time to let one of the Millennials run.  It's almost like the DNC wants Trump to win 2020. 

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50 minutes ago, connda said:

Good luck.  Just the inappropriate touching and kissing of females caught on camera will be enough to torpedo any chance he has.  On top of that, the DNC does not need another dinosaur running for the POTUS.  It's time to let one of the Millennials run.  It's almost like the DNC wants Trump to win 2020. 

Younger would be great but Millennials are unusually young to be president. That's a problem Buttigieg has as impressive as he is and he is impressive, he's really really young on top of the homophobia thing of course. The age scale doesn't go instantly down from boomer to millennial. 

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51 minutes ago, connda said:

Good luck.  Just the inappropriate touching and kissing of females caught on camera will be enough to torpedo any chance he has.  On top of that, the DNC does not need another dinosaur running for the POTUS.  It's time to let one of the Millennials run.  It's almost like the DNC wants Trump to win 2020. 

Basically nothing.

Biden's sex scandals on a scale of 1 to 100 -- 1

"trump" -- 90 including pedo peeping

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1 hour ago, Thainesss said:



And I am pretty sure ive seen even you comment on the white demographic dwindling due to immigration and low-key celebrating it as a win for the left. That also doesn't support your claim. 

I have posted no such thing. I get it that's a "trump" bubble talking point but don't let your Foxy and fiends imagination get the best of you, amigo. 


Keep in mind, I am not running for any office. Focus on the topics and the candidates, not your fantasies about how any person posting here represents the left wing Antichrist. 

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Basically nothing.

Biden's sex scandals on a scale of 1 to 100 -- 1

"trump" -- 90 including pedo peeping

1 is enough.

The me too crowd seem unusually quiet on this. Must be because it only normally applies to GOP candidates far as they are concerned.

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17 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Trump is going to have a hard time getting the same number of Democrats and Independents who crossed over and voted for him to do it again- as they feel betrayed by him.


Trump's tax cut did nothing for the middle class- the $2-3 a day extra money simply buys a daily cup of coffee, while the wealthy have become even wealthier.  The level  of wealth disparity in America is startling and more people are slipping into the lower classes than rising to the wealthy class


Americans of all colors and ages want the next President to do the following=


1.  Establish Medicare for all- a truly universal health care system that covers all Americans (and hopefully those abroad)


The candidate that  can present the above plan will get my vote. 

You basically just described Bernie Sanders' platform.

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16 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

Democrats need to come up with some real policies other than 'Hate Trump' and unlimited immigration plus need to 86 people like Hillary, Biden and Bernie as they don't represent a winable (if there is such a word) chance at the polls ... and don't say lunatics like AOC as she is just becoming a polarizing hate figure too. I would suggest someone like that young Kennedy Kid, as he might fly with people including the all important swing voters. 

First, the "polls" had Hillary at about a 90% sure victory up to the night of the election. Polls ain't shit. Just look at the crowds Bernie draws. Then look at the money people donate to him. Then look at the stability of his political walk and the sense of his platform. He IS a completely winnable (yes, it IS a word, note the spelling) candidate and he has specifically said merely hating on Trump is a losing battle so he throws a little shade then moves on, carefully laying out his ideas at every rally. Bernie would attract and motivate Independents and that alone will win the 2020 election. Reps and Dems are about equal in number and dug in to their respective sides, no one is changing their minds. Joe will put Independents off, Bernie will engage them.

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Bouncy Biden has some NORMAL baggage that is expected after a very, very long political career. If nominated, the toxic criminally corrupt demagogue he will be running against has enough baggage to fill several "trump" towers. 


Bouncy Biden's biggest challenge will be getting nominated. If he succeeds, "trump" will have met his match. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Bouncy Biden has some NORMAL baggage that is expected after a very, very long political career. If nominated, the toxic criminally corrupt demagogue he will be running against has enough baggage to fill several "trump" towers. 


Bouncy Biden's biggest challenge will be getting nominated. If he succeeds, "trump" will have met his match. 

Perhaps being a creepy old man manhandling women is "normal" in the US, but certainly not in any country I've been in, and thats a few.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps being a creepy old man manhandling women is "normal" in the US, but certainly not in any country I've been in, and thats a few.






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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps being a creepy old man manhandling women is "normal" in the US, but certainly not in any country I've been in, and thats a few.

Define 'creepy old man'

As far as I can see it means a male over 40 that isn't rich or famous enough to buy the attention and lifestyle a young western woman wants demands.

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He's an affectionate man. He is affectionate to all, not only women. None of the women has charged him with SEXUAL assault. Scads of women have charged "trump" with sexual assault. Different people have different comfort levels about personal space. The complaining women were sensitive about that. They only represent a tiny percentage of the many thousands of people that Bouncy Biden has been warm and affectionate to over his very, very long political career. People can try to paint Bouncy Biden as a sexual predator but he is absolutely 100 percent INNOCENT in that regard. Cheers.

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4 hours ago, Tug said:

Back to Biden imo he needs to beg her pardon and ask forgiveness I do rember some of the hearings and she was wronged hopefully she grants forgiveness so mr Biden can put this behind him 

Tell me one case when an apology didn't end in a feeding frenzy and possibly a conviction (as you just admitted guilt).

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As far as Biden apologizing for this or anything, there is something to consider. "trump" apologizes for NOTHING. In fact when he's caught red handed, he always doubles down. Perhaps democrats in general apologize too bloody much. The public perceives that as being wusses. Like the hesitation to impeach, that's a wuss move. So I'm not saying never apologize but be careful about being branded as the weak party of apologizing for everything. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's an affectionate man. He is affectionate to all, not only women. None of the women has charged him with SEXUAL assault. Scads of women have charged "trump" with sexual assault. Different people have different comfort levels about personal space. The complaining women were sensitive about that. They only represent a tiny percentage of the many thousands of people that Bouncy Biden has been warm and affectionate to over his very, very long political career. People can try to paint Bouncy Biden as a sexual predator but he is absolutely 100 percent INNOCENT in that regard. Cheers.

I never said he is a sexual predator and I understand that what he did was not sexual ( far as I know ), but if anyone did that to me I'd think they were creepy. Been plenty of threads on TVF about how people don't like the attendants in Thai toilets massaging one's neck while one is doing the business.

As I said, it's not a normal thing in other countries.

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