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I am considering having laser surgery to address BPH.  Doctors are recommending that I do this because I’ve been having more and more difficulty with issues surrounding enlarged prostate.  


I am asking for your actual experience with this surgery.  What was it like?  What was the outcome? Did your symptoms improve right away? Was there much pain involved afterwards? How long did you spend in the hospital? What was the cost?  What hospital did you use? Who was your doctor?  If you had it to do over again....would you?


if you prefer to answer directly, (and privately) please feel free to send me a message with your thoughts and comments.


Thanks, I appreciate your time!


I thought the light shone out of most TV posters. Now it appears they may need some in the opposite direction

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"I am considering having laser surgery to address BPH."


I assume you are considering a prostatectomy.


" If you had it to do over again....would you?"


I have never had it done. I have seen and heard of people who have regretted it.


The possibility of impotence and/or incontinence would make me seek every alternative.

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Results are not so good.

"For a month or so after surgery, most men are not able to become erect. Eventually, approximately 40–60% of men will be able to have an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse."


So 40-60% of men having TURPs never manage to have an erection again.



I found other more optimistic studies claiming after recovery 14% ED and 5% incontinence .........

But I still don't like those odds.

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43 minutes ago, moe666 said:

I would try the various non invasive medical trearments first like finasteride which you can buy at any pharmacy.

Sold as Firide 5mg in Thai pharmacies, they all seem to have it but not cheap at 800bht for 30 tabs.

2 hours ago, elektrified said:

Where are you considering to have this done? At Samitivej?

I’m considering Bangkok Hospital here in CM.  I’ve been taking flomax and avid art for six years now and my prostate continues to enlarge.  I’m at the end of the pharmaceutical line.


The studies I’ve read about thulium laser treatment are more encouraging than the older monopolar and bipolar TURP treatments.  No radical prostectomy for me...  too harsh and too many complications.

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3 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

"I am considering having laser surgery to address BPH."


I assume you are considering a prostatectomy.


" If you had it to do over again....would you?"


I have never had it done. I have seen and heard of people who have regretted it.


The possibility of impotence and/or incontinence would make me seek every alternative.

The usual surgery for BPH is a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) which normally would not bring about impotence or incontinence, although there may be some reduction as regards semen output, because it can flow back into the bladder after such an operation, but the feelings are just the same.


I had a TURP done in the Epworth Hospital, Melbourne in 2009 because I was seeking the laser method rather than the old-fashioned cut and flush method, however after discussing this with the surgeon there, he then went ahead with the operation and used the old-fashioned method, which I was very unhappy about (and that was the only reason I went with that hospital, because of the laser treatment).


I did have some problems with regards to emptying my bladder for about a week or so afterwards, and had to self- catheterise during that time, however others I have spoken to have not had that problem, or have only had to do it for a couple of days.


As for a prostatectomy, personally it scares the beejeezus out of me, although with the new Da Vinci robotic equipment a great percentage of side effects (bad) are overcome, and it appears that even better techniques are appearing right now.

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7 hours ago, Tracyb said:

I’m considering Bangkok Hospital here in CM.  I’ve been taking flomax and avid art for six years now and my prostate continues to enlarge.  I’m at the end of the pharmaceutical line.

I would seek another opinion in Bangkok before committing to this procedure. C.M. urologists are a clique and all will likely concur with each other. The best of them is not performing procedures now. I had lots of problems due to what I thought was BPH but after researching on my own, I demanded I be treated for prostatitis although the docs said not necessary. After 2 30-day courses of Levofloxacin 500 mg. I have absolutely no symptoms of BPH anymore and my PSA dropped by 40%.


Make further inquiries and try other treatments before committing to surgery.

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10 hours ago, Tracyb said:

I’m considering Bangkok Hospital here in CM.  I’ve been taking flomax and avid art for six years now and my prostate continues to enlarge.  I’m at the end of the pharmaceutical line.

Just curious...what is Avid Art? A Google search came up empty. Also, have you tried Alfuzosin? It's the newest generation alpha blocker. Much more effective than the older meds. I've been taking them for about 5 years. Very effective and no side effects.

11 hours ago, elektrified said:

Just curious...what is Avid Art? A Google search came up empty. Also, have you tried Alfuzosin? It's the newest generation alpha blocker. Much more effective than the older meds. I've been taking them for about 5 years. Very effective and no side effects.

Actually...it was a spell check “error”.  It should have read, Avodart.

13 hours ago, elektrified said:

I would seek another opinion in Bangkok before committing to this procedure. C.M. urologists are a clique and all will likely concur with each other. The best of them is not performing procedures now. I had lots of problems due to what I thought was BPH but after researching on my own, I demanded I be treated for prostatitis although the docs said not necessary. After 2 30-day courses of Levofloxacin 500 mg. I have absolutely no symptoms of BPH anymore and my PSA dropped by 40%.


Make further inquiries and try other treatments before committing to surgery.

When I first started having problems (last month) I self medicated Amoxicillin for two weeks, effective at first then stopped working.

The doctor in hospital didn't give any of the bacterial tests, just a urine test.

So today I've just purchased 20 days worth of Vocin 500 to try ..............

If it kills me I'm blaming YOU!

(Not that death would be any worse then my current plight)

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5 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

TracyB - Have you had an imaging test done of your prostate (Ultrasound; MRI)?

I had a flexible cystoscopy done a couple of weeks ago.  I got to actually see how enlarged the prostate is and how it is severely blocking the urethra.  I’m at the end of my rope with meds.  They have stopped being effective.  I’m “blessed” with this ever growing gland that is relentless in its efforts to stop my urine flow.


I am thankful for having the scope test done.  Amazing to see live video from that (thankfully) tiny camera.  There’s no doubt that something needs to be done to eliminate the restriction.  That’s why I’m asking if anyone has had the Thulium Laser transurethral  removal of the prostate.  I’m interested in hearing about actual experience with this.....as well as the many helpful comments I’ve seen so far.

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10 hours ago, kevvy said:


I have had a TURP and have seen the reports on the steam treatment above, and if I have to have another operation to treat growing prostate tissue, then this would be it.

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16 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

That’s why I’m asking if anyone has had the Thulium Laser transurethral  removal of the prostate.

As I said in an earlier post, the prostate probably needs "reaming out" via an op similar to the TURP with laser if you want it, but you don't want the prostate removed. 


The tissue responsible for the BPH grows inside the prostate thereby putting pressure on the urethra and restricting urine flow, so dealing with that part is usually the way to go, UNLESS your whole prostate is enlarged for other reasons?



21 hours ago, Tracyb said:

The studies I’ve read about thulium laser treatment are more encouraging than the older monopolar and bipolar TURP treatments.  No radical prostectomy for me...  too harsh and too many complications.

Having watched the intense pain of my Father dying from Prostate  cancer I would advise you to have to it  done, I couldn't care less about the sex  side of it if I was older.

It runs in our family  and I  will probably have it done at some point  in my life if becomes necessary. 

My Father started having problems at around 70 years old and finally  died at 85 after years of  injections every 4-5 months.

The last 6  months of his  life he was in intense pain ( every 4-5 minutes) and catheterised for the last 18  months.

I found it very distressing and would not wish it on anyone.

He finally  died in hospital after an operation to have a colostomy bag fitted  but when he was opened up by the surgeon they said he was  riddled with cancer. 

He  died the next day.???? and I was in Thailand.

I understand modern techniques have dramatically improved the chances of  incontinence and i know 2  people who have had their prostate  removed  with no  ill effects in the last 3  years in the UK.

I don't   know how theirs  were done.

If you have it  done or  something  else please report back.

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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

That’s why I’m asking if anyone has had the Thulium Laser transurethral  removal of the prostate.


1 hour ago, gunderhill said:

No radical prostectomy for me...  too harsh and too many complications.

I was a little confused with your posts because you initially talked about the laser "removal" of the prostate and then a little later on said that you didn't want a "radical prostatectomy.........."


Well if you have the prostate removed, that does constitute a prostatectomy, whereas as I've tried to point out, you really need the internal "overgrowth" (which I have as well) removed to allow better urination and bladder emptying and this does not involve removing the prostate completely.


There is a surgeon and a clinic in Tauranga (New Zealand) which specialises in this particular type of laser treatment, and it may well be worth getting onto the website to have a look around.

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