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Condo squat Brit moved to Bangkok, fined, awaiting deportation


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Just now, Wake Up said:

Feel for this guy as we are all vulnerable to tragedy and poor decisions with consequences.  But this man is a poster board of why all countries should require all expats old and young and all tourists to have a certain verifiable minimum of assets and paid up to date health insurance ( or self insured money amount).


If you don’t have these minimum assets then you cannot financially take care of yourself. IMO you should be located in your birth country to help take care of you paid for by your birth countries tax money and charities.  Humans don’t have the right to live anywhere in the world we want and not be financially stable. 

They already do. If you come on a retirement visa then there is a requirement for income and funds. if you are here to work there is a minimal income requirement. Things are to always as simple as you think. 

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2 minutes ago, theboogeyman said:



Even if the hotel had asked to see my passport which they actually DID NOT ask that still wouldn’t be necessary because immigration can tell the difference between a hotel address and a physical home address that’s already registered. I didn’t register my hotel address with immigration did I. Obviously not.

Regardless it doesn’t matter the hotel actually accepted my United States Driver’s License as proof of ID and they did not even make a copy of it. They also asked to see my wife’s Thai ID. The hotel never even so much as took our ID cards out of our hands. There’s a lot of mass hysteria because of supposed immigration hotel crack downs which are apparently not as bad as they made it sound. And we stayed at a very decent hotel to. If you are a single guy checking into a hotel or by yourself I’m sure they probably would ask for your passport. If I had left my passport at home no one would have been the wiser, I never needed it not for the hotel or the bus or anything.

Although I am NOT saying that you should not bring your passport on overnight trips definitely bring your passport on overnight trips just in case.

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Never the less most IO require you to report being away from your registered address or incur a fine.Even staying with friends etc, surprised you didn’t,t check that prior your trip as you sound so well organised!

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Never the less most IO require you to report being away from your registered address or incur a fine.Even staying with friends etc, surprised you didn’t,t check that prior your trip as you sound so well organised!

Actually that’s not accurate and regardless there’s not even a record of my passport number being associated with this hotel. It’s been a while since we’ve done this but I have NEVER had to do that or pay a fine for not doing it. Nobody does that and if they do they’re either wasting their time or they have one of those really strict immigration offices, either way not accurate and if I’m wrong then I guess my immigration office just must not be enforcing it. This is Thailand ok, not Iran or North Korea lol. You can go on a trip without having to register every single time that’s just bs. I don’t know maybe I’m wrong and my immigration office just doesn’t do that. Although my immigration office is pretty by the book so if that really is actually a thing I’m sure they would be enforcing it but my IO has never made me do that or pay a fine for not doing that.

Full disclosure when we checked in I do remember now that the hotel clerk did actually say “passport please” but instead I just pulled out my United States Driver’s license and she just said “oooohhh okay” and then she just looked at my name on my US DL, and my wife’s name on her Thai ID card without even taking them out of our hands. It was as simple as that. And I made the reservations under my name. I did have my passport on me just in case they insisted but they did not.

Now I gotta hurry up so I can check out of the hotel by noon or else I really will have to barricade myself in the room, lol.

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30 minutes ago, Olmate said:

Never the less most IO require you to report being away from your registered address or incur a fine.Even staying with friends etc, surprised you didn’t,t check that prior your trip as you sound so well organised!

I thought the onus was on the hotel/home owner to do the TM30, not the foreigner.

I travel around quite a bit within Thailand and asked my IO how to report this. They answered that the hotel will report to them so I don’t do anything. On my return I cannot report that I’m home again, it has to be the home owner (my wife). I am not required to do anything at all.

But I am a little confused as I have read reports of people being fined for not reporting in time. What am I missing?



Edited by Mukdahanman
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27 minutes ago, Mukdahanman said:

I thought the onus was on the hotel/home owner to do the TM30, not the foreigner.

I travel around quite a bit within Thailand and asked my IO how to report this. They answered that the hotel will report to them so I don’t do anything. On my return I cannot report that I’m home again, it has to be the home owner (my wife). I am not required to do anything at all.

But I am a little confused as I have read reports of people being fined for not reporting in time. What am I missing?




Correct. But an individual can go Immigration and self register. But still needs to provide copy ID and house paper of the owner.

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15 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Poor guy clearly has taken a lifebeating. Hope he gets help. Good luck

I think there may be some mental issues going on - the last thing anyone would do is draw attention to themselves like he has if he is on overstay, I believe his original dispute was with his landlord, hope he gets sorted and gets back to his home country and gets some help

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1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:

The Embassy will not get involved for months and all avenues of funds from relatives, friends, etc will have to be exhausted first. Otherwise, every loser from the UK would be behaving and acting similarly and expecting the UK government to fund their return.

The UK Government doesn't have any money, except what is paid into the treasury by UK Taxpayers (like myself).

I certainly don't pay Tax so my money can be used to bail out people who make wrong choices.  This is about acting in a civilised manner, and being responsible for your own choices and actions.

I don't know the story here, but if the guy has mental health problems that is a concern.  It seems that his 'beef' was that the landlord didn't issue him with a receipt for his rent - so what?  Was his tenancy under threat?  I rented a condo from a Thai in Bangkok for years, never got a receipt for rent, because it's just a piece of paper acknowledging a monthly sum.  If the guy was causing a noise over such a little thing, maybe it's a good thing that he gets deported?

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5 hours ago, harada said:

Back to the real world Dave, good luck.

the real world awaits , council tax ,big electric bill , water bill , gas bill , TV license fee , big rent cost ...... the list goes on petrol , car insurance , car tax , etc oh and dont forget the food prices bet he wishes he had not overstayed but i can understand it can be easy to do but i have never done it in 24 years i should be given a medal and free lifetime visa and freedom of the city of pattaya 

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1 hour ago, Mukdahanman said:

I thought the onus was on the hotel/home owner to do the TM30, not the foreigner.

I travel around quite a bit within Thailand and asked my IO how to report this. They answered that the hotel will report to them so I don’t do anything. On my return I cannot report that I’m home again, it has to be the home owner (my wife). I am not required to do anything at all.

But I am a little confused as I have read reports of people being fined for not reporting in time. What am I missing?



There have been several topics on this - it should be the owner/landords 100% responsibility to report your presence to immigration - but if they don't you can be fined even if you have attempted to report yourself, if you have an owner who is not cooperating then your only option is to move out


Sound daft - it is

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4 hours ago, onekoolguy said:

He was a non-paying tenant that had to be forcefully evicted.

I dont have much sympathy for him.

The landlord will be stuck paying for the damage to the house caused by him!


Agreed!!!  He CHOSE his path/destiny, just as we did nobody forced/banished us to Thailand.  We are not incarcerated here.  He screwed himself, he can unscrew himself - period!  Should he have chosen an alternate path to make some of feel better about ourselves and him - YEP!  Reality = NOT what happened. Why?  Ask him!

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37 minutes ago, smedly said:

I think there may be some mental issues going on - the last thing anyone would do is draw attention to themselves like he has if he is on overstay, I believe his original dispute was with his landlord, hope he gets sorted and gets back to his home country and gets some help


Newspaper reports have been confusing but I read that he needed the rent receipts and likely other owner documents to obtain a  long stay visa. Owner or son would not provide. I recognise that move out and find a new rental place would have been sane option. 

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16 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

What he probably doesn't realize is he's racking up overstay fines while being locked up.

I think he has already racked up his 20,000 baht max


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Do you own your own place, like a condo. If so, that would make sense

Nope I rent.

But I have heard that supposedly house masters (landlords) are supposed to do that years ago and I actually did ask my landlord about him doing it. My landlord has owed several houses rented to foreigners for 30 plus years and speaks perfect English he was educated in the United States. Years ago when I asked my landlord about reporting me living at my house that I RENT from him he kind of looked at me like I had a D;(k growing out of my forehead and he didn’t seem to know anything about that supposed “requirement”. Like I said my landlord has been renting houses out to foreigners for well over 30 years so this ain’t his first rodeo. He’s a really good landlord to.

Anyway long story short I eventually ended up doing my own TM-30 and reporting myself and registering my own address at immigration and I’ve been living in the same house for almost 5 years now and I have never had a single problem with immigration at all. I’ve never even been visited by the police before. My address is most certainly registered at my local immigration office where I have been reporting for at least the last 4 years at the same immigration office.

And yes I rent, and yes I did my own TM30, and yes I registered my own home address myself, my landlord did not do it for me.

Now I really should take my nose out of my phone because it distracts me from paying attention to my surroundings and I am still in Bangkok for another few hours so eyes are on everything. Plus I really don’t need to explain all of this to everyone. I’ve been here a while now so I pretty much know what I’m doing for the most part at least. Although even after almost 5 years here every once in a while I’m still learning little things. Sometimes just when I thought I had everything figured out I’ll learn something new usually just something little. Now I really gotta put my phone down for the day I think.

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15 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Poor guy clearly has taken a lifebeating. Hope he gets help. Good luck

Yes, best thing is he gets back to the UK out of this sh'thole place of a country where he can get a mental health check and guidance back to health, love the thai attitude "his health is fine he can walk and eat well" woopeedoo, great assessment, what about the thai bitch who wouldnt give him receipts for his morgage, home free, oh yeh stupid me, she is Thai, little brown envelope to the authorities and alls good , now ready for the next farang sucker. I wonder what degree in medical mental health Maj Tosapon has??? wonder if his nikname is Tossa because he sure acts like one.

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4 hours ago, onekoolguy said:

He was a non-paying tenant that had to be forcefully evicted.

I dont have much sympathy for him.

The landlord will be stuck paying for the damage to the house caused by him!


so much waffle. The only credible comments here, are those based on knowledge and fact.

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13 minutes ago, theboogeyman said:



Nope I rent.

But I have heard that supposedly house masters (landlords) are supposed to do that years ago and I actually did ask my landlord about him doing it. My landlord has owed several houses rented to foreigners for 30 plus years and speaks perfect English he was educated in the United States. Years ago when I asked my landlord about reporting me living at my house that I RENT from him he kind of looked at me like I had a D;(k growing out of my forehead and he didn’t seem to know anything about that supposed “requirement”. Like I said my landlord has been renting houses out to foreigners for well over 30 years so this ain’t his first rodeo. He’s a really good landlord to.

Anyway long story short I eventually ended up doing my own TM-30 and reporting myself and registering my own address at immigration and I’ve been living in the same house for almost 5 years now and I have never had a single problem with immigration at all. I’ve never even been visited by the police before. My address is most certainly registered at my local immigration office where I have been reporting for at least the last 4 years at the same immigration office.

And yes I rent, and yes I did my own TM30, and yes I registered my own home address myself, my landlord did not do it for me.

Now I really should take my nose out of my phone because it distracts me from paying attention to my surroundings and I am still in Bangkok for another few hours so eyes are on everything. Plus I really don’t need to explain all of this to everyone. I’ve been here a while now so I pretty much know what I’m doing for the most part at least. Although even after almost 5 years here every once in a while I’m still learning little things. Sometimes just when I thought I had everything figured out I’ll learn something new usually just something little. Now I really gotta put my phone down for the day I think.

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Okay, thanks for the info

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4 hours ago, Wake Up said:

Feel for this guy as we are all vulnerable to tragedy and poor decisions with consequences.  But this man is a poster board of why all countries should require all expats old and young and all tourists to have a certain verifiable minimum of assets and paid up to date health insurance ( or self insured money amount).


If you don’t have these minimum assets then you cannot financially take care of yourself. IMO you should be located in your birth country to help take care of you paid for by your birth countries tax money and charities.  Humans don’t have the right to live anywhere in the world we want and not be financially stable. 

Or just an IQ test and mental health check, which would preclude so many undesirables from traveling here, including this guy. A required course at a charm school would be good, too.

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7 hours ago, onekoolguy said:

He was a non-paying tenant that had to be forcefully evicted.

I dont have much sympathy for him.

The landlord will be stuck paying for the damage to the house caused by him!



And there you have it.      The condo owner would surely never lie about having received rent from this chap.         ????


"The owner of the condo has assured police that the rent was never paid."

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4 hours ago, Kurtf said:

He certainly looks like a scummy low life that hasn’t walked very close to a razor in a long time. Probably wouldn’t recognize a tooth brush either.

 Well done you have won todays thai visa empathy award!!! Your compassion is truly stunning.


Who knows what mental and physical issues have got him into this situation.

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5 hours ago, monkeycu said:

Maybe that's all the money he had.

You cant get blood out of a stone.

Doesn't he have a permanent income in Thailand, like pension? 

If so, there be money on his bank account, and all he would need is a trusted person to fetch it. If necessary, a lawyer. 

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17 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

What he probably doesn't realize is he's racking up overstay fines while being locked up.

Rubbish. He's already been fined for the overstay. Every day he is locked up reduces the amount outstanding on the fine.



Edited by Yme
fixed abd typing
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6 hours ago, onekoolguy said:

He was a non-paying tenant that had to be forcefully evicted.

I dont have much sympathy for him.

The landlord will be stuck paying for the damage to the house caused by him!


No, he was a PAYING tenant who asked for a receipt!


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58 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Doesn't he have a permanent income in Thailand, like pension? 

If so, there be money on his bank account, and all he would need is a trusted person to fetch it. If necessary, a lawyer. 

Who knows what he has, with his logic towards the rent he may not know what he has

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5 hours ago, theboogeyman said:



Even if the hotel had asked to see my passport which they actually DID NOT ask that still wouldn’t be necessary because immigration can tell the difference between a hotel address and a physical home address that’s already registered. I didn’t register my hotel address with immigration did I. Obviously not.

Regardless it doesn’t matter the hotel actually accepted my United States Driver’s License as proof of ID and they did not even make a copy of it. They also asked to see my wife’s Thai ID. The hotel never even so much as took our ID cards out of our hands. There’s a lot of mass hysteria because of supposed immigration hotel crack downs which are apparently not as bad as they made it sound. And we stayed at a very decent hotel to. If you are a single guy checking into a hotel or by yourself I’m sure they probably would ask for your passport. If I had left my passport at home no one would have been the wiser, I never needed it not for the hotel or the bus or anything.

Although I am NOT saying that you should not bring your passport on overnight trips definitely bring your passport on overnight trips just in case.

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"Although I am NOT saying that you should not bring your passport on overnight trips definitely bring your passport on overnight trips just in case".


So which is it? "not bring" or "definitely bring"?



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