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Did the 'west' changed in the last five years?


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Travelling to the far far west.


Donim is going on holiday next week

and this time to Europe to meet family and

to collect things that Thailand doesn't have.


Donim wonder did the 'West' changed that much

since a one way flight to Thailand was taken now

five years ago?


If you say yes, then what did change in your view?


If you do wonder which country, it is the Benelux

and Germany, with the country of windmills and

beheaded tulips as base.




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Yes, people no longer talk of themselves in the third person.????


You will likely notice quite a change in that region in particular as, although it was fairly 'inorganically' diverse a few years a go, it is exponentially so now. You can thank your progressive EU for that. Have fun and keep that return ticket tight to your chest. 

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I travel back to the UK to visit Family and Friends over Christmas and for a month in the Summer. 


I suspect we change far more than the places we are from - Primarily our memories of the place and our attitudes towards it which are often influenced by our memories.


Some remember fonder years, others remember the past with a degree of bitterness and perhaps with a dose of confirmation bias and concentrate on negative aspects of where they once lived. It seems many guys are particularly bitter about past relationships in their home countries which will now never be good enough, perhaps some form of justification for moving to a country which has plenty of its own problems but offers cheap women.


IMO - the only things which have really changed the West is the News which when viewed as someone who can readily 'escape' is viewed with a fresh cynicism. 


One thing of note when visiting our home countries (UK anyway) is how much safer everything is, otherwise any visit home is simply as successful as the amount of effort you are prepared to put into enjoying it and any change noted is generally due to something we've forgotten or grown out of - the same as any country. 


So... has the West changed?... not really - the only changes may be our attitudes towards the West and its culture which after 5 years may require some subtle re-assimilation. 


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As always the biggest change is actually yourself due to your Thai life POV ????


When we left Thailand after years to return to our own country the first things we noticed upon return were


Super Blue clear skies ( noticed this right off on arrival at airport)


Very clean country/roads etc...no litter


Drivers that actually realized those lines on the road were lane designations not just a suggestion????


Drivers went out of their way to stop & wave you thru whether you were walking or driving (politeness)

Same with holding doors for you at stores etc.


Food, Beer, Wine were actually quite cheap & in many cases cheaper than Thailand


Police? Hardly see them & never stopped by one even 2 years on


Things like renewing license government tasks etc are utterly simple,organized,efficient


Refunds & returns...forgot how nice it is to just be able to return anything for a full refund no questions asked


Could go on & on but again I do not think our old home country changed but we must have as these

things did not seem so awesome when we left to go live in Thailand ( which was a great adventure we loved & still spend 2-3 months per year in Thailand)????

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15 hours ago, CLS said:

The major change in those countries is the hordes of fugitives you’re going to encounter there


So it became then the new wild wild west? ????


I have read the news over the past 5 years, and to share the groups

fairly these fugitives seems 50% (ex)refugees and 50% nationalists.

Some were lone cowboys and some are cattles on the run.


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15 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Baby names: Is Muhammad the most popular in the UK?

I have seen shifts in the names for the babys.


A period people were giving names which doesn't make

sense to me, Xara Conexine Djebable Yoloa and these

were given to babys without relatives from 'abroad' and

their dads and moms are called Mark and Lisa.




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9 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Yes, people no longer talk of themselves in the third person.????



9 hours ago, daveAustin said:

You will likely notice quite a change in that region in particular as, although it was fairly 'inorganically' diverse a few years a go, it is exponentially so now. You can thank your progressive EU for that. Have fun and keep that return ticket tight to your chest. 

I lived in three places, one where I was born and most of my family still resides.

There's a 'dark skinned' lady here, and always was been.

We know, if the color is different then they were adopted.

As kid, we saw them (and there were just a few) as equal 'national born'.

Language and culture are the same.


Another city, there were us and they

They made food, chinese food and doner kebap.

They were different. Religion and even the language they spoke with each other.


And yet another city, it was all of us.

All people from all over the world, mostly from overseas 'EU/Dutch/Belgium' regions like

Surinam, ABC+BES, Indonesia and some parts of Afrika.

Some came in packs and some are brought there by marriage.

And the people from the east, India and Chins/Japans

And the 'immigrants' from northern africa.

Already was like this since the eighties.



Maybe the latter situation moved up.

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When i moved to my old home town 40 odd years ago it was a nice mixed working class town ,with a very nice middle class area and a small ,Pakistan and Bangladeshi area .

now its like a foreign land ,women clad in Burkhas ,men in Indian style clothes, the factory has closed down ,and the dole office has long lines of foreigners outside every day , some areas ,hardly anyone works but they seem to have loads of kids ,Mosques ,blasting out calls to prayer half the day , at night areas that you dare not go ,

yes its changed and getting worse year by year .

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On 5/9/2019 at 8:23 PM, hyku1147 said:

It's still cold, and naughty massage locations still remain closely guarded secrets.????

These naughty red shoned locations are merely known secrets

so knownable that the meaning of the secret is everybody knows but never admit.


At least it is legal there in contrary with the law here in Thailand.


And who don't want have a little cold now? ????

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My home town has not changed much, and neither have the people. The UK has changed though, the Brexit vote has seen to that. A subject that few people discussed or much cared about has become a new religion ... and the politics of the country is moving to either extremes, right or left. Populists who’s views would have been laughed out of town previously have suddenly become mainstream commentators. Reminds me a bit of the 1930’s. Hardship led to populism and the financial crisis has left swathes of people believing that they are no longer looked after by the mainstream political classes ... so now look to alternatives like Corbyn, Farage ... with the more extreme praying at the alter of Tommy Islam (Robinson). 


Its a sad spectacle, and it won’t end well.

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