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Mother of twins told: You'll have to wait for the next life to be beautiful


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our extreme dexterity means we were the last of the hominini left standing.   not to survive ourselves. 

yeah yeah.... that held true for several tens or even several hundred thousand years.  it don't mean anything else.  so the question that would follow in 2019, post 2015, for the 'next life' what is considered the best outcome?

to return as a thermophile? 


Edited by WeekendRaider
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2 hours ago, webfact said:

They were referring to the Thai penchant to believe in reincarnation suggesting she may have better luck next time around

Alongside their love of gambling is it possible to have a flutter on coming back luckier .. then they will comeback prettier and richer .. And if they are not so fortunate on the reincarnation front all they've lost is their stake money .. 

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A woman has twins (no relevance to the rest of the article)

A man says a woman is ugly,

A woman meets a shady plastic surgeon

A woman turns into a plastic doll


How is it news ?? Soon we will have news about families that are crushed by debt because the neighbor has a good car.

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Ever since I was bald with a broken nose I've been telling myself that as well.

I broke my nose but it didn't make me go bald

I smashed a guy on the fist with my nose then cracked him hard on the kneecap with my testicles but he just wouldn't fall over so a I stopped then.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Mother of twins told: You'll have to wait for the next life to be beautiful

Really playing the odds here as might be reincarnated as a chicken, though could be the most beautiful chicken, I suppose.  

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16 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

The excessive upper eye lid surgery seems to be the newest horrible trend, after blingy braces, vampire contacts and other assorted scarecrow tactics. Ugh.

My mrs went and got her eye lids done.i went back to the uk and she spent the air con money I left on surgery.i now call her Garfield.


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4 hours ago, Razek said:

Is she beautiful now? I m not sure.

Thai ladies are beautiful between 20 and 26 after ....i m not sure

Actually Thai, most asians, retain their beauty very long. My wife is 49, and most of her GFs are around same age up to 60. You would estimate most of them 30/35 ... in case you are scared about older Thia ladies, pay attention ????

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Her life, her choice. I feel sorry for people who can't accept the way mother nature made them and feel the need to put themselves through so much pain and surgery just to stand out.

I'm just wondering who foot the bill? The ex? The new "gik"? Or Visa? 

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Some more pics one the sanook-website. As usual, the "before"-photos a poor shots with stupid composition and amateurish lightening, while the "after"-photos are shot with prime lenses, professional composing, make-up and of course digital enhancement. So the "real-live"-difference is maybe not as stunning as the picture comparison.


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