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Prefered winners for Euro finals?


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42 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Liverpool for CL. Purely down ti thinking they deserve it after being in the final last year and doing so great this year.


Arsenal in the UEFA so that the prem get a 5th spot in next years CL

Same and same. Plus good to see Chelsea struggle.

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2 hours ago, RonniePickering22 said:


I'll be telling the lads about your funny wee scouse moustache!!

Hey!! I got mixed up!! I'm behind Spurs!!


But I do like Klippety, so if Liverpool win I'm OK with that as well.

Edited by jellydog
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7 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Since when has losing miserably to the unfancied opposition ever been any endorsement for getting a mulligan?

Didn't realise I would have to justify my opinion as this thread is about who is our "preferred winners". IMO, a team that has reached the final twice in 2 years is showing consistency and therefore, again IMO, probably deserve it more than the opposition. That's why I have named Liverpool as my preferred choice. That said, anything can happen in a one off game.

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24 minutes ago, sotsira said:


Yeah, I don't care about the other game also

I HATE arsenal &

I HATE Chelsea. ????

Kinda like my nascent support for Aberdeen. When faced with yet another, parochial, over-rated, 'Old Firm' Glasgow derby, I always root for injuries!

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2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Kinda like my nascent support for Aberdeen. When faced with yet another, parochial, over-rated, 'Old Firm' Glasgow derby, I always root for injuries!


Whilst I concur with your sentiments as a lover of the smokie I can't bring myself to support the dour buggers from north of Torry.

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45 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Didn't realise I would have to justify my opinion as this thread is about who is our "preferred winners". IMO, a team that has reached the final twice in 2 years is showing consistency and therefore, again IMO, probably deserve it more than the opposition. That's why I have named Liverpool as my preferred choice. That said, anything can happen in a one off game.

Yes, the OP was simply seeking one's preference. You were the first to offer some unsolicited justification for your selection to which I responded. Your opinion and reasoning is sound as in retrospect, the European greats like Barça, Bayern and Juve have all gone off the boil of late. Wasn't it refreshing to see Ajax doing so well so quickly?


No matter, I do reckon it is Liverpool's to lose (again). I just wonder if the 'aftershock' from whatever happens this weekend in the EPL will still have any impact on how Liverpool approaches the CL in June.  A very emotive subject with the possibility of Liverpool rubber stamping the rediscovery of their lost European greatness a very popular theme right now. But it seems there's far more pressure and value in them getting the EPL crown THIS year. It's that or face another year with the empty trophy cabinet being conflated with some far-fetched allusion of being 'adrift' in a domestic, top-flight footy wilderness. But maybe that's just how the (mainly) Everton fans give themselves a warm-fuzzy feeling?


By the same token, with Spurs being the perpetual EPL bridesmaid of late, maybe their approach in Madrid will be less pressurized than the Anfield one? I see more value in spreading the English club success in Europe with Spurs joining the top pantheon, if only momentarily since their last European successes were so long ago, nobody can remember the dates off hand. At least nobody's making too much about their ~35 years in the European trophy 'wilderness'. Maybe next year someone will look up that stat when the owners get tired of Poch (or vice versa) and they start selling Kane, Alderweireld and other assets to help pay for the new house.


So for the CL, I kinda favor Spurs. Get 'er done while you have a half-decent shot at it. Klopp's crew can wait another 12 months as they aint going anywhere.


For the EC. No brainer there. Arsenal.

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1 hour ago, RonniePickering22 said:


Whilst I concur with your sentiments as a lover of the smokie I can't bring myself to support the dour buggers from north of Torry.

Yeah, despite the best efforts of Derek McInnes, after subsequent years of underinvestment, me too.


I have thrown my (latest) hat in with Peterhead as winners of SL2... at last! Further north but arguably less dour now they're in SL1?

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14 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Yeah, despite the best efforts of Derek McInnes, after subsequent years of underinvestment, me too.


I have thrown my (latest) hat in with Peterhead as winners of SL2... at last! Further north but arguably less dour now they're in SL1?


Doing well and a proper club.


Used to hate the casual wan@ers at the pubs down from Crown St all mouthing off on a Saturday about how hard they were.


One on one they would have been murdered by Peterhead lads lol.

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9 hours ago, NanLaew said:

By the same token, with Spurs being the perpetual EPL bridesmaid of late, maybe their approach in Madrid will be less pressurized than the Anfield one? I see more value in spreading the English club success in Europe with Spurs joining the top pantheon, if only momentarily since their last European successes were so long ago, nobody can remember the dates off hand. At least nobody's making too much about their ~35 years in the European trophy 'wilderness'.

WRT the apparent insignificance of Spur's last winning appearance in a European final, this popped up on another forum and it made me spill my tea. Apologies if it's an old one but I think it's a good one.


"BREAKING: Madrid police have raised concerns that Tottenham fans may take flares to the stadium on 1st June.
Because that’s what they wore the last time they were in a European final."

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Arsenal for the Europa League. I like Emery and enjoy watching Lacazette and Aubemayang.

Don't mind about Liverpool or Spurs. Both have good claims deserving it. Spurs produced the most drama in the QF and SF. I can relate to that more.

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  • 3 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, jellydog said:

Leave it to the suits to <deleted> up what ought to be a great spectacle. What a shitty stadium and atmosphere.

Do you live in South America now? Tell us about the atmosphere in Argentina.... Best in the world? 

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