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Hospital with an interventionist


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I am currently living on Koh Samui and being treated for pneumonia. I need the services of an interventionist to remove loculant from my lung. (Basically someone skilled in the procedure of sticking a needle in my back and sucking bad gunk from my lung.)


There is no interventionist at any of the hospitals on Koh Samui. So my choices are Bangkok or Phuket. Phuket flights for me are easier, quicker and cheaper


Do any of you have a recommended hospital over there in Phuket that might be able to carry out this procedure?


Thanks in hope

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feel bad for your trouble, must be terrible. try Bangkok hospital Phuket or phuket international, both have good reputable specialists....good luck, hope you feel better

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I also send best wishes for a speedy recovery.  At one time, i had a "Plueral Effusion" (spelling?), that is, fluid build-up around the lining of the lung and had to routinely have the same procedure, though I never remember hearing it referred to an "intervention"  The anticipation of the procedure was usually worse than the procedure itself.  When done with skill, there was little pain, just an occasional twinge and the general discomfort of feeling one's body invaded. 

I think you are wise to make the effort to find a skilled practitioner and wish you success.

Edited by dddave
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Thank you all for your good wishes.


I have emailed both suggested hospitals, but no reply as of yet.


dddave - yes - they have tried that one but apparently this 'loculant' is a bit of a bad boy and needs a 'specialist' (A bigger needle perhaps?)


Once again, thanks for your responses. Bumrungrad in Bangkok have got back to me.

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On 5/13/2019 at 9:05 AM, stevenl said:

Normally with something like this the hospital you're being treated at will be able to give a good recommendation, and probably even arrange appointment etc.

Yes - that is what I thought too. The specialist at the hospital here in Samui said 'you need to find a hospital in Bangkok with an interventionist!' Having spent 200,000 baht so far here to get to that stage in the treatment, I was hoping for a better response than that.


Anyway - Bumrungrad will do it. Still not straight forward. Went there today as you have to see a doctor first. He tried the needle in the back and then said - you need a surgeon and so I have to go back on Friday. 'Surgeon on holiday!' (It's a long story and I won't bore you with the details!)


Once again - thank you people.


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On 5/17/2019 at 2:18 PM, Toknarok said:

       Sorry to be a bit of a killjoy but will the airlines let you fly with your condition? Maybe best to not let them know.

Flew up to Bangkok OK.


Had wheelchair assistance - no problem.

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