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Thai man admits to rape of Norwegian tourist on Koh Phangan


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8 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Jail for a month for dealing drugs? What is he going to get for rape? 500 baht and a wai?

I think that the sentences for Rape are actually quite heavy around here, … like a lot heavier then they hand down in the a smack in the fingers, and “Naughty Boy” West I think.


A Thai friend of mine, helped his wife with the Police, to put away a young man that was an Itinerate builder once, he lived on a building site, with a group of other young men, in the usual galvanized iron shacks.    My friends very mentally disable maid, had been walking past the site, and they ?  or he, … called her over I think, was the facts ..  And she went in with them, in to their rough accommodation, under her own free will,, ….  Bur she WAS very mentally disables, and well, probably said yes, ..  And then NO later on.  Like when she was walking home ! …. …  And my friend privately told me that he really did not think that the young man was actually guilty.    But my Friends wife was adamant, and TIT … The woman do often rule if you have not noticed.


….  The young man was put away for 30 years I think ….  And probably would not get out for 15 with pardons … and then, as a total ruined Human being, ( like this Rapist in Ko Pagan probably is ).  ….  Like a young man’s Life, … Just Totally destroyed and lost.

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Every time there is a crime committed and photos of the arrest, every high ranking police official shows up for pictures.

It reminds me of K-Pop.  One or two attractive girls do the singing and another 5 or 6 do nothing but look pretty and dance around. 

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8 hours ago, MARK74 said:

I will leave the moral breakdown stuff out of it but i doubt there is any real difference in the number of similar rapes happening in other party hot spots around the world or how they are dealt with by the local authorities. wander around deserted places in the middle of the night anywhere and as a lone female you may be putting yourself at risk as may a lone guy.

as for thais raping foreigners being dismissed, i'll just put that down to too many hours spent on here


I agree with all you say bar the assertion that local authorities act in the same fashion as their western counterparts. Im sure you are well aware that if the offender is sufficiently well connected there is every chance that they will literally get away with murder.

Edited by joecoolfrog
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3 hours ago, MARK74 said:

I will leave the moral breakdown stuff out of it but i doubt there is any real difference in the number of similar rapes happening in other party hot spots around the world or how they are dealt with by the local authorities. wander around deserted places in the middle of the night anywhere and as a lone female you may be putting yourself at risk as may a lone guy.

as for thais raping foreigners being dismissed, i'll just put that down to too many hours spent on here


sorry but you're another foreigner who is bling to whats going on in Thailand. it may happen in other places but there is a lot more going on her regarding hatred of foreigners and xenophobia then anywhere else I know. i am very pleased they caught this guy but it is another nail in the coffin of an already seriously declining amount of foreigners.


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13 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Jail for a month for dealing drugs? What is he going to get for rape? 500 baht and a wai?

Under Thai law, a rapist can get anything from four to twenty years jail and a fine ranging from 8,000 to 40,000 baht. 


Having just come out of jail, and the victim being a white tourist, one might expect this guy to have the book thrown at him.

Edited by Krataiboy
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How unusual that he should 'admit' to the rape so quickly.... I guess he must have a conscience and is eager to serve his time in jail.

Or maybe a quick check of how many finger nails he has left might be in order?

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7 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

So the fact you think it is not an immoral activity to rape then you sir appear to condone the act. If you think other civilised nations cover up and/or give as lenient sentences to rapists as Thailand does then you appear to be extremely misguided.

You have misunderstood Mark's post. I suggest you read it again.

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

He said the woman was drunk, hugged his waist and leaned on his bag and so he drove her to the repair shop hoping to have consensual sex.

This is not a good idea, in any country.  She will not do this again. The good news is she is still alive. 

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14 hours ago, Shadychris said:

How unusual that he should 'admit' to the rape so quickly.... I guess he must have a conscience and is eager to serve his time in jail.

Or maybe a quick check of how many finger nails he has left might be in order?

50% reduction in jail time if you fess up straight away.

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On 5/13/2019 at 6:55 PM, geoffbezoz said:

Given what appears to be a complete moral breakdown in Thailand, Ruling classes, government etc then nothing will change. A Thai raping a foreigner is almost dismissed these days.

Its a shame that thai visa backs up their stories by informing us of what fine or sentence he got. If they can find his oenis CHOP it off

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