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Thais looking at all farang as a walking ATM. Annoying ways of trying to get baht. Examples included

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Some tourists come for a week and spend thousands of euro/dollars.  So Thais expectations are raised......but I hate how Thai friends and esp girls act by always asking to be bought something.


One spa owner family I know of, constantly ask for me to buy them food when I visit for a massage.   This weeks examples from them alone:


Brother asks me to pay for him at a street vendor. And later to buy his mom food.  Note that they own the business and probably have money.  I buy several massages each time I go.   


When I paid for my massage, the brother tried to get me to pay for THE OWNERS massage also at FULL PRICE.   When I said no, <deleted>, he went to ask her.    


They must think I am a cuck for wanting to pay for HER massage at HER spa without even saying anything prior.  I should get a discount for going.


Her daughter is hot and likes me and she wants me to buy her daughter for marriage, yet she is already married to some farang chump and has a kid with. 


Mind u I do not have much money, nor income at the moment nor old or rich.  I look poor.


That family has made a lifestyle of getting money from men.  Daughter used to be an ex go go dancer she told me.  Her mom must pimp her?  I noticed she caught me grabbing her ass several times over the year. But never says anything




Other ways of thais trying to use me is my gf who constantly tells me the bills are MUCH higher then they are.  Or rent is $3000 baht more.


Tell us about your experiences?

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a friend visited recently for three months, he budgeted 1000 GBP/week excluding travel and accom. he ended up spending 1500 GBP/week. not my scene and IMHO absolutely crazy, but as the locals like to say; up to him.


oh yea and i saw some of the girls - they weren't up to much.



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3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

You couldn't make it up ... ?

I had sex with her before, but she has not tried to do it with me in the past 2 months.   I tell her, I get much better service going anywhere else with the amount of money I spend on her.


Always saying BUY ME but I just give a few hundred baht when I am with her. 1,000 at the most if eating

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